string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='2005' AND fasc_issn='00029297' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | >>    

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Results : 1-25/119

Authors: Zeng, Wen-Qi Al-Yamani, Eiman Acierno, James S. Jr. Slaugenhaupt, Susan Gillis, Tammy MacDonald, Marcy E. Ozand, Pinar T. Gusella, James F.
Citation: Zeng, Wen-qi et al., Biotin-Responsive Basal Ganglia Disease Maps to 2q36.3 and Is Due to Mutations in SLC19A3, American journal of human genetics , 77(1), 2005, pp. 16-26

Authors: Zhao, Jinying Boerwinkle, Eric Xiong, Momiao
Citation: Zhao, Jinying et al., An Entropy-Based Statistic for Genomewide Association Studies, American journal of human genetics , 77(1), 2005, pp. 27-40

Authors: Weiss, Lauren A. Abney, Mark Cook, Edwin H. Jr. Ober, Carole
Citation: A. Weiss, Lauren et al., Sex-Specific Genetic Architecture of Whole Blood Serotonin Levels, American journal of human genetics , 76(1), 2005, pp. 33-41

Authors: Schwartz, Charles E. May, Melanie M. Carpenter, Nancy J. Rogers, CUris R. Martin, Judith Bialer, Martin G. Ward, Jewell Sananbria, Javier Marsa, Silvana Lewis, James A. Echeverri, Roberto Lubs, Herbert A. Voeller, Kytja Simensen, Richard J. Stevenson, Roger E.
Citation: E. Schwartz, Charles et al., Allan-Herndon-Dudley Syndrome and the Monocarboxylate Transporter 8 (MCT8) Gene, American journal of human genetics , 77(1), 2005, pp. 41-53

Authors: Bergametti, F. Denier, C. Labauge, P. Arnoult, M. Boetto, S. Clanet, M. Coubes, P. Echenne, B. Ibrahim, R. Irthum, B. Jacquet, G. Lonjon, M. Moreau, J.J. Neau, J.P. Parker, F. Tremoulet, M. Tournier-Lasserve, E. Société Française de Neurochirurgie
Citation: F. Bergametti, et al., Mutations within the Programmed Cell Death 10 Gene Cause Cerebral Cavernous Malformations, American journal of human genetics , 76(1), 2005, pp. 42-51

Authors: Visser, Remco Shimokawa, Osamu Harada, Naoki Kinoshita, Akira Ohta, Tohru Niikawa, Norio Matsumoto, Naomichi
Citation: Visser, Remco et al., Identification of a 3.0-kb Major Recombination Hotspot in Patients with Sotos Syndrome Who Carry a Common 1.9-Mb Microdeletion, American journal of human genetics , 76(1), 2005, pp. 52-67

Authors: Li, Shouling Tiab, Leila Jiao, Xiaodong Munier, Francis L. Zografos, Leonidas Frueh, Béatrice Sergeev, Yuri Smith, Janine Rubin, Benjamin Meallet, Mario A. Forster, RIchard K. Hejtmancik, Fielding J. Schorderet, Daniel F.
Citation: Li, Shouling et al., Mutations in PIP5K3 Are Associated with François-Neetens Mouchetée Fleck Corneal Dystrophy, American journal of human genetics , 77(1), 2005, pp. 54-63

Authors: Carlson, Christopher S. Force Aldred, Shelley Lee, Philip K. Tracy, Russell P. Schwartz, Stephen M. Rieder, Mark Liu, Kiang Williams, Dale O. Irribaren, Carlos Lewis, Cora E. Fornage, Myriam Boerwinkle, Eric Gross, Myron Jaquish, Cashell Nickerson, Deborah A. Myers, Richard M. Siscovick, David S. Reiner, Alexander P.
Citation: S. Carlson, Christopher et al., Polymorphisms within the C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Promoter Region Are Associated with Plasma CRP Levels, American journal of human genetics , 77(1), 2005, pp. 64-77

Authors: Ju Sung, Yun Dawson, Geraldine Munson, Jeffrey Estes, Annette Schellenberg, Gerard D. Wijsman, Ellen M.
Citation: Ju Sung, Yun et al., Genetic Investigation of Quantitative Traits Related to Autism: Use of Multivariate Polygenic Models with Ascertainment Adjustment, American journal of human genetics , 76(1), 2005, pp. 68-81

Authors: Sharp, Andrew J. Locke, Devin P. McGranth, Sean D. Cheng, Ze Bailey, Jeffrey A. Vallante, Rhea U. Pertz, Lisa M. Clark, Royden A. Schwartz, Stuart Segraves, Rick Oseroff, Vanessa V. Albertson, Donna G. Pinkel, Daniel Eichler, Evan E.
Citation: J. Sharp, Andrew et al., Elevated plasma levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), an inflammation-sensitive marker, have emerged as an important predictor of future cardiovascular disease and metabolic abnormalities in apparently healthy men and women. Here, we performed a systematic survey of common nucleotide variation across the genomic region encompassing the CRP gene locus. Of the common single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) identified, several in the CRP promoter region are strongly associated with CRP levels in a lar, American journal of human genetics , 77(1), 2005, pp. 78-88

Authors: Freedman, Matthew L. Pearce, Celeste L. Penney, Kahtryn L. Hirschhorn, Joel N. Kolonel, Laurence N. Henderson, Brian E. Altshuler, David
Citation: L. Freedman, Matthew et al., Systematic Evaluation of Genetic Variation at the Androgen Receptor Locus and Risk of Prostate Cancer in a Multiethnic Cohort Study, American journal of human genetics , 76(1), 2005, pp. 82-90

Authors: Schneider, Katja U. Sabherwal, Nitin Jantz, Karin Röth, Ralph Muncke, Nadja Blum, Werner F. Cutler, Gordon B. Jr. Rappold, Gudrun
Citation: U. Schneider, Katja et al., Identification of a Major Recombination Hotspot in Patients with Short Stature and SHOX Deficiency, American journal of human genetics , 77(1), 2005, pp. 89-96

Authors: Lamb, Neil E. Yu, Kai Shaffer, John Feingold, Eleanor Sherman, Stephanie L.
Citation: E. Lamb, Neil et al., Association between Maternal Age and Meiotic Recombination for Trisomy 21, American journal of human genetics , 76(1), 2005, pp. 91-99

Authors: Diao, G. Lin, D.Y.
Citation: G. Diao, et Lin, D.y, A Powerful and Robust Method for Mapping Quantitative Trait Loci in General Pedigrees, American journal of human genetics , 77(1), 2005, pp. 97-111

Authors: de Geus, E.J.C. Posthuma, D. Kupper, N. van der Berg, M. Willemsen, G. Beem, A.L. Slagboom, P.E. Boomsma, D.I.
Citation: De Geus, E.j.c et al., A Whole-Genome Scan for 24-Hour Respiration Rate: A Major Locus at 10q26 Influences Respiration During Sleep, American journal of human genetics , 76(1), 2005, pp. 100-111

Authors: Lenzi, Michelle L. Smith, Jenetta Snowden, Timothy Kim, Mimi Fishel, Richard Pouls, Brardford K. Cohen, Paula E.
Citation: L. Lenzi, Michelle et al., Extreme Heterogeneity in the Molecular Events Leading to the Establishment of Chiasmata during Meiosis I in Human Oocytes, American journal of human genetics , 76(1), 2005, pp. 112-127

Authors: Schaid, Daniel J. Sinnwell, Jason P. Thibodeau, Stephen N.
Citation: J. Schaid, Daniel et al., Robust Multipoint Identical-by-Descent Mapping for Affected Relative Pairs, American journal of human genetics , 76(1), 2005, pp. 128-138

Authors: Tatton-Brown, Katrina Douglas, Jenny Coleman, Kim Baujat, Geneviève Cole, Trevor R.P. Das, Soma Horn, Denise Hughes, Helen E. Temple, Karen I. Faravelli, Francesca Waggoner, Darrel Türkmen, Seval Cormier-Daire, Valérie Irrthum, Alexandre Rahman, Nazneen Childhood Overgrowth Collaboration
Citation: Tatton-brown, Katrina et al., Genotype-Phenotype Associations in Sotos Syndrome: An Analysis of 266 Individuals with NSD1 Aberrations, American journal of human genetics , 77(2), 2005, pp. 193-204

Authors: Beysen, D. Raes, J. Leroy, B.P. Lucassen, A. Yates, J.R.W. Clayton-Smith, J. Ilyina, H. Sklower Brooks, S. Christin-Maitre, S. Fellous, M. Fryns, J.P. Kim, J.R. Lapunzina, P. Lemyre, E. Meire, F. Messiaen, L.M. Oley, C. Splitt, M. Thomson, J. Van der Peer, Y. Veitia, R.A. De Paepe, A. De Baere, E.
Citation: D. Beysen, et al., Deletions Involving Long-Range Conserved Nongenic Sequences Upstream and Downstream of FOXL2 as a Novel Disease-Causing Mechanism in Blepharophimosis Syndrome, American journal of human genetics , 77(2), 2005, pp. 205-218

Authors: Xu, Jianfeng Dimitrov, Latchezar Chang, Bao-Li Adams, Tamara S. Turner, Aubrey R. Meyers, Deborah A. Eeles, Rosalind A. Easton, Douglas F. Foulkes, William D. Simard, Jacques Giles, Graham G. Hopper, John L. Mahle, Lovise Moller, Pal Bishop, Tim Evans, Chris Edwards, Steve Meitz, Julia Bullock, Sarah Hope, Questa ACTANE Consortium Hsieh, Chih-Iin Halpern, Jerry Balise, Raymond N. Oakley-Girvan, Ingrid Whittemore, Alice S. Ewing, Charles M. Gielzak, Marta Isaacs, Sarah D. Walsh, Patrick C. Wiley, Kathleen E. Isaacs, William B. Thibodeau, Stephen N. McDonnell, Shannon K. Cunningham, Julie M. Zarfas, Katherine E. Hebbring, Scott Schaid, Daniel J. Friedrichsen, Danielle M. Deutsch, Kerry Kolb, Suzanne Badzioch, Michael Jarvik, Gail P. Janer, Marta Hood, Leroy Ostrander, Elaine A. Stanford, Janet L. Lange, Ethan M. Beebe-Dimmer, Jennifer L. Mohai, Caroline E. Cooney, Kathleen A. Ikonen, Tarja Baffoe-Bonnie, Agnes Fredriksson, henna Matikainen, Mika P. Tammela, Teuvo LJ Bailey-Wilson, Joan Schleutker, Johanna Maier, Christiane Herkommer, Kathleen Hoegel, Josef J. Vogel, Walther Paiss, Thomas Wiiklund, Fredrik Emanuelsson, Monica Stenman, Elisabeth Jonsson, Björn-Anders Grönberg, Henrik Camp, Nicola J. Farnham, James Cannon-Albright, Lisa A. Seminara, Daniela
Citation: Xu, Jianfeng et al., A Combined Genomewide Linkage Scan of 1,233 Families for Prostate Cancer.Susceptibility Genes Conducted by the International Consortium for Prostate Cancer Genetics, American journal of human genetics , 77(2), 2005, pp. 219-229

Authors: Riff Jensen, Lars Amende, Marion Gurok, Ulf Moser, Betina Gimmel, Verena Tzschach, Andreas Janecke, Andreas R. Tariverdian, Gholamali Chelly, Verena Fryns, Jean-Pierre Van Esch, Hilde Kleefstra, Tjitske Hamel, Ben Moraine, Claude Gécz, Jozef Turner, Gillian Reinhardt, Richard Kalscheuer, Vera M. Ropers, Hans-Hilger Lenzner, Steffen
Citation: Riff Jensen, Lars et al., Mutations in the JARID1C Gene, Which Is Involved in Transcriptional Regulation and Chromatin Remodeling, Cause X-Linked Mental Retardation, American journal of human genetics , 76(2), 2005, pp. 227-236

Authors: Franke, Daniel Ziegler, Andreas
Citation: Franke, Daniel et Ziegler, Andreas, Weighting Affected Sib Pairs by Marker Informativity, American journal of human genetics , 77(2), 2005, pp. 230-241

Authors: Venken, Tine Claes, Stephan Sluijs, Samuël Paterson, Andrew D. van Duijin, Cornelia Adolfson, Rolf Del-Favero, Jurgen Van Broeckhoven, Christine
Citation: Venken, Tine et al., Genomewide Scan for Affective Disorder Susceptibility Loci in Families of a Northern Swedish Isolated Population, American journal of human genetics , 76(2), 2005, pp. 237-248

Authors: Sprecher, Eli Ishida-Yamamoto, Akemi Miizrahi-Koren, Mordechai Rapaport, Debora Goldsher, Dorit Indelman, Margarita Topaz, Orit Chefetz, Ilana Keren, Hanni O'Brien, Timothy J. Bercovich, Dani Shalev, Stavit Geiger, Dan Bergman, Reuven Horowitz, Mia Mandel, Hanna
Citation: Sprecher, Eli et al., A Mutation in SNAP29, Coding for a SNARE Protein Involved in Intracellular Trafficking, Causes a Novel Neurocutaneous Syndrome Characterized by Cerebral Dysgenesis, Neuropathy, Ichthyosis, and Palmoplantar Keratoderma, American journal of human genetics , 77(2), 2005, pp. 242-251

Authors: Purcell, Shaun Sham, Pak Daly, Mark J.
Citation: Purcell, Shaun et al., Parental Phenotypes in Family-Based Association Analysis, American journal of human genetics , 76(2), 2005, pp. 249-259
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | >>