string(238) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='2005' AND fasc_issn='00029297' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 50 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
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Articles table of contents

Results : 51-75/119

Authors: Stephens, Matthew Scheet, Paul
Citation: Stephens, Matthew et Scheet, Paul, Accounting for Decay of Linkage Disequilibrium in Haplotype Inference and Missing-Data Imputation, American journal of human genetics , 76(3), 2005, pp. 449-462

Authors: Internationall Multiple Sclerosis Genetics Consortium
Citation: Internationall Multiple Sclerosis Genetics Consortium, A High-Density Screen for Linkage in Multiple Sclerosis, American journal of human genetics , 77(3), 2005, pp. 454-467

Authors: Reiner, Alexander P. Ziv, Elad Lind, Denise L. Nievergelt, Caroline M. Schork, Nicholas J. Cummings, Steven R. Phong, Angie Gonzàlez Burchard, Esteban Harris, Tamara B. Psaty, Bruce M. Kwok, Pui-Yan
Citation: P. Reiner, Alexander et al., Population Structure, Admixture, and Aging-Related Phenotypes in African American Adults: The Cardiovascular Health Study, American journal of human genetics , 76(3), 2005, pp. 463-477

Authors: Chiba-Falek, Ornit Kowalak, Jeffrey A. Smulson, Mark E. Nussbaum, Robert L.
Citation: Chiba-falek, Ornit et al., Regulation of .-Synuclein Expression by Poly (ADP Ribose) Polymerase-1 (PARP-1) Binding to the NACP-Rep1 Polymorphic Site Upstream of the SNCA Gene, American journal of human genetics , 76(3), 2005, pp. 478-492

Authors: Karmous-Benailly, Houda Martinovic, Jelena Gubler, Marie-Claire Sirot, Yoann Clech, Laure Ozilou, Catherine Augé, Joëlle Brahimi, Nora Etchevers, Heather Detrait, Eric Esculpavit, Chantal Audollent, Sophie Goudefroye, Géraldine Gonzales, Marie Tantau, Julia Loget, Philippe Joubert, Madeleine Gaillard, Dominique Jeanne-Pasquier, Corinne Delezoide, Anne-Lise Peter, Marie-Odile Plessis, Ghislaine Simon-Bouy, Brigitte Dollfus, Hélène Le Merrer, Martine Munnich, Arnold Encha-Razavi, Férechté Vekemans, Michel Attié-Bitach, Tania
Citation: Karmous-benailly, Houda et al., Antenatal Presentation of Bardet-Biedl Syndrome May Mimic Meckel Syndrome, American journal of human genetics , 76(3), 2005, pp. 493-504

Authors: Benito-Sanz, Sara Thomas, Simon N. Huber, Céline Gorbenko del Blanco, Darya Aza-Carmona, Miriam Crolla, John A. Maloney, Vivienne Argente, Jesùs Campos-Barros, Ángel Cormier-Daire, Valérie Heath, Karen E.
Citation: Benito-sanz, Sara et al., A Novel Class of Pseudoautosomal Region 1 Deletions Downstream of SHOX Is Associated with Léri-Weill Dyschondrosteosis, American journal of human genetics , 77(4), 2005, pp. 533-544

Authors: Lin, Ping-I McInnis, Melvin G. Potash, James B. Willour, Virginia L. MacKinnon, Dean F. Miao, Kuangyi DePaulo, Raymond J. Zandi, Peter P.
Citation: Lin, Ping-i et al., Léri-Weill dyschondrosteosis (LWD) is a pseudoautosomal dominant disorder characterized by disproportionate short stature and a characteristic curving of the radius, known as the .Madelung deformity..SHOX mutations resulting in SHOX haploinsufficiency have been found in LWD and in a variable proportion of patients with idiopathic short stature (ISS), whereas homozygous loss of SHOX results in the more severe Langer mesomelic dysplasia (LMD). Defects in SHOX have been identified in .60% of LWD ca, American journal of human genetics , 77(4), 2005, pp. 545-555

Authors: Vander Molen, J. Frisse, L.M. Fullerton, S.M. Qian, Y. del Bosque-Plata, L. Hudson, R.R. Di Rienzo, A.
Citation: J. Vander Molen, et al., Population Genetics of CAPN10 and GPR35: Implications for the Evolution of Type 2 Diabetes Variants, American journal of human genetics , 76(4), 2005, pp. 548-560

Authors: Brown, Petrice W. Judis, LuAnn Chan, Ricky E. Schwartz, Stuart Seftel, Allen Thomas, Anthony Hassold, Terry J.
Citation: W. Brown, Petrice et al., Meiotic Synapsis Proceeds from a Limited Number of Subtelomeric Sites in the Human Male, American journal of human genetics , 77(4), 2005, pp. 556-566

Authors: Criswell, Lindsey A. Pfeiffer, Kristen A. Lum, Raymond F. Gonzales, Bonnie Novitzke, Jil Kern, Marlena Moser, Kathy L. Begovich, Ann B. Carlton, Victoria E.H. Li, Wentian Lee, Annette T. Ortmann, Ward Behrens, Timothy W. Gregersen, Peter K.
Citation: A. Criswell, Lindsey et al., Analysis of Families in the Multiple Autoimmune Disease Genetics Consortium (MADGC) Collection: the PTPN22 620W Allele Associates with Multiple Autoimmune Phenotypes, American journal of human genetics , 76(4), 2005, pp. 561-571

Authors: Carlton, Victoria E.H. Hu, Xiaolan Chokkalingam, Anand P. Schrodi, Steven J. Brandon, Rhonda Alexander, Heather C. Chang, Monica Catanese, Joseph J. Leong, Diane U. Ardlie, Kristin G. Kastner, Daniel L. Seldin, Michael F. Criswell, Lindsey A. Gregersen, Peter K. Beasley, Ellen Thomson, Glenys Amos, Christopher I. Begovich, Ann B.
Citation: Carlton, Victoria E.h et al., PTPN22 Genetic Variation: Evidence for Multiple Variants Associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis, American journal of human genetics , 77(4), 2005, pp. 567-581

Authors: Roelfsema, Jeroen H. White, Stefan J. Ariyürek, Yavuz Bartholdi, Deborah Niedrist, Dunja Papadia, Francesco Bacino, Carlos A. den Dunnen, Johan T. van Ommen, Gert-Jan B. Breuning, Martijn H. Hennekam, Raoul C: Peters, Dorien J.M.
Citation: H. Roelfsema, Jeroen et al., Genetic Heterogeneity in Rubinstein-Taybi Syndrome: Mutations in Both the CBP and EP300 Genes Cause Disease, American journal of human genetics , 76(4), 2005, pp. 572-580

Authors: Cope, Natalie Harold, Denise Hill, Gary Moskvina, Valentina Stevenson, Jim Holmans, Peter Owen, Michael J. O'Donovan, Michael C. Williams, Julie
Citation: Cope, Natalie et al., Strong Evidence That KIAA0319 on Chromosome 6p Is a Susceptibility Gene for Developmental Dyslexia, American journal of human genetics , 76(4), 2005, pp. 581-591

