string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='2002' AND fasc_issn='00029297' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-85    

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Results : 1-25/85

Authors: Marie, S. Race, V. Nassogne, M.C. Vincent, M. F. Berghe, G. Van : den
Citation: S. Marie, et al., Mutation of a Nuclear Respiratory Factor 2 Binding Site in the 5. Untranslated Region of the ADSL Gene in Three Patients with Adenylosuccinate Lyase Deficiency, American journal of human genetics , 71(1), 2002, pp. 14-21

Authors: Katsanis, Nicholas Eichers, Erica R. Ansley, Stephan J. Lewis, Richard Alan Kayserili, Hülya Hoskins, Bethan E. Scambler, Peter J. Beales, Philip L. Lupski, James R.
Citation: Katsanis, Nicholas et al., BBS4 Is a Minor Contributor to Bardet-Biedl Syndrome and May Also Participate in Triallelic Inheritance, American journal of human genetics , 71(1), 2002, pp. 22-29

Authors: Urbán, Zsolt Riazi, Sheila Seidl, Thomas L. Katahira, Jodi Smoot, Leslie B. Chitayat, David Boyd, Charles D. Hinek, Aleksander
Citation: Urbán, Zsolt et al., Connection between Elastin Haploinsufficiency and Increased Cell Proliferation in Patients with Supravalvular Aortic Stenosis and Williams-Beuren Syndrome, American journal of human genetics , 71(1), 2002, pp. 30-44

Authors: Bartlett, Christopher W. Flax, Judy F. Logue, Mark W. Vieland, Veronica J. Bassett, Anne S. Tallal, Paula Brzustowicz, Linda M.
Citation: W. Bartlett, Christopher et al., A Major Susceptibility Locus for Specific Language Impairment Is Located on 13q21, American journal of human genetics , 71(1), 2002, pp. 45-55

Authors: Etzel, Carol J. Guerra, Rudy
Citation: J. Etzel, Carol et Guerra, Rudy, Meta-analysis of Genetic-Linkage Analysis of Quantitative-Trait Loci, American journal of human genetics , 71(1), 2002, pp. 56-65

Authors: Wang, Kun Zhou, Bing Kuo, Yien-Ming Zemansky, Jason Gitschier, Jane
Citation: Wang, Kun et al., A Novel Member of a Zinc Transporter Family Is Defective in Acrodermatitis Enteropathica, American journal of human genetics , 71(1), 2002, pp. 66-73

Authors: Vermeire, Severine Wild, Gary Kocher, Karry Cousineau, Josee Dufresne, Line Bitton, Alain Langelier, Diane Pare, Pierre Lapointe, Gilles Cohen, Albert Daly, Mark J. Rioux, John D.
Citation: Vermeire, Severine et al., CARD15 Genetic Variation in a Quebec Population: Prevalence, Genotype-Phenotype Relationship, and Haplotype Structure, American journal of human genetics , 71(1), 2002, pp. 74-83

Authors: Osier, Michael V. Pakstis, Andrew J. Soodyall, Himla Comas, David Goldman, David Odunsi, Adekunle Okonofua, Friday Parnas, Josef Shulz, Leslie O. Bertranpetit, Jaume Bonne-Tamir, Batsheva Lu, Ru-Band Kidd, Judith R. Kidd, Kenneth K.
Citation: V. Osier, Michael et al., A Global Perspective on Genetic Variation at the ADH Genes Reveals Unusual Patterns of Linkage Disequilibrium and Diversity, American journal of human genetics , 71(1), 2002, pp. 84-99

Authors: Yu, Chang-En Dawson, Geraldine Munson, Jeffrey D.Souza, Ian Osterling, Julie Estes, Annette Leutenegger, Anne-Louise Flodman, Pamela Smith, Moyra Raskind, Wendy H. Spence, Anne M. McMahon, William Wijsman, Ellen M. Schellenberg, Gerard D.
Citation: Yu, Chang-en et al., Presence of Large Deletions in Kindreds with Autism, American journal of human genetics , 71(1), 2002, pp. 100-115

Authors: Wang, Liang McDonnell, Shannon K. Elkins, David A. Slager, Susan L. Christensen, Eric Marks, Angela F. Cunningham, Julie M. Peterson, Brett J. Jacobsen, Steven J. Cerhan, James R. Blute, Michael L. Schaid, Daniel J. Thibodeau, Stephen N.
Citation: Wang, Liang et al., Analysis of the RNASEL Gene in Familial and Sporadic Prostate Cancer, American journal of human genetics , 71(1), 2002, pp. 116-123

Authors: Pankratz, Nathan Nichols, WIlliam C. Uniacke, Sean K. Halter, Cheryl Rudolph, Alice Shults, Cliff Conneally, Michael P. Foroud, Tatiana the Parkinson Study Group
Citation: Pankratz, Nathan et al., Genome Screen to Identify Susceptibility Genes for Parkinson Disease in a Sample without parkin Mutations, American journal of human genetics , 71(1), 2002, pp. 124-135

Authors: Jackson, Andrew P. Eastwood, Helen Bell, Sandra M. Adu, Jimi Toomes, Carmel Carr, Ian M. Roberts, Emma Hampshire, Daniel J. Crow, Yanik J. Mighell, Alan J. Karbani, Gulshan Jafri, Hussain Rashid, Yasmin Mueller, Robert F. Markham, Alexander F. Woods, Geoffrey C.
Citation: P. Jackson, Andrew et al., Identification of Microcephalin, a Protein Implicated in Determining the Size of the Human Brain, American journal of human genetics , 71(1), 2002, pp. 136-142

Authors: Watkins, David Ru, Ming Hwang, Hye-Yeon Kim, Caroline D. Murray, Angus Philip, Noah S. Kim, William Legakis, Helen Wai, Timothy Hilton, John F. Ge, Bing Doré, Carole Hosack, Angela Wilson, Aaron Gravel, Roy A. Shane, Barry Hudson, Thomas J. Rosenblatt, David S.
Citation: Watkins, David et al., Hyperhomocysteinemia Due to Methionine Synthase Deficiency, cblG: Structure of the MTR Gene, Genotype Diversity, and Recognition of a Common Mutation, P1173L, American journal of human genetics , 71(1), 2002, pp. 143-153

Authors: Schrijver, Iris Liu, Wanguo Odom, Raanan Brenn, Thomas Oefner, Peter Furthmayr, Heinz Francke, Uta
Citation: Schrijver, Iris et al., Premature Termination Mutations in FBN1: Distinct Effects on Differential Allelic Expression and on Protein and Clinical Phenotypes, American journal of human genetics , 71(2), 2002, pp. 223-237

Authors: Sham, Pak C. Purcell, Shaun Cherny, Stacey S. Abecasis, Gonçalo R.
Citation: C. Sham, Pak et al., Powerful Regression-Based Quantitative-Trait Linkage Analysis of General Pedigrees, American journal of human genetics , 71(2), 2002, pp. 238-253

Authors: Shi, Quinghua Spriggs, Elizabeth Field, Leigh L. Rademaker, Alfred Ko, Evelyn Barclay, Leona Martin, Renée H.
Citation: Shi, Quinghua et al., Absence of Age Effect on Meiotic Recombination between Human X and Y Chromosomes, American journal of human genetics , 71(2), 2002, pp. 254-261

Authors: Astuto, L. M. Bork, J. M. Weston, M. D. Askew, J. W. Fields, R. R. Orten, D. J. Ohliger, S. J. Riazuddin, S. Morell, R. J. Khan, S. Riazuddin, S. Kremer, H. van Hauwe, P. Moller, C. G. Cremers, C. W. R. J. Ayuso, C. Heckenlively, J. R. Rohrschneider, K. Spandau, U. Greenberg, J. Ramesar, R. Reardon, W. Bitoun, P. Millan, J. Legge, R. Friedman, T. B. Kimberling, W. J.
Citation: M. Astuto, L. et al., CDH23 Mutation and Phenotype Heterogeneity: A Profile of 107 Diverse Families with Usher Syndrome and Nonsyndromic Deafness, American journal of human genetics , 71(2), 2002, pp. 262-275

