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Articles table of contents

Results : 26-50/119

Authors: Oliveira, Sofia A. Li, Yi-Ju Noureddine, Maher A. Züchner, Stephan Qin, Xuejun Pericak-Vance, Margaret A. Vance, Jeffrey M.
Citation: A. Oliveira, Sofia et al., Identification of Risk and Age-at-Onset Genes on Chromosome 1p in Parkinson Disease, American journal of human genetics , 77(2), 2005, pp. 252-264

Authors: Hoopes, Richard R. Jr Shrimpton, Antony E. Knohl, Stephen Hueber, Paul Hoppe, Bernd Matyus, Janos Simckes, Ari Tasic, Velibor Toenshoff, Burkhard Suchy, Sharon F. Nussnaum, Robert L. Scheinman, Steven J.
Citation: Hoopes, Richard R. Jr et al., Dent Disease with Mutations in OCRL1, American journal of human genetics , 76(2), 2005, pp. 260-267

Authors: Sutcliffe, James S. Delahanty, Ryan J. Prasad, Harish C. McCauley, Jacob L. Han, Qiao Jiang, Lan Li, Chun Folstein, Susan E. Blakely, Randy D.
Citation: S. Sutcliffe, James et al., Allelic Heterogeneity at the Serotonin Transporter Locus (SLC6A4) Confers Susceptibility to Autism and Rigid-Compulsive Behaviors, American journal of human genetics , 77(2), 2005, pp. 265-279

Authors: Tang, Hua Quertermous, Tom Rodriguez, Beatriz Kardia, Sharon L.R. Zhu, Xiaofeng Brown, Andrew Pankow, James S. Province, Michael A. Hunt, Steven C. Boerwinkle, Eric Schork, Nicholas J. Risch, Neil J.
Citation: Tang, Hua et al., Genetic Structure, Self-Identified Race/Ethnicity, and Confounding in Case-Control Association Studies, American journal of human genetics , 76(2), 2005, pp. 268-275

Authors: Jorgenson, Eric Tang, Hua Gadde, Maya Province, Mike Leppert, Mark Kardia, Sharon Schork, Nicholas Cooper, Richard Rao, D.C. Boerwinkle, Eric Risch, Neil
Citation: Jorgenson, Eric et al., Ethnicity and Human Genetic Linkage Maps, American journal of human genetics , 76(2), 2005, pp. 276-290

Authors: Ishikawa, Kinya Toru, Shuta Tsunemi, Taiji Li, Mingshun Kobayashi, Kazuhiro Yokota, Takanori Amino, Takeshi Owada, Kiyoshi Fujigasaki, Hiroto Sakamoto, Masaki Tomimitsu, Hiroyuki Takashima, Minoru Kumagai, Jiro Noguchi, Yoshihiro Kawashima, Yoshiyuki Ohkoshi, Norio Ishida, Gen Gomyoda, Manabu Yoshida, Mari Hashizume, Yoshio Saito, Yuko Murayama, Shigeo Yamanouchi, Hiroshi Mizutani, Toshio Kondo, Ikuko Toda, Tatsushi Mizusawa, Hidehiro
Citation: Ishikawa, Kinya et al., An Autosomal Dominant Cerebellar Ataxia Linked to Chromosome 16q22.1 Is Associated with a Single-Nucleotide Substitution in the 5. Untranslated Region of the Gene Encoding a Protein with Spectrin Repeat and Rho Guanine-Nucleotide Exchange-Factor Domains, American journal of human genetics , 77(2), 2005, pp. 280-296

Authors: Wooding, Stephen Stone, Anne C. Dunn, Diane M. Mummidi, Srinivas Jorde, Lynn B. Weiss, Robert K. Ahuja, Sunil Bamshad, Michael J.
Citation: Wooding, Stephen et al., Contrasting Effects of Natural Selection on Human and Chimpanzee CC Chemokine Receptor 5, American journal of human genetics , 76(2), 2005, pp. 291-301

Authors: Edamura, Kerrie Nichol Leonard, Michelle R. Pearson, Christopher E.
Citation: Edamura, Kerrie Nichol et al., Role of Replication and CpG Methylation in Fragile X Syndrome CGG Deletions in Primate Cells, American journal of human genetics , 76(2), 2005, pp. 302-311

