string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='2003' AND fasc_issn='00442798' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-32    

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Results : 1-25/32

Citation: G. Delisle et al., Lake Thulagi;Nepal:rapid landscape evolution in reaction to climatic change, Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementband Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplement;Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementary issue Annals of geomorphology. Supplement;Annales de geomorphologie. Supplement, 130, 2003, pp. 1-9

Authors: IGO Hisayoshi
Citation: Igo Hisayoshi, The occurrence of carbonate rocks and paleokarst in Japan, Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementband Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplement;Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementary issue Annals of geomorphology. Supplement;Annales de geomorphologie. Supplement, 131, 2003, pp. 1-15

Authors: BALLANTYNE Colin K.
Citation: K. Ballantyne Colin, Paraglacial landform succession and sediment storage in deglaciated mountain valleys: theory and approaches to calibration, Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementband Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplement;Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementary issue Annals of geomorphology. Supplement;Annales de geomorphologie. Supplement, 132, 2003, pp. 1-18

Authors: FORT Monique
Citation: Fort Monique, Are higt altitude,lava stream;like , debris mixtures all rock glaciers?A perspective from the Western Himalaia, Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementband Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplement;Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementary issue Annals of geomorphology. Supplement;Annales de geomorphologie. Supplement, 130, 2003, pp. 11-29

Citation: Urushibara-yoshino Kazuko, Karst terrain of raised coral islands, Minamidaito and Kikai in the Nansei Islands of Japan, Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementband Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplement;Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementary issue Annals of geomorphology. Supplement;Annales de geomorphologie. Supplement, 131, 2003, pp. 17-31

Citation: Etzelmuller Bernd et al., One-dimensional DC-resistivity depth soundings as a tool in permafrost investigations in high-mountain areas of Southern Norway, Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementband Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplement;Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementary issue Annals of geomorphology. Supplement;Annales de geomorphologie. Supplement, 132, 2003, pp. 19-36

Authors: HEBENSTREIT Robert and BOSE Margot
Citation: Hebenstreit Robert And Bose Margot, Geomorphological evidence for a late Pleistocene glaciation in the high mountains of Taiwan dated with age estimates by Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL), Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementband Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplement;Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementary issue Annals of geomorphology. Supplement;Annales de geomorphologie. Supplement, 130, 2003, pp. 31-49

Authors: DARABOS Gabriella
Citation: Darabos Gabriella, Observation of microbial weathering resulting i peculiar "exfoliation-like" features in limestone from Hirao-dai karst, Japan, Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementband Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplement;Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementary issue Annals of geomorphology. Supplement;Annales de geomorphologie. Supplement, 131, 2003, pp. 33-42

Authors: KNEISEL Christof
Citation: Kneisel Christof, Electrical resistivity tomography as a tool for geomorphological investigations-some case studies, Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementband Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplement;Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementary issue Annals of geomorphology. Supplement;Annales de geomorphologie. Supplement, 132, 2003, pp. 37-49

Authors: TERRY J.P. NUNN P.D.
Citation: Terry J.p et Nunn P.d, Interpreting features of carbonate geomorphology on Niue Island, a raised coral atoll, Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementband Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplement;Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementary issue Annals of geomorphology. Supplement;Annales de geomorphologie. Supplement, 131, 2003, pp. 43-57

Authors: ITURRIZAGA Lasafam
Citation: Iturrizaga Lasafam, Distribution and genesis of lateroglacial valleys in the Karakoram Mountains(Pakistan), Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementband Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplement;Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementary issue Annals of geomorphology. Supplement;Annales de geomorphologie. Supplement, 130, 2003, pp. 51-74

Authors: SASS Oliver
Citation: Sass Oliver, Moisture distribution in rockwalls derived from 2D-resistivity measurements, Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementband Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplement;Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementary issue Annals of geomorphology. Supplement;Annales de geomorphologie. Supplement, 132, 2003, pp. 51-69

Authors: BROOK George A. EMBABI Nabil S. ASHOUR Mahmoud M. EDWARDS Lawrence R. CHENG Hai COWART James B. DABOUS Adel A.
Citation: A. Brook George et al., Quaternary environmental change in the Western Desert of Egypt: Evidence from cave speleothemes, spring tufas, playa sediments, Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementband Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplement;Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementary issue Annals of geomorphology. Supplement;Annales de geomorphologie. Supplement, 131, 2003, pp. 58-87

Authors: HOFFMAN Thomas SCHROTT Lothar
Citation: Hoffman Thomas et Schrott Lothar, Determining sediment thickness of talus slopes and valley fill deposits using seismic refraction - a comparison of 2D interpretation tools, Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementband Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplement;Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementary issue Annals of geomorphology. Supplement;Annales de geomorphologie. Supplement, 132, 2003, pp. 71-87

Authors: KUHLE Matthias
Citation: Kuhle Matthias, New geomorphological of a former Tibetan ice sheet in the central and northeastern part of the high plateau, Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementband Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplement;Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementary issue Annals of geomorphology. Supplement;Annales de geomorphologie. Supplement, 130, 2003, pp. 75-97

Authors: HECHT Stefan
Citation: Hecht Stefan, Differentiation of loose sediments with seismic refraction methods - potentials and limitations derived from case studies, Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementband Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplement;Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementary issue Annals of geomorphology. Supplement;Annales de geomorphologie. Supplement, 132, 2003, pp. 89-102

Authors: SALOMON Jean-Noel
Citation: Salomon Jean-noel, Karst system response in volcanically and tectonically active regions, Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementband Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplement;Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementary issue Annals of geomorphology. Supplement;Annales de geomorphologie. Supplement, 131, 2003, pp. 89-112

Authors: ISCHIKAWA Mamoru FUKUI Kotaro AOYAMA Masafumi IKEDA Atsushi SAWADA Yuki and MATSUOKA Norikazu
Citation: Ischikawa Mamoru et al., Mountain permafrost in Japan:distribution,landforms and thermal regimes, Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementband Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplement;Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementary issue Annals of geomorphology. Supplement;Annales de geomorphologie. Supplement, 130, 2003, pp. 99-116

Authors: BERTHLING Ivar ETZELMULLER Bernd WALE Morgan SOLLID Johan Ludvig
Citation: Berthling Ivar et al., Use of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) soundings for investigating internal structures in rock glaciers. Examples from Prinz Karls Forland, Svalbard, Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementband Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplement;Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementary issue Annals of geomorphology. Supplement;Annales de geomorphologie. Supplement, 132, 2003, pp. 103-121

Authors: SEKIGUCHI Tatsuo and SUGIYAMA Masanori
Citation: Sekiguchi Tatsuo And Sugiyama Masanori, Geomorphological features and distribution of avalanche furrows in heavy snowfall regions in Japan, Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementband Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplement;Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementary issue Annals of geomorphology. Supplement;Annales de geomorphologie. Supplement, 130, 2003, pp. 117-128

Authors: HORDT Andreas ZACHER Gerard
Citation: Hordt Andreas et Zacher Gerard, The radiomagnetotelluric method and its potential application in geomorphology, Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementband Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplement;Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementary issue Annals of geomorphology. Supplement;Annales de geomorphologie. Supplement, 132, 2003, pp. 123-143

Authors: IWATA Shuji NAITO Nozomu NARAMA Chiyuki and KARMA
Citation: Iwata Shuji et al., Rock glaciers and the lower limit of mountain permafrost in the Bhutan Himalayas, Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementband Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplement;Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementary issue Annals of geomorphology. Supplement;Annales de geomorphologie. Supplement, 130, 2003, pp. 129-143

Authors: MATSUOKA Norikazu
Citation: Matsuoka Norikazu, Contemporary permafrost and periglaciation in Asian high mountains:an overview, Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementband Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplement;Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementary issue Annals of geomorphology. Supplement;Annales de geomorphologie. Supplement, 130, 2003, pp. 145-166

Authors: KNEISEL Christof HAUCK Christian
Citation: Kneisel Christof et Hauck Christian, Multi-method geophysical investigation of a sporadic permafrost occurrence, Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementband Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplement;Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementary issue Annals of geomorphology. Supplement;Annales de geomorphologie. Supplement, 132, 2003, pp. 145-159

Authors: HAUCK Christian VONDER MUHLL Daniel
Citation: Hauck Christian et Vonder Muhll Daniel, Evaluation of geophysical techniques for application in mountain permafrost studies, Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementband Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplement;Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementary issue Annals of geomorphology. Supplement;Annales de geomorphologie. Supplement, 132, 2003, pp. 161-190
Results: 1-25 | 26-32