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Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | >>    

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Results : 1-25/138

Authors: Barbouti, Aikaterini Stankiewicz, Pawel Nusbaum, Chad Cuomo, Christina Cook, April Höglund, Mattias Johansson, Bertil Hagemeijer, Anne Park, Sung-Sup Mitelman, Felix Lupski, James R. Fioretos, Thoas
Citation: Barbouti, Aikaterini et al., The Breakpoint Region of the Most Common Isochromosome, i(17q), in Human Neoplasia Is Characterized by a Complex Genomic Architecture with Large, Palindromic, Low-Copy Repeats, American journal of human genetics , 74(1), 2004, pp. 1-10

Authors: Ikeda, Yoshio Dalton, Joline C. Moseley, Melinda L. Gardner, Kathy L. Bird, Thomas D. Ashizawa, Tetsuo Seltzer, William K. Pandolfo, Massimo Milunsky, Aubrey Potter, Nicholas T. Shoji, Mikio Vincent, John B. Day, John W. Ranum, Laura P.W.
Citation: Ikeda, Yoshio et al., Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 8: Molecular Genetic Comparisonsand Haplotype Analysis of 37 Families with Ataxia, American journal of human genetics , 75(1), 2004, pp. 3-16

Authors: Zimprich, Alexander Müller-Myhsok, Bertram Farrer, Matthew Leitner, Petra Sharma, Manu Hulihan, Mary Lockhart, Paul Strongosky, Audrey Kachergus, Jennifer Calne, Donald B. Stoessl, Jon Uitti, Ryan J. Pfeiffer, Ronald F. Ttrenkwalder, Claudia Homann, Nikolaus Ott, Erwin Wenzel, Karoline Asmus, Friedrich Hardy, John Wszolek, Zbigniew Gasser, Thomas
Citation: Zimprich, Alexander et al., The PARK8 Locus in Autosomal Dominant Parkinsonism: Confirmation of Linkage and Further Delineation of the Disease-Containing Interval, American journal of human genetics , 74(1), 2004, pp. 11-19

Authors: Yu, Xihiang Knott, Sara A. Visscher, Peter M.
Citation: Yu, Xihiang et al., Theoretical and Empirical Power of Regression and Maximum-Likelihood Methods to Map Quantitative Trait Loci in General Pedigrees, American journal of human genetics , 75(1), 2004, pp. 17-26

Authors: Iyengar, Sudha K. Song, Danhong Klein, Barbara E. Klein, Ronald Schick, James H. Humphrey, Jennifer Millard, Christopher Liptak, Rachel Russo, Karlie Jun, Gyungah Lee, Kristine E. Fijal, Bonnie Elston, Robert C.
Citation: K. Iyengar, Sudha et al., Dissection of Genomewide-Scan Data in Extended Families Reveals a Major Locus and Oligogenic Susceptibility for Age-Related Macular Degeneration, American journal of human genetics , 74(1), 2004, pp. 20-39

Authors: Bartels, Cynthia F. Bükülmez, Hülya Padayatti, Pius Rhee, David K. Ravenswaaij-Arts, Conny, Van Pauli, Richard M. Mundlos, Stefan Chiatayat, David Shih, Ling-Yu Al-Gazali, Lihadh I. Kant, Sarina Cole, Trevor Morton, Jenny Cormier-Daire, Valérie Faivre, Laurence Lees, Melissa Kirk, Jeremy Mortier, Geert R. Leory, Jules Zabel, Bernhard Kim, Chong Ae Crow, Yanick Braveman, Nancy E. Akker, Focco, Van : der Warman, Matthew L.
Citation: F. Bartels, Cynthia et al., Mutations in the Transmembrane Natriuretic Peptide Receptor NPR-B Impair Skeletal Growth and Cause Acromesomelic Dysplasia, Type Maroteaux, American journal of human genetics , 75(1), 2004, pp. 27-34

Authors: Durrant, Caroline Zondervan, Krina T. Cardon, Lon R. Hunt, Sarah Deloukas, Panos Morris, Andrew P.
Citation: Durrant, Caroline et al., Linkage Disequilibrium Mapping via Cladistic Analysis of Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism Haplotypes, American journal of human genetics , 75(1), 2004, pp. 35-43

Authors: Anderson, Eric C. Slatkin, Montgomery
Citation: C. Anderson, Eric et Slatkin, Montgomery, Population-Genetic Basis of Haplotype Blocks in the 5q31 Region, American journal of human genetics , 74(1), 2004, pp. 40-49

