string(239) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ESSPER' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='2001' AND fasc_issn='11217081' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-30    

Articles table of contents

Results : 1-25/30

Authors: Groes, Nils Holm, Anders Olsen, Tina Honoré
Journal: Labour
Citation: Nils Groes et al., Youth unemployment and opportunities in the labour market - The myth of lifelong hysteresis, Labour, 15(4), 2001, pp. 531-554

Authors: Everaert, Gerdie
Journal: Labour
Citation: Gerdie Everaert, Infrequent large shocks to unemployment: new evidence on alternative persistence perspectives, Labour, 15(4), 2001, pp. 555-577

Authors: Meckl, Jurgen
Journal: Labour
Citation: Jurgen Meckl, Efficiency-wage unemployment and economic welfare in a model of endogenous growth, Labour, 15(4), 2001, pp. 579-602

Authors: Scoppa, Vincenzo De Paola, Maria
Journal: Labour
Citation: Vincenzo Scoppa et Maria De Paola, The role of family ties in the labour market. An interpretation based on efficiency wage theory, Labour, 15(4), 2001, pp. 603-623

Authors: Lai, Ching-Chong Chang, Wen-Ya Chang, Juin-jen Liao, Chia-lih
Journal: Labour
Citation: Ching-Chong Lai et al., Employment policy, the crowding-out effect and imperfect competition, Labour, 15(4), 2001, pp. 625-640

Authors: Bruinshoofd, Allard Hollanders, Hugo Ter Weel, Bas
Journal: Labour
Citation: Allard Bruinshoofd et al., Knowledge spillovers and wage inequality: an empirical analysis of dutch manufacturing, Labour, 15(4), 2001, pp. 641-661

Authors: Broersma, Lourens Gautier, Pieter A.
Journal: Labour
Citation: Lourens Broersma et Pieter A. Gautier, The timing of labour reallocation and the business cycle: evidence for the Netherlands, Labour, 15(4), 2001, pp. 663-684

Authors: Lucas, Robert E.B. Hofmeyr, Julian F.
Journal: Labour
Citation: Robert E.B. Lucas et Julian F. Hofmeyr, The rise in union wage premiums in South Africa, Labour, 15(4), 2001, pp. 685-719

Authors: Falch, Torberg
Journal: Labour
Citation: Torberg Falch, Decentralized public sector wage determination: wage curve and wage comparison for norwegian teachers in the pre-WW2 period, Labour, 15(3), 2001, pp. 343-369

Authors: Bashaw, David J. Heywood, John S.
Journal: Labour
Citation: David J. Bashaw et John S. Heywood, The gender earnings gap for US physicians: has equality been achieved, Labour, 15(3), 2001, pp. 371-391

Authors: Brookes, Mick Hinks, Timothy Watson, Duncan
Journal: Labour
Citation: Mick Brookes et al., Comparison in gender wage differentials and discrimination between Germany and the United Kingdom, Labour, 15(3), 2001, pp. 393-414

Authors: Johnes, Geraint Soopramanien, Didier
Journal: Labour
Citation: Geraint Johnes et Didier Soopramanien, A new look at gender effects in participation and occupation choice, Labour, 15(3), 2001, pp. 415-443

Authors: Slok, Torsten
Journal: Labour
Citation: Torsten Slok, Trade union preferences in double dividend models, Labour, 15(3), 2001, pp. 445-456

Authors: Deléchat, Corinne
Journal: Labour
Citation: Corinne Deléchat, International migration dynamics: the role of experience and social networks, Labour, 15(3), 2001, pp. 457-486

Authors: Carneiro, Francisco G. Faria, Ricardo Joao
Journal: Labour
Citation: Francisco G. Carneiro et Ricardo Joao Faria, Macroeconomic determinants of equilibrium unemployment insurance, Labour, 15(3), 2001, pp. 487-499

Authors: Billari, Francesco C. Aassve, Arnstein Ongaro, Fausta
Journal: Labour
Citation: Francesco C. Billari et al., The impact of income and employment status on leaving home: evidence from the italian ECHP sample 501, Labour, 15(3), 2001, pp. 501-529

Authors: Addison, John T. Teixeira, Paulino
Journal: Labour
Citation: John T. Addison et Paulino Teixeira, Technology, employment and wages, Labour, 15(2), 2001, pp. 191-219

Authors: Arabsheibani, G. Reza Marin, Alan
Journal: Labour
Citation: G. Reza Arabsheibani et Alan Marin, Union membership and the union wage gap in the UK, Labour, 15(2), 2001, pp. 221-236

Authors: Bauer, Thomas Gang, Ira N.
Journal: Labour
Citation: Thomas Bauer et Ira N. Gang, Sibling rivalry in educational attainment: the german case, Labour, 15(2), 2001, pp. 237-255

Authors: Black, Boyd
Journal: Labour
Citation: Boyd Black, National culture and industrial relations and pay structures, Labour, 15(2), 2001, pp. 257-277

Authors: Den Butter, Frank A.G. Broersma, Lourens
Journal: Labour
Citation: Frank A.G. Den Butter et Lourens Broersma, Labour flows as determinants of the wage-price spiral: an empirical analysis for the Netherlands, Labour, 15(2), 2001, pp. 279-294

Authors: Laaksonen, Seppo Vainiomaki, Jari
Journal: Labour
Citation: Seppo Laaksonen et Jari Vainiomaki, Technology effects on wages in finnish manufacturing, Labour, 15(2), 2001, pp. 295-316

Authors: Kaiser, Ulrich Pfeiffer, Friedhelm
Journal: Labour
Citation: Ulrich Kaiser et Friedhelm Pfeiffer, Collective wage agreements and firms' employment policies, Labour, 15(2), 2001, pp. 317-341

Authors: Giannetti, Mariassunta
Journal: Labour
Citation: Mariassunta Giannetti, Skill complementarities and migration decisions, Labour, 15(1), 2001, pp. 1-31

Authors: Borghans, Lex Wieling, Myra
Journal: Labour
Citation: Lex Borghans et Myra Wieling, Discrepancies between supply and demand adjustment processes in the labour market, Labour, 15(1), 2001, pp. 33-56
Results: 1-25 | 26-30