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Results: << | 101-125 | 126-138    

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Results : 101-125/138

Authors: Ferrari, Serge L. Deutch, Samuel Choudhury, Urmila Chevalley, Thierry Bonjour, Jean-Philippe Dermitzakis, Emmanouil T. Rizzoli, René Antonarakis, Stylianos E.
Citation: L. Ferrari, Serge et al., Polymorphisms in the Low-Density Lipoprotein Receptor.Related Protein 5 (LRP5) Gene Are Associated with Variation in Vertebral Bone Mass, Vertebral Bone Size, and Stature in Whites, American journal of human genetics , 74(5), 2004, pp. 866-875

Authors: Chen, Qi He, Guang Qin, Wei Chen, Qing-ying Zhao, Xin-zhi Duan, Shi-wei Liu, Xin-min Feng, Guo-yin Xu, Yi-feng St Clair, David Li, Min Wang, Jin-huan Xing, Yang-ling Shi, Jian-guo He, Lin
Citation: Chen, Qi et al., Family-Based Association Study of Synapsin II and Schizophrenia, American journal of human genetics , 75(5), 2004, pp. 873-877

Authors: Chen, Shenghan Ondo, William G. Rao, Shaoqi Li, Lin Chen, Qiuyun Wang, Qing
Citation: Chen, Shenghan et al., Genomewide Linkage Scan Identifies a Novel Susceptibility Locus for Restless Legs Syndrome on Chromosome 9p, American journal of human genetics , 74(5), 2004, pp. 876-885

Authors: Middleton, F.A. Pato, M.T. Gentile, K.L. Morley, C.P. Zhao, X. Eisener, A.F. Brown, A. Petryshen, T.L. Kirby, A.N. Medeiros, H. Carvalho, C. Macedo, A. Dourado, A. Coelho, I. Valente, J. Soares, M.J. Ferreira, C.P. Lei, M. Azevedo, M.H. Kennedy, J.L. Daly, M.J. Sklar, P. Pato, C.N.
Citation: Middleton, F.a et al., Genomewide Linkage Analysis of Bipolar Disorder by Use of a High-Density Single-Nucleotide.Polymorphism (SNP) Genotyping Assay: A Comparison with Microsatellite Marker Assays and Finding of Significant Linkage to Chromosome 6q22, American journal of human genetics , 74(5), 2004, pp. 886-897

Authors: Nakajima, Toshiaki Wooding, Stephen Sakagami, Takuro Emi, Mitsuru Tokunaga, Katsushi Tamiya, Gen Ishigami, Tomoaki Umemura, Satoshi Munkhbat, Batmunkh Jin, Feng Guan-jun, Jia Hayasaka, Ikuo Ishida, Takafumi Saitou, Naruya Pavelka, Karel Lalouel, Jean-Marc Jorde, Lynn B. Inoue, Ituro
Citation: Nakajima, Toshiaki et al., Natural Selection and Population History in the Human Angiotensinogen Gene (AGT): 736 Complete AGT Sequences in Chromosomes from Around the World, American journal of human genetics , 74(5), 2004, pp. 898-916

Authors: Schwarze, Ulrike Hata, Ryu-Ichiro McKusick, Victor A. Shinkai, Hiroshi Hoyme, H. Eugene Pyeritz, Reed E. Byers,Peter H.
Citation: Schwarze, Ulrike et al., Rare Autosomal Recessive Cardiac Valvular Form of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Results from Mutations in the COL1A2 Gene That Activate the Nonsense-Mediated RNA Decay Pathway, American journal of human genetics , 74(5), 2004, pp. 917-930

Authors: Wang, E. Ding, Y.-C. Flodman, P. Kidd, P. Kidd, J.R. Grady, D.L. Ryder, O.A. Spence, M.A. Swanson, J.M. Moyzis, R.K.
Citation: E. Wang, et al., The Genetic Architecture of Selection at the Human Dopamine Receptor D4 (DRD4) Gene Locus, American journal of human genetics , 74(5), 2004, pp. 931-944

Authors: Morris, A.P. Whittaker, J.C. Balding, D.J.
Citation: Morris, A.p et al., Little Loss of Information Due to Unknown Phase for Fine-Scale Linkage-Disequilibrium Mapping with Single-Nucleotide.Polymorphism Genotype Data, American journal of human genetics , 74(5), 2004, pp. 945-953

Authors: Schaid, Daniel J. Guenther, Jennifer C. Christensen, Gerald B. Hebbrng, Scott Rosenow, Carsten Hilker, Christopher A. McDonnell, Shannon K. Cunningham, Julie M. Slager, Susan L. Blute, Michael L. Thibodeau, Stephen N.
Citation: J. Schaid, Daniel et al., Comparison of Microsatellites Versus Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms in a Genome Linkage Screen for Prostate Cancer.Susceptibility Loci, American journal of human genetics , 75(6), 2004, pp. 948-965

Authors: De Vos, Michel Hayward, Bruce E. Picton, Susan Sheridan, Eamonn Bonthron, David T.
Citation: De Vos, Michel et al., Novel PMS2 Pseudogenes Can Conceal Recessive Mutations Causing a Distinctive Childhood Cancer Syndrome, American journal of human genetics , 74(5), 2004, pp. 954-964

Authors: Hoggart, Clive J. Shriver, M.D. Kittles, R.A. Clayton, D.G. McKeigue, P.M.
Citation: J. Hoggart, Clive et al., Design and Analysis of Admixture Mapping Studies, American journal of human genetics , 74(5), 2004, pp. 965-978

Authors: Palanichamy, Malliya Gounder Sun, Chang Agrawal, Suraksha Bandelt, Hans-Jürgen Kong, Qing-Peng Khan, Faisal Wang, Cheng-Ye Chaudhuri, Tapas Kumar Palla, Venkatramana Zhang, Ya-Ping
Citation: Palanichamy, Malliya Gounder et al., Phylogeny of Mitochondrial DNA Macrohaplogroup N in India, Based on Complete Sequencing: Implications for the Peopling of South Asia, American journal of human genetics , 75(6), 2004, pp. 966-978

Authors: Pattersin, Nick Hattangadi, Neil Lane, Barton Lohmueller, Kirk E. Hafler, David A. Oksenberg, Jorge R. Hauser, Stephen L. Smith, Michael W. O'Brien, Stephen J. Altshuler, David Daly, Mark J. Reich, David
Citation: Pattersin, Nick et al., Methods for High-Density Admixture Mapping of Disease Genes, American journal of human genetics , 74(5), 2004, pp. 979-1000

Authors: Dixon-Salazar, Tracy Silhavy, Jennifer L. Marsh, Sarah E. Louie, Carrie M. Scott, Lesley C. Gururaj, Aithala Al-Gazali, Lihadh Al-Tawari, Asma A. Kayserili, Hulya Sztriha, László Gleeson, Joseph G.
Citation: Dixon-salazar, Tracy et al., Mutations in the AHI1 Gene, Encoding Jouberin, Cause Joubert Syndrome with Cortical Polymicrogyria, American journal of human genetics , 75(6), 2004, pp. 979-987

Authors: Daly, Kathleen A. Brown, W. Mark Segade, Fernando Bowden, Donald W. keats, Bronya J. Lindgren, Bruce R. Levine, Samuel C. Rich, Stephen S.
Citation: A. Daly, Kathleen et al., Chronic and Recurrent Otitis Media: A Genome Scan for Susceptibility Loci, American journal of human genetics , 75(6), 2004, pp. 988-997

Authors: Arcos-Burgos, Mauricio Castellanos, F. Xavier Pineda, David Lopera, Francisco Palacio, Juan David Palacio, Luis Guillermo Rapoport, Judith L. Berg, Kate Bailey-Wilson, Joan E. Muenke, Maximilian
Citation: Arcos-burgos, Mauricio et al., Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in a Population Isolate: Linkage to Loci at 4q13.2, 5q33.3, 11q22, and 17p11, American journal of human genetics , 75(6), 2004, pp. 998-1014

Authors: Smith, Michael W. Patterson, Nick Lautenberger, James A. Truelove, Ann L. McDonald, Gavin J. Waliszewska, Alicja Kessing, Bailey D. Malasky, Michael J. Scafe, Charles Le, Ernest De Jager, Philip L. Mignault, Andre A. Yi, Zeng de Thé, Guy Essex, Myron Sankalé, Jean-Louis Moore, Jason H. Poku, Kwabena Phair, John P. Goedert, James J. Vlahov, David Williams, Scott M. Tishkoff, Sarah A. Winkler, Cheryl A. De La Vega, Francisco M. Woodage, Trevor Sninsky, John J. Hafler, David A. Altshuler, David Gilbert, Dennis A. O'Brien, Stephen J. Reich, David
Citation: W. Smith, Michael et al., A High-Density Admixture Map for Disease Gene Discovery in African Americans, American journal of human genetics , 74(5), 2004, pp. 1001-1013

Authors: Falchi, Mario Forabosco, Paola Mocci, Evelina Cappio Borlino, Cesare Picciau, Andrea Virdis, Emanuela Persico, Ivan Parracciani, Debora Angius, Andrea Pirastu, Mario
Citation: Falchi, Mario et al., A Genomewide Search Using an Original Pairwise Sampling Approach for Large Genealogies Identifies a New Locus for Total and Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol in Two Genetically Differentiated Isolates of Sardinia, American journal of human genetics , 75(6), 2004, pp. 1015-1031

Authors: Uitterlinden, Andre G. Arp, Pascal P. Paeper, Bryan W. Charmley, Patrick Proll, Sean Rivadeneira, Fernando Fang, Yue van Meurs, Joyce B.J. Britschgi, Theresa B. Latham, John A. Schatzman, Randall C. Pols, Huibert A.P. Brunkow, Mary E.
Citation: G. Uitterlinden, Andre et al., Polymorphisms in the Sclerosteosis/van Buchem Disease Gene (SOST) Region Are Associated with Bone-Mineral Density in Elderly Whites, American journal of human genetics , 75(6), 2004, pp. 1032-1045

Authors: Francks, Clyde Parracchini, Silvia Smith, Shelley D. RIchardson, Alex J. Scerri, Tom S. Cardon, Lon R. Marlow, Angela J. MacPhie, I. Laurence Walter, Janet Pennington, Bruce F. Fisher, Simon E. Olson, RIchard K. DeFries, John C. Stein, John F. Monaco, Anthony P.
Citation: Francks, Clyde et al., A 77-Kilobase Region of Chromosome 6p22.2 Is Associated with Dyslexia in Families From the United Kingdom and From the United States, American journal of human genetics , 75(6), 2004, pp. 1046-1058

Authors: Thompson, E.E. Kuttab-Boulos, H. Wiitonsky, D. Yang, L. Roe, B.A. Di Rienzo, A.
Citation: Thompson, E.e et al., CYP3A Variation and the Evolution of Salt-Sensitivity Variants, American journal of human genetics , 75(6), 2004, pp. 1059-1069

Authors: Kenealy, S.J. Babron, M.-C. Bradford, Y. Schnetz-Boutaud, N. Haines, J.L. Rimmler, J.B. Schmidt, S. Pericak-Vance, M.A. Barcellos, L.F. Lincoln, R.R. Oksenberg, J.R. Hauser, S.L. Clanet, M. Brassat, D. Edan, G. Yaouanq, J. Semana, G. Cournu-Rebeix, I. Lyon-Caen, O. Fontaine, B.
Citation: Kenealy, S.j et al., A Second-Generation Genomic Screen for Multiple Sclerosis, American journal of human genetics , 75(6), 2004, pp. 1070-1078

Authors: Weaving, Linda S. Christodoulou, John Williamson, Sarah L. Friend, Kathie L. McKenzie, Olivia L.D. Archer, Hayley Evans, Julie Clarke, Angus Pelka, Greogry J. Tam, Patrick P.L. Watson, Catherine Lahooti, Hooshang llaway, Carolyn J. Bennetts, Bruce Leonard, Helen Gécz, Jozef
Citation: S. Weaving, Linda et al., Mutations of CDKL5 Cause a Severe Neurodevelopmental Disorder with Infantile Spasms and Mental Retardation, American journal of human genetics , 75(6), 2004, pp. 1079-1093

Authors: Thomas, Alun Camp, Nicola J.
Citation: Thomas, Alun et J. Camp, Nicola, Graphical Modeling of the Joint Distribution of Alleles at Associated Loci, American journal of human genetics , 74(6), 2004, pp. 1088-1101

Authors: Monks, S.A. Leonardson, A. Zhu, H. Cundiff, P. Pietrusiak, P. Edwards, S. Phillips, J.W. Sachs, A. Schadt, E.E.
Citation: Monks, S.a et al., Genetic Inheritance of Gene Expression in Human Cell Lines, American journal of human genetics , 75(6), 2004, pp. 1094-1105
Results: << | 101-125 | 126-138