Authors: Zhang, Xiaoxiao Snijders, Antoine Segraves, Richard Zhang, Xiuqing Niebuhr, Anita Albertson, Donna Yang, Huanming Gray, Joe Niebuhr, Erik Bolund, Lars Pinkel, Dan
Citation: Zhang, Xiaoxiao et al., High-Resolution Mapping of Genotype-Phenotype Relationships in Cri du Chat Syndrome Using Array Comparative Genomic Hybridization, American journal of human genetics , 76(2), 2005, pp. 312-326

Authors: Skol, Andrew D. Xiao, Rui Boehnke, Michael Veterans Affairs Cooperative Study 366 Investigators
Citation: D. Skol, Andrew et al., An Algorithm to Construct Genetically Similar Subsets of Families with the Use of Self-Reported Ethnicity Information, American journal of human genetics , 77(3), 2005, pp. 346-354

Authors: Migeon, Barbara R. Axelman, Joyce Jeppesen, Peter
Citation: R. Migeon, Barbara et al., Differential X Reactivation in Human Placental Cells: Implications for Reversal of X Inactivation, American journal of human genetics , 77(3), 2005, pp. 355-364

Authors: Miretti, Marcos M. Walsh, Emily C. Ke, Xiayi Delgado, Marcos Griffiths, Mark Hunt, Sarah Morrison, Jonathan Whittaker, Pamela Lander, Eric S. Cardon, Lon R. Bentley, David R. Rioux, John D. Beck, Stephan Deloukas, Panos
Citation: M. Miretti, Marcos et al., A High-Resolution Linkage-Disequilibrium Map of the Human Major Histocompatibility Complex and First Generation of Tag Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms, American journal of human genetics , 76(4), 2005, pp. 364-346

Authors: Treolar, Susan A. Wicks, Jacqueline Nyholt, Dale R. Montgomery, Grant W. Bahlo, Melanie Smith, Vicki Dawson, Gary Mackay, Ian J. Weeks, Daniel E. Bennett, Simon T. Carey, Alisoun Ewen-White, Kelly R. Duffy, David L. O'Connor, Daniel T. Barlow, David H. Martin, Nicholas G. Kennedy, Stephen H.
Citation: A. Treolar, Susan et al., Genomewide Linkage Study in 1,176 Affected Sister Pair Families Identifies a Significant Susceptibility Locus for Endometriosis on Chromosome 10q26, American journal of human genetics , 77(3), 2005, pp. 365-376

Authors: Ma, D.Q. Whitehead, P.L. Menold, M.M. Martin, E.R. Ashley-Koch, A.E. Mei, H. Ritchie, M.D. DeLong, G.R. Abramson, R.K. Wright, H.H. Cuccaro, M.L. Hussman, J.P. Gilbert, J.R. Pericak-Vance, M.A.
Citation: Ma, D.q et al., Identification of Significant Association and Gene-Gene Interaction of GABA Receptor Subunit Genes in Autism, American journal of human genetics , 77(3), 2005, pp. 377-388

Authors: Mueller, Jakob C. Lõhmussaar, Elin Mägi, Reedik Remm, Maido Bettecken, Thomas Lichtner, Petr Biskup, Saskia Illig, Thomas Pfeufer, Arne Luedemann, Jan Schreiber, Stefan Pramstaller, Peter Pichler, Irene Romeo, Giovanni Gaddi, Anthony Testa, Alessandra Wichmann, Heinz-Erich Metspalu, Andres Meitinger, Thomas
Citation: C. Mueller, Jakob et al., Linkage Disequilibrium Patterns and tagSNP Transferability among European Populations, American journal of human genetics , 76(3), 2005, pp. 387-398

Authors: Jakobsdottir, Johanna Conley, Yvette P. Weeks, Daniel E. Mah, Tammy S. Ferrell, Robert E. Gorin, Michael B.
Citation: Jakobsdottir, Johanna et al., Susceptibility Genes for Age-Related Maculopathy on Chromosome 10q26, American journal of human genetics , 77(3), 2005, pp. 389-407

Authors: Seaman, S.R. Müller-Myhsok, B.
Citation: Seaman, S.r et B. Müller-myhsok,, Rapid Simulation of P Values for Product Methods and Multiple-Testing Adjustment in Association Studies, American journal of human genetics , 76(3), 2005, pp. 399-408

Authors: Shi, Hong Dong, Yong-li Wen, Bo Xiao, Chun-Jie Underhill, Peter A. Shen, Pei-dong Chakraborty, Ranajit Jin, Li Su, Bing
Citation: Shi, Hong et al., Y-Chromosome Evidence of Southern Origin of the East Asian.Specific Haplogroup O3-M122, American journal of human genetics , 77(3), 2005, pp. 408-419

Authors: Bender, Hans-Ulrich Almashanu, Shlomo Steel, Gary Hu, Chien-An Lin, Wei-Wen Willis, Alecia Pulver, Ann Valle, David
Citation: Bender, Hans-ulrich et al., Functional Consequences of PRODH Missense Mutations, American journal of human genetics , 76(3), 2005, pp. 409-420

Authors: Sellick, Gabrielle S. Webb, Emily L. Allison, Ruth Matutes, Estella Dyer, Martin J.S. Jønsson, Viggo Langerak, Anton W. Mauro, Francesca R. Fuller, Stephen Wiley, James Lyttelton, Matthew Callea, Vincenzo Yuille, Martin Catovsky, Daniel Houlston, Richard S.
Citation: S. Sellick, Gabrielle et al., A High-Density SNP Genomewide Linkage Scan for Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia.Susceptibility Loci, American journal of human genetics , 77(3), 2005, pp. 420-429

Authors: Trochet, Delphine O'Brien, Louise M. Gozal, David Trang, Ha Nordenskjöld, Agneta Laudier, Béatrice Svensson, Pär-Johan Uhrig, Sabine Cole, Trevor Munnich, Arnold Gaultier, Claude Lyonnet, Stanislas Amiel, Jeanne
Citation: Trochet, Delphine et al., PHOX2B Genotype Allows for Prediction of Tumor Risk in Congenital Central Hypoventilation Syndrome, American journal of human genetics , 76(3), 2005, pp. 421-426

Authors: Dong, Chanhui Li, Ding Gorlova, Olga Y. Hebebrand, Johannes Amos, Christopher I. Nicholls, Robert D. Arlen Price, R.
Citation: Dong, Chanhui et al., Possible Genomic Imprinting of Three Human Obesity.Related Genetic Loci, American journal of human genetics , 76(3), 2005, pp. 427-437

Authors: Hakonen, Anna H. Heiskanen, Silja Juvonen, Vesa Lappaleinen, Ilse Luoma, Petri T. Rantamäki, Maria Van Goethem, Gert Löfgren, Ann Hackman, Peter Paetau, Anders Kaakkola, Seppo Majamaa, Kari Varilo, Teppo Udd, Bjarne Kääriäinen, Helena Bindoff, Laurence A. Soumaleinen, Anu
Citation: H. Hakonen, Anna et al., Mitochondrial DNA Polymerase W748S Mutation: A Common Cause of Autosomal Recessive Ataxia with Ancient European Origin, American journal of human genetics , 77(3), 2005, pp. 430-441

Authors: Forton, Julian Kwiatkowski, Dominic Rockett, Kirk Luoni, Gaia Kimber, Martin Hull, Jeremy
Citation: Forton, Julian et al., Accuracy of Haplotype Reconstruction from Haplotype-Tagging Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms, American journal of human genetics , 76(3), 2005, pp. 438-448

Authors: Van Esch, Hilde Bauters, Marijke Ignatius, Jaakko Jansen, Mieke Raynaud, Martine Hollanders, Karen Lugtenberg, Dorien Bienvenu, Thierry Riff Jensen, Lars Gécz, Jozef Moraine, Claude Marynen, Peter Fryns, Jean-Pierre Froyen, Guy
Citation: Van Esch, Hilde et al., Duplication of the MECP2 Region Is a Frequent Cause of Severe Mental Retardation and Progressive Neurological Symptoms in Males, American journal of human genetics , 77(3), 2005, pp. 442-453
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | >>