string(238) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='2004' AND fasc_issn='00029297' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 50 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
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Articles table of contents

Results : 51-75/138

Authors: Kehrer-Sawatzki, H. Kluwe, L. Sandig, C. Kohn, M. Wimmer, K. Krammer, U. Peyrl, A. Jenne, D.E. Hansmann, I. Mautner, V.-F.
Citation: H. Kehrer-sawatzki, et al., High Frequency of Mosaicism among Patients with Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1) with Microdeletions Caused by Somatic Recombination of the JJAZ1 Gene, American journal of human genetics , 75(3), 2004, pp. 410-423

Authors: Li, Chun Scott, Laura J. Boehnke, Michael
Citation: Li, Chun et al., Assessing Whether an Allele Can Account in Part for a Linkage Signal: The Genotype-IBD Sharing Test (GIST), American journal of human genetics , 74(3), 2004, pp. 418-431

Authors: Dudbridge, Frank Koeleman, Bobby P.C.
Citation: Dudbridge, Frank et Koeleman, Bobby P.c, Efficient Computation of Significance Levels for Multiple Associations in Large Studies of Correlated Data, Including Genomewide Association Studies, American journal of human genetics , 75(3), 2004, pp. 424-435

Authors: Fingerlin, Tasha E. Boehnke, Michael Abecasis, Gonçalo R.
Citation: E. Fingerlin, Tasha et al., Increasing the Power and Efficiency of Disease-Marker Case-Control Association Studies through Use of Allele-Sharing Information, American journal of human genetics , 74(3), 2004, pp. 432-443

Authors: Hauser, Elizabeth R. Crossman, David C. Granger, Christopher B. Haines, Jonathan L. Jones, Christopher J.H. Mooser, Vincent McAdam, Brendan Winkelmann, Bernhard R. Wiseman, Alan H. Muhlestein, J. Brent Bartel, Alan G. Dennis, Charles A. Dowdy, Elaine Estabrooks, Susan Eggleston, Karen Francis, Sheila Roche, Kath Clevenger, Paula W. Huang, Liling Pedersen, Bonnie Shah, Svati Schmidt, Silke Haynes, Carol West, Sandra Asper, Donny Booze, Michael Sharma, Sanjay Sundseth, Scott Middleton, Lefkos Roses, Allen D. Hauser, Michael A. Vance, Jeffrey M. Pericak-Vance, Margaret A. Kraus, William E:
Citation: R. Hauser, Elizabeth et al., A Genomewide Scan for Early-Onset Coronary Artery Disease in 438 Families: The GENECARD Study, American journal of human genetics , 75(3), 2004, pp. 436-447

Authors: Asselt, Kristel M., Van Kok, Helen S. Putter, Hein Wijimenga, Cisca Peeters, Petra H.M. Schouw, Yvonne T., Van : der Grobbee, Diederick E. te Velde, Egbert R. Mosselman, Sietse Pearson, Peter L.
Citation: Asselt, Kristel M., Van et al., Linkage Analysis of Extremely Discordant and Concordant Sibling Pairs Identifies Quantitative Trait Loci Influencing Variation in Human Menopausal Age, American journal of human genetics , 74(3), 2004, pp. 444-453

Authors: Stambolian, Dwight Ibay, Grace Reider, Lauren Dana, Debra Moy, Chris Schlifka, Melissa Holmes, Taura Ciner, Elise Bailey-WIlson, Joan E.
Citation: Stambolian, Dwight et al., Genomewide Linkage Scan for Myopia Susceptibility Loci among Ashkenazi Jewish Families Shows Evidence of Linkage on Chromosome 22q12, American journal of human genetics , 75(3), 2004, pp. 448-459

Authors: Salas, Antonio Richards, Martin Lareu, Marìa-Victoria Scozzari, Rosaria Coppa, Alfredo Torroni, Antonio Macaulay, Vincent Carracedo, Ángel
Citation: Salas, Antonio et al., The African Diaspora: Mitochondrial DNA and the Atlantic Slave Trade, American journal of human genetics , 74(3), 2004, pp. 454-465

Authors: Bailey-Wilson, J. E. Amos, C.I. Pinney, S.M. Petersen, G.M. de Andrade, M. Wiest, J.S. Fain, P. Schwartz, A.G. You, M. Franklin, W. Klein, C. Gazdar, A. Rothschild, H. Mandal, D. Coons, T. Slusser, J. Lee, J. Gaba, C. Kupert, E. Perez, A. Zhou, X. Zeng, D. Liu, Q. Zhang, Q. Seminara, D. Minna, J. Anderson, M.W.
Citation: E. Bailey-wilson, J. et al., A Major Lung Cancer Susceptibility Locus Maps to Chromosome 6q23.25, American journal of human genetics , 75(3), 2004, pp. 460-474

Authors: Inagaki, Katsuhiko Suzuki, Tamio Shimizu, Hiroshi Ishii, Norihisa Umezawa, Yoshinori Tada, Joji Kikuchi, Noriaki Takata, Minoru Takamori, Kenji Kishibe, Mari Tanaka, Michi Miyamura, Yoshinori Ito, Shiro Tomita, Yasushi
Citation: Inagaki, Katsuhiko et al., Oculocutaneous Albinism Type 4 Is One of the Most Common Types of Albinism in Japan, American journal of human genetics , 74(3), 2004, pp. 466-471

Authors: Schwarz, Markus Thiel, Christian Lübbehusen, Jürgen Dorland, Bert de Koning, Tom von Figura, Kurt Lehle, Ludwig Körner, Christian
Citation: Schwarz, Markus et al., Deficiency of GDP-Man:GlcNAc2-PP-Dolichol Mannosyltransferase Causes Congenital Disorder of Glycosylation Type Ik, American journal of human genetics , 74(3), 2004, pp. 472-481

Authors: Chiang, Annie P. Nishimura, Darryl Searby, Charles Elbedour, Khalil Carmi, Rivka Ferguson, Amanda L. Secrist, Jenifer Braun, Terry Casavant, Thomas Stone, Edwin M. Sheffield, Val C.
Citation: P. Chiang, Annie et al., Comparative Genomic Analysis Identifies an ADP-Ribosylation Gene as the Cause of Bardet-Biedl Syndrome (BBS3), American journal of human genetics , 75(3), 2004, pp. 475-484

Authors: Abecasis, Gonçalo R. Yashar, Beverly M. Zhao, Yu Ghiasvand, Noor M. Zareparsi, Sepideh Branham, Kari E.H. Reddick, Adam C. Trager, Edward H. Yoshida, Shigeo Bahling, John Filippova, Elena Elner, Susan Johnson, Mark W. Vine, Andrew K. Sieving, Paul A. Jacobson, Samuel G. Richards, Julia E. Swaroop, Anand
Citation: R. Abecasis, Gonçalo et al., Age-Related Macular Degeneration: A High-Resolution Genome Scan for Susceptibility Loci in a Population Enriched for Late-Stage Disease, American journal of human genetics , 74(3), 2004, pp. 482-494

Authors: Kang, Hosung Qin, Zhaohui S. Niu, Tianhua Liu, Jun S.
Citation: Kang, Hosung et al., Incorporating Genotyping Uncertainty in Haplotype Inference for Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms, American journal of human genetics , 74(3), 2004, pp. 495-510

Authors: Young, Juan I. Zoghbi, Huda Y.
Citation: I. Young, Juan et Y. Zoghbi, Huda, X-Chromosome Inactivation Patterns Are Unbalanced and Affect the Phenotypic Outcome in a Mouse Model of Rett Syndrome, American journal of human genetics , 74(3), 2004, pp. 511-520

Authors: Sun, Fei Oliver-Bonet, Maria Liehr, Thomas Starke, Heike Ko, Evelyn Rademaker, Alfred Navarro, Joaquima Benet, Jordi Martin, Renée
Citation: Sun, Fei et al., Human Male Recombination Maps for Individual Chromosomes, American journal of human genetics , 74(3), 2004, pp. 521-531

Authors: Luis, J.R. Rowold, D.J. Regueiro, M. Caeiro, B., C. Roseman, C. Underhill, P.A. Cavalli-Sforza, L.L. Herrera, R.J.
Citation: Luis, J.r et al., The Levant versus the Horn of Africa: Evidence for Bidirectional Corridors of Human Migrations, American journal of human genetics , 74(3), 2004, pp. 532-544

Authors: Goldgar, David E. Easton, Douglas F. Deffenbaugh, Amie M. Monteiro, Alvaro N. A. Tavtigian, Sean V. Couch, Fergus J. Breast Cancer Information Core (BIC) Steering Committee
Citation: E. Goldgar, David et al., Integrated Evaluation of DNA Sequence Variants of Unknown Clinical Significance: Application to BRCA1 and BRCA2, American journal of human genetics , 75(4), 2004, pp. 535-544

Authors: Kranz, Christian Denecke, Jonas Lehle, Ludwig Sohlbach, Kristina Jeske, Stefanie Meinhardt, Friedhelm Rossi, Rainer Gudowius, Sonja Marquardt, Thorsten
Citation: Kranz, Christian et al., Congenital Disorder of Glycosylation Type Ik (CDG-Ik): A Defect of Mannosyltransferase I, American journal of human genetics , 74(3), 2004, pp. 545-551

Authors: Pashou, P. Feng, Y. Pakstis, A.J. Speed, W.C. DeMille, M.M. Kidd, J.R. Jaghori, B. Kurlan, R. Pauls, D.L. Sandor, P. Barr, C.L. Kidd, K.K.
Citation: P. Pashou, et al., Indications of Linkage and Association of Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome in Two Independent Family Samples: 17q25 Is a Putative Susceptibility Region, American journal of human genetics , 75(4), 2004, pp. 545-560

Authors: Becker, Tim Knapp, Michael
Citation: Becker, Tim et Knapp, Michael, A Powerful Strategy to Account for Multiple Testing in the Context of Haplotype Analysis, American journal of human genetics , 75(4), 2004, pp. 561-570

Authors: Lemire, Mathieu Roslin, Nicole M. Laprise, Catherine Hudson, Thomas J. Morgan, Kenneth
Citation: Lemire, Mathieu et al., Transmission-Ratio Distortion and Allele Sharing in Affected Sib Pairs: A New Linkage Statistic with Reduced Bias, with Application to Chromosome 6q25.3, American journal of human genetics , 75(4), 2004, pp. 571-586

Authors: Timms, Andrew E. Crane, Alison M. Sims, Anne-Marie Cordell, Heather J. Bradbury, Linda A. Duuff, Gordon W. Calin, Andrei Cardon, Lon R. Abbott, Aaron Coyne, Mark R.E. Beynon, Owen Herzberg, Ibi Wordsworth, B. Paul Brown, Matthew A.
Citation: E. Timms, Andrew et al., The Interleukin 1 Gene Cluster Contains a Major Susceptibility Locus for Ankylosing Spondylitis, American journal of human genetics , 75(4), 2004, pp. 587-595

Authors: Morar, Bharti Gresham, David Angelicheva, Dora Tournev, Ivailo Gooding, Rebecca Guergueltcheva, Velina Schmidt, Carolin Abicht, Angela Lochmüller, Hanns Tordai, Attila Kalmàr, Lajos Nagy, Melinda Karcagi, Veronika Jeanpierre, Marc Herczegfalvi, Agnes Beeson, David Venkataraman, Viswanathan Carter, Kim Warwick Reeve, Jeff de Pablo, Rosario Ku.inskas, Vaidutis Kalaydjieva, Luba
Citation: Morar, Bharti et al., Mutation History of the Roma/Gypsies, American journal of human genetics , 75(4), 2004, pp. 596-609

Authors: Gillia, Lynette A. McCallum, Jennifer Kaur, Maninder DeScipio, Cheryl Yaeger, Dinah Mariani, Allison Kline, Antoine D. Li, Hui-hua Devoto, Marcella Jackson, Laird G. Krantz, Ian D.
Citation: A. Gillia, Lynette et al., NIPBL Mutational Analysis in 120 Individuals with Cornelia de Lange Syndrome and Evaluation of Genotype-Phenotype Correlations, American journal of human genetics , 75(4), 2004, pp. 610-623
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | >>