string(239) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ESSPER' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='2001' AND fasc_issn='03908127' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-9    

Articles table of contents

Results : 9

Authors: Spedicato, Emilio Luksan, Ladislav
Citation: Emilio Spedicato et Ladislav Luksan, A globally convergent nonlinear ABS algorithm, theory and numerical experiments, Ricerca operativa, 31(98/100), 2001, pp. 11-19

Authors: Zun Quan, Xia Li Wei, Zhang
Citation: Xia Zun Quan et Zhang Li Wei, ABS algorithms for solving linearly constrained optimization problems via the active set strategy, Ricerca operativa, 31(98/100), 2001, pp. 21-49

Authors: Zun Quan, Xia Li Wei, Zhang Yong Jin, Liu
Citation: Xia Zun Quan et al., Applications of the ABS method to systems of linear matrix integer equations, Ricerca operativa, 31(98/100), 2001, pp. 51-66

Authors: Li Wei, Zhang
Citation: Zhang Li Wei, Computing inertias of KKT matrix and reduced Hessian via the ABS algorithm, Ricerca operativa, 31(98/100), 2001, pp. 67-86

Authors: En Min, Feng Yong, Wang
Citation: Feng En Min et Wang Yong, On the use of ABS algorithms in the modelling of oil deposits, Ricerca operativa, 31(98/100), 2001, pp. 87-107

Authors: De_Lotto, Roberto Ferrara, Antonella
Citation: Roberto De_Lotto et Antonella Ferrara, An analog differential model to solve location problems in urban planning., Ricerca operativa, 31(97), 2001, pp. 3-22

Authors: Krayer, Marilena Cocchetto, Cristina
Citation: Marilena Krayer et Cristina Cocchetto, A mathematical model for periodic scheduling of personnel : a firm case., Ricerca operativa, 31(97), 2001, pp. 23-36

Authors: Krishnamoorty, A. Raju, N.
Citation: A. Krishnamoorty et N. Raju, N-policy for a production inventory system with random lifetimes., Ricerca operativa, 31(97), 2001, pp. 37-46

Authors: Saati M., S. Zarafat Angiz L., M. Memariani, A. Jahanshahloo, G. R.
Citation: S. Saati M. et al., A model for ranking decision making units in data envelopment analysis., Ricerca operativa, 31(97), 2001, pp. 47-59
Results: 1-9