string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='2003' AND fasc_issn='14654644' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
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Results : 1-25/44

Authors: Rosenbaum, Paul R.
Citation: R. Rosenbaum, Paul, Does a dose.response relationship reduce sensitivity to hidden bias?, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 4(1), 2003, pp. 1-10

Authors: Gelfand, Alan E. Vounatsou, Penelope
Citation: E. Gelfand, Alan et Vounatsou, Penelope, Proper multivariate conditional autoregressive models for spatial data analysis, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 4(1), 2003, pp. 11-25

Authors: Mcintosh, Martin W. Urban, Nicole
Citation: W. Mcintosh, Martin et Urban, Nicole, A parametric empirical Bayes method for cancer screening using longitudinal observations of a biomarker, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 4(1), 2003, pp. 27-40

Authors: Baker, Stuart G. Ko, Chia-Wen Graubard, Barry I.
Citation: G. Baker, Stuart et al., A sensitivity analysis for nonrandomly missing categorical data arising from a national health disability survey, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 4(1), 2003, pp. 41-56

Authors: Zhang, Daowen Lin, Xihong
Citation: Zhang, Daowen et Lin, Xihong, Hypothesis testing in semiparametric additive mixed models, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 4(1), 2003, pp. 57-74

Authors: Fan, Ruzong Xiong, Momiao
Citation: Fan, Ruzong et Xiong, Momiao, Linkage and association studies of QTL for nuclear families by mixed models, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 4(1), 2003, pp. 75-95

Authors: Rutter, Carolyn M. Miglioretti, Diana L.
Citation: M. Rutter, Carolyn et L. Miglioretti, Diana, Estimating the accuracy of psychological scales using longitudinal data, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 4(1), 2003, pp. 97-107

Authors: Orbe, Jesus Ferreira, Eva Nunez-Anton, Vicente
Citation: Orbe, Jesus et al., Censored partial regression, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 4(1), 2003, pp. 109-121

Authors: Banerjee, Sudipto Wall, Melanie M. Carlin, Bradley P.
Citation: Banerjee, Sudipto et al., Frailty modeling for spatially correlated survival data, with application to infant mortality in Minnesota, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 4(1), 2003, pp. 123-142

Authors: Johnson, Timothy D. Elashoff, Robert M. Harkema, Susan J.
Citation: D. Johnson, Timothy et al., A Bayesian change.point analysis of electromyographic data: detecting muscle activation patterns and associated applications, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 4(1), 2003, pp. 143-164

Authors: Betensky, Rebecca A. Louis, David N. Cairncross, J. Gregory
Citation: A. Betensky, Rebecca et al., Analysis of a molecular genetic neuro.oncology study with partially biased selection, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 4(2), 2003, pp. 167-178

Authors: Atkinson, Anthony C.
Citation: C. Atkinson, Anthony, The distribution of loss in two.treatment biased.coin designs, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 4(2), 2003, pp. 179-193

Authors: Lange, Christoph Silverman, Edwin K. Xu, Xin Weiss, Scott T. Laird, Nan M.
Citation: Lange, Christoph et al., A multivariate family.based association test using generalized estimating equations: FBAT.GEE, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 4(2), 2003, pp. 195-206

Authors: Gibbons, Robert D. Duan, Naihua Meltzer, David Pope, Andrew Penhoet, Edward D. Dubler, Nancy N. Francis, Charles Gill, Barbara Guinan, Eva Henderson, Maureen Ildstad, Suzanne T. King, Patricia A. Martinez-Maldonado, Manuel Mclain, George E. Murray, Joseph Nelkin, Dorothy Spellman, Mitchell W. Pitluck, Sarah
Citation: D. Gibbons, Robert et al., Waiting for organ transplantation: results of an analysis by an Institute of Medicine Committee, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 4(2), 2003, pp. 207-222

Authors: Xu, Xin Tian, Lu Wei, L.J.
Citation: Xu, Xin et al., Combining dependent tests for linkage or association across multiple phenotypic traits, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 4(2), 2003, pp. 223-229

Authors: Pierce, Donald A. Vaeth, Michael
Citation: A. Pierce, Donald et Vaeth, Michael, Age.time patterns of cancer to be anticipated from exposure to general mutagens, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 4(2), 2003, pp. 231-248

Authors: Irizarry, Rafael A. Hobbs, Bridget Collin, Francois Beazer-Barclay, Yasmin D. Antonellis, Kristen J. Scherf, Uwe Speed, Terence P.
Citation: A. Irizarry, Rafael et al., Exploration, normalization, and summaries of high density oligonucleotide array probe level data, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 4(2), 2003, pp. 249-264

Authors: Sheppard, Lianne
Citation: Sheppard, Lianne, Insights on bias and information in group.level studies, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 4(2), 2003, pp. 265-278

Authors: Farrington, C.P. Kanaan, M.N. Gay, N.J.
Citation: Farrington, C.p et al., Branching process models for surveillance of infectious diseases controlled by mass vaccination, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 4(2), 2003, pp. 279-295

Authors: Liang, Hua Wu, Hulin Carroll, Raymond J.
Citation: Liang, Hua et al., The relationship between virologic and immunologic responses in AIDS clinical research using mixed.effects varying.coefficient models with measurement error, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 4(2), 2003, pp. 297-312

Authors: Alonzo, Todd A. Pepe, Margaret Sullivan Lumley, Thomas
Citation: A. Alonzo, Todd et al., Estimating disease prevalence in two.phase studies, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 4(2), 2003, pp. 313-326

Authors: Joffe, Marshall M. Ten Have, Thomas R. Bresinger, Colleen
Citation: M. Joffe, Marshall et al., The compliance score as a regressor in randomized trials, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 4(3), 2003, pp. 327-340

Authors: Thompson, Mary Lou
Citation: Thompson, Mary Lou, Assessing the diagnostic accuracy of a sequence of tests, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 4(3), 2003, pp. 341-351

Authors: Thompson, Wesley K. Xie, Minge White, Helene R.
Citation: K. Thompson, Wesley et al., Transformations of covariates for longitudinal data, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 4(3), 2003, pp. 353-364

Authors: Thabane, Lehana
Citation: Thabane, Lehana, A closer look at the distribution of number needed to treat (NNT): a Bayesian approach, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 4(3), 2003, pp. 365-370
Results: 1-25 | 26-44