Authors: Lemmers, Richard J.L.F. Overveld, Petra G.M., Van Sandkuijl, Lodewijk A. Vrieling, Harry Padberg, George W. Frants, Rune R. Maarel, Silvère M., Van:der
Citation: Lemmers, Richard J.l.f et al., Mechanism and Timing of Mitotic Rearrangements in the Subtelomeric D4Z4 Repeat Involved in Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy, American journal of human genetics , 75(1), 2004, pp. 44-53

Authors: Zhivotovsky, Lev A. Underhill, Peter A., Cengiz Kayser, Manfred Morar, Bharti Kivisild, Toomas Scozzari, Rosaria Cruciani, Fulvio Destro-Bisol, Giovanni Spedini, Gabriella Chambers, Geoffrey K. Herrera, Rene J. Yong, Kiau Kiun Gresham, David Tournev, Ivailo Feldman, Marcus W. Kalaydjieva, Luba
Citation: A. Zhivotovsky, Lev et al., The Effective Mutation Rate at Y Chromosome Short Tandem Repeats, with Application to Human Population-Divergence Time, American journal of human genetics , 74(1), 2004, pp. 50-61

Authors: John, Sally Shephard, Neil Liu, Guoying Zeggini, Eleftheria Cao, Manqiu Chen, Wenwei Vasavda, Nisha Mills, Tracy Barton, Anne Hinks, Anne Eyre, Steve Jones, Keith W. Ollier, William Silman, Alan Gibson, Neil Worthington, Jane Kennedy, Giulia C.
Citation: John, Sally et al., Whole-Genome Scan, in a Complex Disease, Using 11,245 Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms: Comparison with Microsatellites, American journal of human genetics , 75(1), 2004, pp. 54-64

Authors: Zöllner, Sebastian Wen, Xiaoquan Hanchard, Neil A. Herbert, Mark A. Ober, Carole Pritchard, Jonathan K.
Citation: Zöllner, Sebastian et al., Evidence for Extensive Transmission Distortion in the Human Genome, American journal of human genetics , 74(1), 2004, pp. 62-72

Authors: Wilcox, William R. Banikazemi, Maryam Guffon, Nathalie Waldek, Stephen Lee, Philip Linthorst, Gabor E. Desnick, Robert J. Germain, Dominique P. for the International Fabry Disease Study Group
Citation: R. Wilcox, William et al., Long-Term Safety and Efficacy of Enzyme Replacement Therapyfor Fabry Disease, American journal of human genetics , 75(1), 2004, pp. 65-74

Authors: Nath, Swapan K. Quintero-Del-Rio, Ana I. Kilpatrick, Jeff Feo, Lourdes Ballesteros, Maria Harley, John B.
Citation: K. Nath, Swapan et al., Linkage at 12q24 with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) Is Established and Confirmed in Hispanic and European American Families, American journal of human genetics , 74(1), 2004, pp. 73-82

Authors: Aartsma-Rus, Annemieke Janson, Anneke A.M. Kaman, Wendy E. Bremmer-Bout, Mattie Ommen, Gert-Jan B., Van den Dunnen, Johan T. Deutekom, Judith C.T., Van
Citation: Aartsma-rus, Annemieke et al., Antisense-Induced Multiexon Skipping for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Makes More Sense, American journal of human genetics , 74(1), 2004, pp. 83-92

Authors: Ware, Stephanie M. Peng, Jianlan Zhu, Lirong Fernbach, Susan Colicos, Suzanne Casey, Brett Towbin, Jeffrey Belmont, John W.
Citation: M. Ware, Stephanie et al., Identification and Functional Analysis of ZIC3 Mutations in Heterotaxy and Related Congenital Heart Defects, American journal of human genetics , 74(1), 2004, pp. 93-105

Authors: Carlson, Christopher S. Eberle, Michael A. Rieder, Mark J. Yi, Qian Kruglyak, Leonid Nickerson, Deborah A.
Citation: S. Carlson, Christopher et al., Selecting a Maximally Informative Set of Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms for Association Analyses Using Linkage Disequilibrium, American journal of human genetics , 74(1), 2004, pp. 106-120

Authors: McCandless, Shawn E. Brunger, Jeanne W. Cassidy, Suzanne B.
Citation: E. Mccandless, Shawn et al., The Burden of Genetic Disease on Inpatient Care in a Children.s Hospital, American journal of human genetics , 74(1), 2004, pp. 121-127

Authors: Tuson, Miquel Marfany, Gemma Gonzàlez-Duarte, Roser
Citation: Tuson, Miquel et al., Mutation of CERKL, a Novel Human Ceramide Kinase Gene, Causes Autosomal Recessive Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP26), American journal of human genetics , 74(1), 2004, pp. 128-138

Authors: Zhao, Hui Li, Ronghua Wang, Qiuju Yan, Qingfeng Deng, Jian-Hong Han, Dongyi Bai, Yidong Young, Wie-Yen Guan, Min-Xin
Citation: Zhao, Hui et al., Maternally Inherited Aminoglycoside-Induced and Nonsyndromic Deafness Is Associated with the Novel C1494T Mutation in the Mitochondrial 12S rRNA Gene in a Large Chinese Family, American journal of human genetics , 74(1), 2004, pp. 139-152

Authors: Marazita, Mary L. Murray, Jeffrey C. Lidral, Andrew C. Arcos-Burgos, Mauricio Cooper, Margaret E. Goldstein, Toby Maher, brion S. Daack-Hirsch, Sandra Schultz, Rebecca mansilla, M. Adela Field, L.Leigh Liu, You-e Prescott, Natalie Malcom, Sue Winter, Robin Ray, Ajit Moreno, Lina Valencia, Consuelo Neiswanger, Katherine Wyszynski, Diego F. Bailey-Wilson, Joan E. Albacha-Hejazi, Hasan Beaty, Terri H. McIntosh, Iain Hetmanski, Jacqueline B. Tunçbilek, Gökhan Edwards, Matthew Harkin, Louise Scott, Rodney Roddick, Laurence G.
Citation: L. Marazita, Mary et al., Meta-Analysis of 13 Genome Scans Reveals Multiple Cleft Lip/Palate Genes with Novel Loci on 9q21 and 2q32-35, American journal of human genetics , 75(2), 2004, pp. 161-173

Authors: Weeks, Daniel E. Conley, Yvette P. Tsai, Hui-Ju Mah, Tammy S. Schmidt, Silke Poste, Eric A. Agarwal, Anita Haines, Jonathan L. Pericak-Vance, Margaret A. Rosenfeld, Philip J. Paul, T. Otis Eller, Andrew W. Morse, Lawrence S. Dailey, J.P. Ferrell, Robert E. Gorin, Michael B.
Citation: E. Weeks, Daniel et al., Age-Related Maculopathy: A Genomewide Scan with Continued Evidence of Susceptibility Loci within the 1q31, 10q26, and 17q25 Regions, American journal of human genetics , 75(2), 2004, pp. 174-189

Authors: Kamatani, Naoyuki Sekine, Akihiro Kitamoto, Takuya Iida, Aritoshi Saito, Susumu Kogame, Akifumi Inoue, Eisuke Kawamoto, Manabu Harigai, Masayoshi Nakamura, Yusuke
Citation: Kamatani, Naoyuki et al., Large-Scale Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) and Haplotype Analyses, Using Dense SNP Maps, of 199 Drug-Related Genes in 752 Subjects: the Analysis of the Association between Uncommon SNPs within Haplotype Blocks and the Haplotypes Constructed with Haplotype-Tagging SNPs, American journal of human genetics , 75(2), 2004, pp. 190-203

Authors: Wen, Gen Mahata, Sushil K. Cadman, Peter Mahata, Manjula Ghosh, Sajalendu Mahapatra, Nitish R. Rao, Fangwen Stridsberg, Mats Smith, Douglas W. Mahboubi, Payam Schork, Nicholas J. O'Connor, Daniel T. Hamilton, Bruce A.
Citation: Wen, Gen et al., Both Rare and Common Polymorphisms Contribute Functional Variation at CHGA, a Regulator of Catecholamine Physiology, American journal of human genetics , 74(2), 2004, pp. 197-207

Authors: Fallin, M. Daniele Lasseter, Virginia K. Wolyniec, Paula S. McGranth, John A. Nestadt, Gerald Valle, David Liang, Kung-Yee Pulver, Ann E.
Citation: Fallin, M. Daniele et al., Genomewide Linkage Scan for Bipolar-Disorder Susceptibility Loci among Ashkenazi Jewish Families, American journal of human genetics , 75(2), 2004, pp. 204-219
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | >>