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Results : 1-25/181

Authors: Edwards, Stephen M. Kote-Jarai, Zsofia Meitz, Julia Hamoudi, Rifat Hope, Questa Osin, Peter Jackson, Rachel Southgate, Christine Singh, Rashmi Faconer, Alison Dearnaley, David P. Ardern-Jones, Audrey Murkin, Annette Dowe, Anna Kelly, Jo Williams, Sue Oram, Richard Stevens, Margaret Teare, Dawn M. Ponder, A.J. Bruce Gayther, Simon A. Cancer Research UK/British Prostate Group UK Familial Prostate Cancer Study Coll British Association of Urological Surgeons Section of Oncology, Easton, Doug F. Eeles, Rosalind A.
Citation: M. Edwards, Stephen et al., Two Percent of Men with Early-Onset Prostate Cancer Harbor Germline Mutations in the BRCA2 Gene, American journal of human genetics , 72(1), 2003, pp. 1-12

Authors: Chen, Qui Reis, Steven E. Kammerer, Candace M. McNamara, Dennis M. Holubkov, Richard Sharaf, Barry L. Sopko, George Pauly, Daniel F. Bairey Merz, C. Noel Kamboh, M. Ilyas WISE Study Group
Citation: Chen, Qui et al., Association between the Severity of Angiographic Coronary Artery Disease and Paraoxonase Gene Polymorphisms in the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.Sponsored Women.s Ischemia Syndrome Evaluation (WISE) Study, American journal of human genetics , 72(1), 2003, pp. 13-22

Authors: Levinson, Douglas F. Levinson, Matthew D. Segurado, Ricardo Lewis, Cathryn M.
Citation: F. Levinson, Douglas et al., Genome Scan Meta-Analysis of Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder, Part I: Methods and Power Analysis, American journal of human genetics , 73(1), 2003, pp. 17-33

Authors: Blom, Daniël Speijer, Dave Linthorst, Gabor E. Donker-Koopman, Wilma G. Strijland, Anneke Aerts, M.F.G. Johannes
Citation: Blom, Daniël et al., Recombinant Enzyme Therapy for Fabry Disease: Absence of Editing of Human .-Galactosidase A mRNA, American journal of human genetics , 72(1), 2003, pp. 23-31

Authors: Gilbert, M. Thomas P. Willerslev, Eske Hansens, Anders J. Barnes, Ian Rudbeck, Lars Lynnerup, Niels Cooper, Alan
Citation: P. Gilbert, M. Thomas et al., Distribution Patterns of Postmortem Damage in Human Mitochondrial DNA, American journal of human genetics , 72(1), 2003, pp. 32-47

Authors: Lewis, Cathryn M. Levinson, Douglas F. Wise, Lesley H. DeLisi, Lynn E. Straub, Richard E. Hovatta, Iiris Williams, Nigel M. Schwab, Sibylle G. Pulver, Ann E. Faraone, Stephen V. Brzustowicz, Linda M. Kaufmann, Charles A. Garver, David L. Gurling, Hugh M.D. Lindholm, Eva Coon, Hilary Moises, Hans W. Byerley, William Shaw, Sarah H. Mesen, Andrea Sherrington, Robin O'Neill, F. Anthony Walsh, Dermot Kendler, Kenneth S. Ekelund, Jesper Paunio, Tiina Lönnqvist, Jouko Peltonen, Leena O'Donovan, Michael C. Owen, Michael J. Wildenauer, Dieter B. Maier, Wolfgang Nestadt, Gerald Blouin, Jean-Louis Antonarakis, Stylianos E. Mowry, Bryan J. Silverman, Jeremy M. Crowe, Raymond R. Cloninger, Robert C. Tsuang, Jeremy M. Malaspina, Dolores Harkavy-Friedman, Jill M. Svrakic, Dragan M. Bassett, Anne S. Holcomb, Jennifer Kalsi, Gursharan McQuillin, Andrew Brynjolfson, Jon Sigmundsson, Thordur Petursson, Hannes Jazin, Elena Zoëga, Tomas Helgason, Tomas
Citation: M. Lewis, Cathryn et al., Genome Scan Meta-Analysis of Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder, Part II: Schizophrenia, American journal of human genetics , 73(1), 2003, pp. 34-48

Authors: Gilbert, M. Thomas P. Hansen, Anders J. Willerslev, Eske Rudbeck, Lars Barnes, Ian Lynnerup, Niels Cooper, Alan
Citation: P. Gilbert, M. Thomas et al., Characterization of Genetic Miscoding Lesions Caused by Postmortem Damage, American journal of human genetics , 72(1), 2003, pp. 48-61