Authors: McQueen, Matthew B. Devlin, B. Faraone, Stephen V. Nimgaonkar, Vshwajit L. Sklar, Pamela Smoller, Jordan W. Abou Jamra, Rami Albus, Margot Bacanu, Silviu-Alin Baron, Miron Barrett, Thomas B. Berrettini, Wade Blacker, Deborah Byerley, William Cichon, Sven Coryell, William Craddock, Nick Daly, Mark J. DePaulo, Raymond J. Edenberg, Howard J. Foroud, Tatiana Gill, Michael Gilliam, Conrad T. Hamshere, Marian Jones, Ian Jones, Lisa Juo, Suh-Hang Kelsoe, John R. Lambert, David Lange, Christoph Lerer, Bernard Liu, Jianjun Maier, Wolfgang MacKinnon, James D. McInnis, Melvin G. McMahon, Francis J. Murphy, Dennis L. Nöthen, Markus M. Nurberger, John I. Jr. Pato, Carlos N. Pato, Michele T. Potash, James B. Propping, Peter Pulver, Ann E. Rice, John P. RIetschel, Marcella Scheftner, William Schumacher, Johannes Segurado, Ricardo Van Steen, Kristel Xie, Weiting Zandi, Peter P. Laird, Nan M.
Citation: B. Mcqueen, Matthew et al., Combined Analysis from Eleven Linkage Studies of Bipolar Disorder Provides Strong Evidence of Susceptibility Loci on Chromosomes 6q and 8q, American journal of human genetics , 77(4), 2005, pp. 582-595

Authors: Epstein, Michael P. Veal, Colin D. Trembath, Richard C. Barker, Jonathan N.W.N. Li, Chung Satten, Glen A.
Citation: P. Epstein, Michael et al., Genetic Association Analysis Using Data from Triads and Unrelated Subjects, American journal of human genetics , 76(4), 2005, pp. 592-608

Authors: Shiffman, Dov Ellis, Stephen G. Rowland, Charles M. Malloy, Mary J. Luke, May M. Iakoubova, Olga A. Pullinger, Clive R. Cassano, June Aouizerat, Bradley E. Fenwick, Raymond G. Reitz, RIchard E. Catanese, Joseph J. Leong, Diane U. Zellner, Christian Sninsky, John J. Topol, Eric J. Devlin, James J. Kane, John P.
Citation: Shiffman, Dov et al., Identification of Four Gene Variants Associated with Myocardial Infarction, American journal of human genetics , 77(4), 2005, pp. 596-605

Authors: de Vries, Bert B.A. Pfundt, Rolph Leisink, Martijn Koolen, David A. Vissers, Lisenka E.L.M. Janssen, Irene M. van Reijmersdal, Simon Nillesen, Willy M. Huys, Erik H.L.P.G. de Leeuw, Nicole Smeets, Dominique Sistermans, Erik A. Feuth, Ton van Ravenswaaij-Arts, Conny M.A. van Kessel, Ad Geurts Schoenmakers, Eric F.P.M. Brunner, Han G. Veltman, Joris A.
Citation: De Vries, Bert B.a et al., Diagnostic Genome Profiling in Mental Retardation, American journal of human genetics , 77(4), 2005, pp. 606-616

Authors: Johnston, Jennifer J. Olivos-Glander, Isabelle Killoran, Christina Elson, Emma Turner, Joyce T. Peters, Kathryn F. Abbott, Margaret H. Aughton, David J. Aylsworth, Arthur S. Bamshad, Michael J. Booth, Carol Curry, Cynthia J. David, Albert Binulos, Mary Beth Flannery, David B. Fox, Michelle A. Graham, John M. Jr. Grange, Dorothy K. Guttmacher, Alan E. Hannibal, Mark C. Henn, Wolfram Hennekam, Raoul C.M. Holmes, Lewis B. Eugene Hoyme, H. Leppig, Kathleen A. Lin, Angela E. MacLeod, Patrick Manchester, David K. Marcelis, Carlo Mazzanti, Laura McCann, Laura McDonald, Marie T. Mendelsohn, Nancy J. Moeschler, John B. Moghaddam, Billur Neri, Giovanni Newbury-Ecob, Ruth Pagon, Roberta A. Philips, John A. III Sadler, Laurie S. Stoler, Joan M. Tilstra, David Walsh Vockley, Catherine M. Zachai, Elaine H. Zadeh, Touran M. Brueton, Louise Black, Graeme Charles M. Biesecker, Leslie G.
Citation: J. Johnston, Jennifer et al., Molecular and Clinical Analyses of Greig Cephalopolysyndactyly and Pallister-Hall Syndromes: Robust Phenotype Prediction from the Type and Position of GLI3 Mutations, American journal of human genetics , 76(4), 2005, pp. 609-622

