string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='2001' AND fasc_issn='02558831' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-7    

Articles table of contents

Results : 7

Authors: Martin van Schaik
Journal: Imago musicae
Citation: Martin Van Schaik, The divine bird : the meaning and development of the water bird embellishment on musical instruments in ancient Greece, Imago musicae , 18/19, 2001, pp. 11-33

Authors: Alexandra Goulaki-Voutira
Journal: Imago musicae
Citation: Alexandra Goulaki-voutira, Music on phlyax vases, Imago musicae , 18/19, 2001, pp. 35-57

Authors: Frederick G. Naerebout
Journal: Imago musicae
Citation: Frederick G. Naerebout, The Baker dancer and other Hellenistic statuettes of dancers : illustrating the use of imagery in the study of dance in the ancient Greek world, Imago musicae , 18/19, 2001, pp. 59-83

Authors: Zhores D. Khachatryan
Journal: Imago musicae
Citation: Zhores D. Khachatryan, Representations of music on Armenian terracottas and toreutics (second millennium B.C. - third century A.D.), Imago musicae , 18/19, 2001, pp. 85-98

Authors: Zhenya Khachatryan
Journal: Imago musicae
Citation: Zhenya Khachatryan, Dance and musical instruments on "The bowl of Pacorus", Imago musicae , 18/19, 2001, pp. 99-105

Authors: Nico Staiti
Journal: Imago musicae
Citation: Nico Staiti, Musicians in a mosaic from the "Villa di Cicerone" at Pompeii, Imago musicae , 18/19, 2001, pp. 107-119

Authors: Febo Guizzi
Journal: Imago musicae
Citation: Febo Guizzi, The oboe of Quintus Appeus Eutychianus : a rare representation of a Roman single conical reed-pipe, Imago musicae , 18/19, 2001, pp. 121-154
Results: 1-7