Authors: Giglio, Sabrina Calvari, Vladimiro Gregato, Giuliana Gimelli, Giorgio Camanini, Silvia Giorda, Roberto Ragusa, Angela Guerneri, Silvana Selicorni, Angelo Stumm, Marcus Tonnies, Holger Ventura, Mario Zollino, Marcella Neri, Giovanni Barber, John Wieczorek, Dagmar Rocchi, Mariano Zuffardi, Orsetta
Citation: Giglio, Sabrina et al., Heterozygous Submicroscopic Inversions Involving Olfactory Receptor.Gene Clusters Mediate the Recurrent t(4;8)(p16;p23) Translocation, American journal of human genetics , 71(2), 2002, pp. 276-285

Authors: Migeon, Barbara R. Lee, Catherine H. Chowdhury, Ashis K. Carpenter, Heater
Citation: R. Migeon, Barbara et al., Species Differences in TSIX/Tsix Reveal the Roles of These Genes in X-Chromosome Inactivation, American journal of human genetics , 71(2), 2002, pp. 286-293

Authors: Hefferon, Timothy W. Broackes-Carter, Fiona C. Harris, Ann Cutting, Garry R.
Citation: W. Hefferon, Timothy et al., Atypical 5. Splice Sites Cause CFTR Exon 9 To Be Vulnerable to Skipping, American journal of human genetics , 71(2), 2002, pp. 294-303

Authors: Ardlie, Kristin G. Lunetta, Kathryn L. Seielstad, Mark
Citation: G. Ardlie, Kristin et al., Testing for Population Subdivision and Association in Four Case-Control Studies, American journal of human genetics , 71(2), 2002, pp. 304-311

Authors: Myers, Jeremy S. Vincent, Bethaney J. Udall, Hunt Scott Watkins, W. Morrish, Tammy A. Kilroy, Gail E. Swergold, Gary D. Henke, Jurgen Henke, Lotte Moran, John V. Jorde, Lynn B. Batzer, Mark A.
Citation: S. Myers, Jeremy et al., A Comprehensive Analysis of Recently Integrated Human Ta L1 Elements, American journal of human genetics , 71(2), 2002, pp. 312-326

Authors: Brouha, Brook Meischl, Cristof Ostertag, Eric de Boer, Martin Zhang, Yue Neijens, Herman Roos, Dirk Kazazian Jr., Haig H.
Citation: Brouha, Brook et al., Evidence Consistent with Human L1 Retrotransposition in Maternal Meiosis I, American journal of human genetics , 71(2), 2002, pp. 327-336

Authors: Straud, Richard E. Jiang, Yuxin MacLean, Charles J. Ma, Yunlong Webb, Bradley T. Myakishev, Maxim V. Harris-Kerr, Carole Wormley, Brandon Sadek, Hannah Kadambi, Bharat Cesare, Anthony J. Gibberman, Avi Wang, Xu O'Neill, Anthony F. Walsh, Dermot Kendler, Kenneth S.
Citation: E. Straud, Richard et al., Genetic Variation in the 6p22.3 Gene DTNBP1, the Human Ortholog of the Mouse Dysbindin Gene, Is Associated with Schizophrenia, American journal of human genetics , 71(2), 2002, pp. 337-348

Authors: Marazita, Mary L. Field, L. Leigh Cooper, Margaret E. Tobias, Rose Maher, Brion S. Peanchitlertkajorn, Supakit Liu, You-e
Citation: L. Marazita, Mary et al., Genome Scan for Loci Involved in Cleft Lip With or Without Cleft Palate, in Chinese Multiplex Families, American journal of human genetics , 71(2), 2002, pp. 349-364
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-85