Authors: Segurado, Ricardo Detera-Wadleigh, Sevilla D. Levinson, Douglas F. Lewis, Cathryn M. Gil, Michael Nurnberger, John I., Jr. Craddock, Nick DePaulo, Raymond J. Baron, Miron Gershon, Elliot S. Ekhoolm, Jenny Cichon, Sven Turecki, Gustavo Claes, Stephan Kelsoe, John R. Badenhop, Renee F. Morissette, J. Coon, Hilary Blackwood, Douglas McInnes, L.Allison Foroud, Tatiana Edenberg, Howard J. Reich, Theodore Rice, John P. Goate, Alison McInnis, Melvin G. McMahon, Francis J. Badner, Judith A. Goldin, Lynn R. Bennett, Phil Willour, Virginia L. Zandi, Peter P. Liu, Jianjun Gillam, Conrad Juo, Suh-Hang Berrettini, Wade H. Yoshikawa, Takeo Peltonen, Leena Lönnqvist, Juoko Nöthen, Markus M. Schumacher, Johannes Windemuth, Christine Rietschel, Marcella Proppin, Peter Maier, Wolfgang Alda, Martin Grof, Paul Rouleau, Guy A. Del-Favero, Jurgen Van Broeckhoven, Christine Mendlewicz, Julien Adolfsson, Rolf Spence, M. Anne Luebbert, Hermann Adams, Linda J. Donald, Jennifer A. Mitchell, Philip B. Barden, Nicholas Shink, Eric Byerley, William Muir, Walter Visscher, Peter M. Macgregor, Stuart Gurling, Hugh Kalsi, Gursharan McQuillin, Andrew Escamilla, Michael A. Reus, Victor I. Leon, Pedro Freimer, Nelson B. Ewald, Henrik Kruse, Torben A. Mors, Ole Radhakrishna, Uppala Blouin, Jean-Louis Antonarakis, Stylianos Akarsu, Nurten
Citation: Segurado, Ricardo et al., Genome Scan Meta-Analysis of Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder, Part III: Bipolar Disorder, American journal of human genetics , 73(1), 2003, pp. 49-62

Authors: Yi, Zanhua Garrison, Nanibaa Cohen-Barak, Orit Karafet, Tatiana M. King, RIchard A. Erickson, Robert P. Hammer, Michael F. Brilliant, Murray H.
Citation: Yi, Zanhua et al., A 122.5-Kilobase Deletion of the P Gene Underlies the High Prevalence of Oculocutaneous Albinism Type 2 in the Navajo Population, American journal of human genetics , 72(1), 2003, pp. 62-72

Authors: Zhang, Kui Sun, Fengzhu Wateran, Michael S. Chen, Ting
Citation: Zhang, Kui et al., Haplotype Block Partition with Limited Resources and Applications to Human Chromosome 21 Haplotype Data, American journal of human genetics , 73(1), 2003, pp. 63-73

Authors: Abe, Satoko Katagiri, Toyomasa Saito-Hisaminato, Akihiko Usami, Shin-ichi Inoue, Yasuhiro Tsunoda, Tatsuhiko Nakamura, Yusuke
Citation: Abe, Satoko et al., Identification of CRYM as a Candidate Responsible for Nonsyndromic Deafness, through cDNA Microarray Analysis of Human Cochlear and Vestibular Tissues, American journal of human genetics , 72(1), 2003, pp. 73-82

Authors: Brassington, Anne-Marie E. Sung, Sandy S. Toydemir, Reha M. Le, Trung Roeder, Amy D. Rutherford, Ann E. Whitby, Frank G. Jorde, Lynn B. Bamshad, Michael J.
Citation: E. Brassington, Anne-marie et al., Expressivity of Holt-Oram Syndrome Is Not Predicted by TBX5 Genotype, American journal of human genetics , 73(1), 2003, pp. 74-85

Authors: Stefansson, Hreinn Sarginson, Jane Kong, Augustine Yates, Phil Steinthorsdottir, Valgerdur Gudfinnson, Einar Gunnarsdottir, Steinunn Walker, Nicholas Petursson, Hannes Crombie, Caroline Ingason, Andres Gulcher, Jeffrey R. Stefansson, Kari St Clair, David
Citation: Stefansson, Hreinn et al., Association of Neuregulin 1 with Schizophrenia Confirmed in a Scottish Population, American journal of human genetics , 72(1), 2003, pp. 83-87

Authors: Manilla, H. Koivisto, M. Perola, M. Varilo, T. Hennah, W. Ekelund, J. Lukk, M. Peltonen, L. Ukkonen, E.
Citation: H. Manilla, et al., Minimum Description Length Block Finder, a Method to Identify Haplotype Blocks and to Compare the Strength of Block Boundaries, American journal of human genetics , 73(1), 2003, pp. 86-94

Authors: Borrego, Salud Wright, Fred A. Fernàndez, Raquel M. Williams, Nita Lòpez-Alonso, Manuel Davuluri, Ramana Antiñolo, Guillermo Eng, Charis
Citation: Borrego, Salud et al., A Founding Locus within the RET Proto-Oncogene May Account for a Large Proportion of Apparently Sporadic Hirschsprung Disease and a Subset of Cases of Sporadic Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma, American journal of human genetics , 72(1), 2003, pp. 88-100

