string(238) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='2005' AND fasc_issn='00029297' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 75 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
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Articles table of contents

Results : 76-100/119

Authors: Pasmooji, Anna M.G. Pas, Hendri H. Deviaene, Franciska C.L. Nijenhuis, Miranda Jonkman, Marcel F.
Citation: Pasmooji, Anna M.g et al., Multiple Correcting COL17A1 Mutations in Patients with Revertant Mosaicism of Epidermolysis Bullosa, American journal of human genetics , 77(5), 2005, pp. 727-740

Authors: Huang, Ningwu Pandey, Amit V. Agrawal, Vishal Reardon, William Lapunzina, Pablo D. Mowat, David Wang Jabs, Ethylin Van Vliet, Guy Sack, Joseph Flück, Christa E. Miller, Walter L.
Citation: Huang, Ningwu et al., Diversity and Function of Mutations in P450 Oxidoreductase in Patients with Antley-Bixler Syndrome and Disordered Steroidogenesis, American journal of human genetics , 76(5), 2005, pp. 729-749

Authors: Ai, Minrong Heeger, Shauna Bartels, Cynthia F. Schelling, Deborah K. Osteoporosis-Pseudoglioma Collaborative Group
Citation: Ai, Minrong et al., Clinical and Molecular Findings in Osteoporosis-Pseudoglioma Syndrome, American journal of human genetics , 77(5), 2005, pp. 741-753

Authors: Dhami, Pawandeep Coffey, Alison J. Abbs, Stephen Vermeesch, Joris R. Dumanski, Jan P. Woodward, Karen J. Andrews, Robert M. Langford, Cordelia Vetrie, David
Citation: Dhami, Pawandeep et al., Exon Array CGH: Detection of Copy-Number Changes at the Resolution of Individual Exons in the Human Genome, American journal of human genetics , 76(5), 2005, pp. 750-762

Authors: Abecasis, Gonçalo R. Wigginton, Janis E.
Citation: R. Abecasis, Gonçalo et E. Wigginton, Janis, Handling Marker-Marker Linkage Disequilibrium: Pedigree Analysis with Clustered Markers, American journal of human genetics , 77(5), 2005, pp. 754-767

Authors: Vitart, Veronique Carothers, Andrew D. Hayward, Caroline Teague, Peter Hastie, Nicholas D. Campbell, Harry Wright, Alan F.
Citation: Vitart, Veronique et al., Increased Level of Linkage Disequilibrium in Rural Compared with Urban Communities: A Factor to Consider in Association-Study Design, American journal of human genetics , 76(5), 2005, pp. 763-772

Authors: Wang, Kai Sheffield, Val C.
Citation: Wang, Kai et C. Sheffield, Val, A Constrained-Likelihood Approach to Marker-Trait Association Studies, American journal of human genetics , 77(5), 2005, pp. 768-780

Authors: Vella, Adrian Cooper, Jason D. Lowe, Christopher E. Walker, Neil Nutland, Sarah Widmer, Barry Jones, RIchard Ring, Susan M. McArdle, Wendy Pembrey, Marcus E. