string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='2002' AND fasc_issn='09610405' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25    

Articles table of contents

Results : 25

Authors: Christoph Bohringer Andreas Loschel
Citation: Christoph Bohringer et Andreas Loschel, Assessing the costs of compliance : the Kyoto protocol, European environment , 12(1), 2002, pp. 1-16

Authors: Susanna Dorigoni Francesco Gulli
Citation: Susanna Dorigoni et Francesco Gulli, Energy tax harmonization in the European Union: a proposal based on the internalization of environmental external costs, European environment , 12(1), 2002, pp. 17-34

Authors: Berit Balfors Jan Schmidtbauer
Citation: Berit Balfors et Jan Schmidtbauer, Swedish guidelines for strategic environmental assessment for EU structural funds, European environment , 12(1), 2002, pp. 35-48

Authors: Brendan Flynn
Citation: Brendan Flynn, Voluntary environmental policy instruments: two irish success stories?, European environment , 12(1), 2002, pp. 49-60

Authors: Nobuko Ichikawa Rie Tsutsumi Kohei Watanabe
Citation: Nobuko Ichikawa et al., Environmental indicators of transition, European environment , 12(2), 2002, pp. 64-76

Authors: E.J.Judge
Citation: E.j.judge, Environmental and economic development issues in the polish motorway programme: a review and an analysis of the public debate, European environment , 12(2), 2002, pp. 77-89

Authors: Chris Pickvance
Citation: Chris Pickvance, Settlement type and local government environmental policy in Hungary: the role of local economic structure and local government resources, European environment , 12(2), 2002, pp. 90-104

Authors: Caedmon Staddon Barbara Cellarius
Citation: Caedmon Staddon et Barbara Cellarius, Paradoxes of conservation and development in postsocialist Bulgaria: recent controversies, European environment , 12(2), 2002, pp. 105-116

Authors: Jonathan D.Oldfield
Citation: Jonathan D.oldfield, Russian environmentalism, European environment , 12(2), 2002, pp. 117-129

Authors: Ton van Snellenberg Rob van de Peppel
Citation: Ton Van Snellenberg et Rob Van De Peppel, Perspectives on compliance: non compliance with environmental licences in the Netherlands, European environment , 12(3), 2002, pp. 131-148

Authors: Marcus Wagner Walter Wehrmeyer
Citation: Marcus Wagner et Walter Wehrmeyer, The relationship of environmental and economic performance at the firm level: a review of empirical studies in Europe e methodological comments, European environment , 12(3), 2002, pp. 149-159

Authors: Cees van Woerkum
Citation: Cees Van Woerkum, Orality in environmental planning, European environment , 12(3), 2002, pp. 160-172

Authors: Bettina Schrader
Citation: Bettina Schrader, Greenhouse gas emission policies in the UK and Germany: influences and responses, European environment , 12(3), 2002, pp. 173-184

Authors: Frank Gagelmann Bernd Hansjurgens
Citation: Frank Gagelmann et Bernd Hansjurgens, Climate protection through tradable permits: the EU proposal for a CO2 emissions trading system in Europe, European environment , 12(3), 2002, pp. 185-202

Authors: E.J.Symons,S.Speck,"J.L.R. Proops
Citation: E.j.symons,s.speck,"j.l.r. Proops, The distributional effects of carbon and energy taxes: the cases of France, Spain, Italy, Germany and UK, European environment , 12(3), 2002, pp. 203-212

Authors: Nikolaos D. Hasanagas Robert Shoesmith
Citation: Nikolaos D. Hasanagas et Robert Shoesmith, The role of the European Parliament in forest environment issues, European environment , 12(3), 2002, pp. 213-223

Authors: Arild Vatn Erling Krogh Frode Gundersen Paul Vedeld
Citation: Arild Vatn et al., Environmetal taxes and politics: the dispute over nitrogen taxes in agriculture, European environment , 12(3), 2002, pp. 224-240

Authors: Peter D. Bailey Gary Haq Andy Gouldson
Citation: Peter D. Bailey et al., Mind the gap! Comparing ex ante and ex post assessments of the costs of complying with environmental regulation, European environment , 12(5), 2002, pp. 245-256

Authors: Paul McMahon
Citation: Paul Mcmahon, Cost of compliance assessments and the water industry in England and Wales, European environment , 12(5), 2002, pp. 257-268

Authors: J.Peter Clinch David Kerins
Citation: J.peter Clinch et David Kerins, Assessing the efficiency of integrated pollution control regulation, European environment , 12(5), 2002, pp. 269-283

Authors: Evan Williams Kenneth Macdonald Vanessa Kind
Citation: Evan Williams et al., Unravelling the competitiveness debate, European environment , 12(5), 2002, pp. 284-290

Authors: Conor P. Barry Frank J. Convery
Citation: Conor P. Barry et Frank J. Convery, The policy relevance of environmental protection expenditure accounting, European environment , 12(5), 2002, pp. 291-301

Authors: Pieter Glasbergen
Citation: Pieter Glasbergen, The green polder model: institutionalizing multi-stakeholder processes in strategic environmental decision-making, European environment , 12(6), 2002, pp. 303-315

Authors: Ibon Galarraga Gallastegui
Citation: Ibon Galarraga Gallastegui, The use of eco-labels: a review of the literature, European environment , 12(6), 2002, pp. 316-331

Authors: Tiago Pellini Joe Morris
Citation: Tiago Pellini et Joe Morris, IPPC and intensive pig production in England and Wales: compliance costs, emission abatement and affordability, European environment , 12(6), 2002, pp. 332-347
Results: 1-25