Authors: Toro, Jorge R. Nickerson, Michael L. Wei, Ming-Hui Warren, Michelle B. Glenn, Gladys M. Turner, Maria L. Stewart, Laveta Durray, Paul Tourre, Ousman Sharma, Nirmala Choyke, Peter Stratton, Pamela Merino, Maria Walther, McClellan M. Marston Linehan, W. Schmidt, Laura S. Zbar, Berton
Citation: R. Toro, Jorge et al., Mutations in the Fumarate Hydratase Gene Cause Hereditary Leiomyomatosis and Renal Cell Cancer in Families in North America, American journal of human genetics , 73(1), 2003, pp. 95-106

Authors: Antonicka, Hana Mattman, Andre Carlson, Christopher G. Glerum, D. Moira Hoffbuhr, Kristen C. Leary, Scot C. Kennaway, Nancy G. Shoubridge, Eric A.
Citation: Antonicka, Hana et al., Mutations in COX15 Produce a Defect in the Mitochondrial Heme Biosynthetic Pathway, Causing Early-Onset Fatal Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy, American journal of human genetics , 72(1), 2003, pp. 101-114

Authors: Dick, Danielle M. Foroud, Tatiana Flury, Leah Bowman, Elizabeth S. Miller, Marvin J. Rau, N. Leela Moe, P. Ryan Samavedy, Nalini El-Mallakh, Rif Manji, Husseini Glitz, Debra A. Meyer, Eric T. Smiley, Carrie Hahn, Rhoda Widmark, Clifford McKinney, Rebecca Sutton, Laura Ballas, Christos Grice, Dorothy Berrettini, Wade Byerley, William Coryell, William DePaulo, Raymond MacKinnon, Dean F. Gershon, Elliot S. Kelsoe, John R. McMahon, Francis J. McInnis, Melvin Murphy, Dennis L. Reich, Theodore Scheftner, William Nurnberger, John I. , Jr.
Citation: M. Dick, Danielle et al., Genomewide Linkage Analyses of Bipolar Disorder: A New Sample of 250 Pedigrees from the National Institute of Mental Health Genetics Initiative, American journal of human genetics , 73(1), 2003, pp. 107-114

Authors: Dong, Chanhui Wang, Shuang Li, Wei-Dong Li, Ding Zhao, Hongyu Price, R. Arlen
Citation: Dong, Chanhui et al., Interacting Genetic Loci on Chromosomes 20 and 10 Influence Extreme Human Obesity, American journal of human genetics , 72(1), 2003, pp. 115-124

Authors: Meng, Zhaoling Zaykin, Dmitri V. Xu, Chun-Fang Wagner, Michael Ehm, Margaret G.
Citation: Meng, Zhaoling et al., Selection of Genetic Markers for Association Analyses, Using Linkage Disequilibrium and Haplotypes, American journal of human genetics , 73(1), 2003, pp. 115-130

Authors: Karason, Ari Gudjonsson, Johann E. Upmanyu, Ruchi Antonsdottir, Arna A. Hauksson, Valdimar B. Runasdottir, E. Hjaltey Jonsson, Hjortur H. Gudbjartsson, Daniel F. Frigge, Micheal L. Kong, Augustine Stefansson, Kari Valdimarsson, Helgi Gulcher, Jeffrey R.
Citation: Karason, Ari et al., A Susceptibility Gene for Psoriatic Arthritis Maps to Chromosome 16q: Evidence for Imprinting, American journal of human genetics , 72(1), 2003, pp. 125-131

Authors: Bayés, Mònica Magano, Luis F. Rivera, Nùria Flores, Raquel Pérez Jurado, Luis A.
Citation: Bayés, Mònica et al., Mutational Mechanisms of Williams-Beuren Syndrome Deletions, American journal of human genetics , 73(1), 2003, pp. 131-151

Authors: Douglas, Jenny Hanks, Sandra Temple, I. Karen Davies, Sally Murray, Alexandra Upadhyaya, Meena Tomkins, Susan Hughes, Helen E. Cole, R.P. Trevor Rahman, Nazneen
Citation: Douglas, Jenny et al., NSD1 Mutations Are the Major Cause of Sotos Syndrome and Occur in Some Cases of Weaver Syndrome but Are Rare in Other Overgrowth Phenotypes, American journal of human genetics , 72(1), 2003, pp. 132-143

Authors: Wilson, S.G. Reed, P.W. Bansal, A. Chiano, M. Lindersson, M. Langdown, M. Prince, R.L. Thompson, D. Thompson, E. Bailey, M. Kleyn, P.W. Sambrook, P. Shi, M.M. Spector, T.D.
Citation: Wilson, S.g et al., Comparison of Genome Screens for Two Independent Cohorts Provides Replication of Suggestive Linkage of Bone Mineral Density to 3p21 and 1p36, American journal of human genetics , 72(1), 2003, pp. 144-155

Authors: Bray, Nicholas J. Buckland, Paul R. Williams, Nigel M. Norton, Nadine Owen, Michael J. O'Donovan, Michael C. Williams, Hywel J.
Citation: J. Bray, Nicholas et al., A Haplotype Implicated in Schizophrenia Susceptibility Is Associated with Reduced COMT Expression in Human Brain, American journal of human genetics , 73(1), 2003, pp. 152-161
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | >>