string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='2001' AND fasc_issn='00177377' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-14    

Articles table of contents

Results : 14

Authors: Polos Gocanean
Journal: Handes amsorya
Citation: Polos Gocanean, "Ar" naxdiri gorcacutiwne dasakan grabari mej ew nergoyakane orpes uroyn holov, Handes amsorya , 115(1-12), 2001, pp. 1-36

Authors: Lewon Xacerean
Journal: Handes amsorya
Citation: Lewon Xacerean, Elise patmice ew ir matenagrakan yusarjane, Handes amsorya , 115(1-12), 2001, pp. 37-72

Authors: Lewon Lacikean
Journal: Handes amsorya
Citation: Lewon Lacikean, Xacatur Erzrumecin ew haykakan klasicizmi gelagitutiwne, Handes amsorya , 115(1-12), 2001, pp. 73-96

Authors: Babken Yarutiwnean
Journal: Handes amsorya
Citation: Babken Yarutiwnean, Mec Hayki bdesxutiwnneri ew bdesxutean hastatutean surj, Handes amsorya , 115(1-12), 2001, pp. 97-180

Authors: Grigor Brutean
Journal: Handes amsorya
Citation: Grigor Brutean, Hayoc darji tuakani masin, Handes amsorya , 115(1-12), 2001, pp. 181-228

Authors: Gagik Sargsean
Journal: Handes amsorya
Citation: Gagik Sargsean, Vimagragitakan noroytner (Hawuc tar), Handes amsorya , 115(1-12), 2001, pp. 229-256

Authors: Edda Vardanyan
Journal: Handes amsorya
Citation: Edda Vardanyan, Un psautier Arménien illustré du XVe siècle, Handes amsorya , 115(1-12), 2001, pp. 257-280

Authors: Tiran Marutean
Journal: Handes amsorya
Citation: Tiran Marutean, Lekiti bolorak tacare, Handes amsorya , 115(1-12), 2001, pp. 281-354

Authors: Yarutiwn Marutean
Journal: Handes amsorya
Citation: Yarutiwn Marutean, Calkepsake orpes cucapastar (Celaspanutiwne ew hay inknutean patkeragrutiwne), Handes amsorya , 115(1-12), 2001, pp. 355-410

Authors: Varuzan Polosean
Journal: Handes amsorya
Citation: Varuzan Polosean, Hamidean kotoracnere Fransiakan hasarakakan mtki gnahatmamb, Handes amsorya , 115(1-12), 2001, pp. 411-456

Authors: Alvard Laziyean
Journal: Handes amsorya
Citation: Alvard Laziyean, Kajberunu banahawakcakan gorcuneutiwne, Handes amsorya , 115(1-12), 2001, pp. 457-466

Authors: Paroyr Muradean
Journal: Handes amsorya
Citation: Paroyr Muradean, S. Simeon Siwnakeac krtseri varke (hayerin veraberol mi hrasagorcutean kapakcuteamb), Handes amsorya , 115(1-12), 2001, pp. 467-476

Authors: Armenuhi Stepanean
Journal: Handes amsorya
Citation: Armenuhi Stepanean, Hayoc tarazanaxseri gunayin hamakarge ew zolovrdakan gunenkalume, Handes amsorya , 115(1-12), 2001, pp. 477-500

Authors: Abel Manoukyan
Journal: Handes amsorya
Citation: Abel Manoukyan, Die armenisch-apostolische kirche in der Schweiz, Handes amsorya , 115(1-12), 2001, pp. 501-515
Results: 1-14