Authors: Duan, QIng Ling Nikpoor, Borzoo Dubé, Marie-Pierre Molinaro, Giuseppe Meijer, Inge A. Dion, Patrick Rochefort, Daniel Saint-Onge, Judith Flury, Leah Brown, Nancy J. Gainer, James V. Rouleau, Jean L. Agostoni, Angelo Cugno, Massimo Simon, Pierre Clavel, Pierre Potier, Jacky Wehbe, Bassem Benarbia, Seddik Marc-Aurèle, Julien Chanard, Jacques Foroud, Tatiana Adam, Albert Rouleau, Guy A
Citation: Duan, Qing Ling et al., A Variant in XPNPEP2 Is Associated with Angioedema Induced by Angiotensin I.Converting Enzyme Inhibitors, American journal of human genetics , 77(4), 2005, pp. 617-626

Authors: Bonnevie-Nielsen, Vagn Field, L. Leigh Lu, Shao Zheng, Dong-Jun Li, Min Martensen, Pia M. Nielsen, Thomas B. Beck-Nielsen, Henning Lau, Yu-Lung Pociot, Flemming
Citation: Bonnevie-nielsen, Vagn et al., Variation in Antiviral 2.,5.-Oligoadenylate Synthetase (2.5.AS) Enzyme Activity Is Controlled by a Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism at a Splice-Acceptor Site in the OAS1 Gene, American journal of human genetics , 76(4), 2005, pp. 623-633

Authors: Weinberg, Clarice R. Umbach, D.M.
Citation: R. Weinberg, Clarice et Umbach, D.m, A Hybrid Design for Studying Genetic Influences on Risk of Diseases with Onset Early in Life, American journal of human genetics , 77(4), 2005, pp. 627-636

Authors: Wood, Elizabeth T. Stover, Daryn A. Slatkin, Montgomery Nachman, Michael W. Hammer, Michael F.
Citation: T. Wood, Elizabeth et al., The .-Globin Recombinational Hotspot Reduces the Effects of Strong Selection around HbC, a Recently Arisen Mutation Providing Resistance to Malaria, American journal of human genetics , 77(4), 2005, pp. 637-642

Authors: Maraganore, Demetrius M. de Andrade, Mariza Lesnick, Timothy G. Strain, Kari J. Farrer, Mathew J. Rocca, Walter A. Pant, Krishna P.V. Frazer, Kelly A. Cox, David R. Ballinger, Dennis G.
Citation: M. Maraganore, Demetrius et al., High-Resolution Whole-Genome Association Study of Parkinson Disease, American journal of human genetics , 77(5), 2005, pp. 685-693

Authors: Kafchak, Charles M. Pawar, Hemant Moroi, Sayoko E. Sugar, Alan Lichter, Paul R. Mackey, David A. Mian, Shahzad Nairus, Theresa Elner, Victor Schteingart, Miriam T. Downs, Catherine A. Guckian Kijek, Theresa Johnson, Janae M. Trager, Edward H. Rozsa, Frank W. Ali Mandal, Md Nawajes Epstein, Michael P. Vollrath, Douglas Ayyagari, Radha Boehnke, Michael Richards, Julia E.
Citation: M. Kafchak, Charles et al., Mutations in TCF8 Cause Posterior Polymorphous Corneal Dystrophy and Ectopic Expression of COL4A3 by Corneal Endothelial Cells, American journal of human genetics , 77(5), 2005, pp. 694-708

Authors: Slater, Howard R. Bailey, Dione K. Ren, Hua Cao, Manqiu Bell, Katrina Nasioulas, Steven Henke, Robert Choo, Andy K.H. Kennedy, Giulia C.
Citation: R. Slater, Howard et al., High-Resolution Identification of Chromosomal Abnormalities Using Oligonucleotide Arrays Containing 116,204 SNPs, American journal of human genetics , 77(5), 2005, pp. 709-726
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | >>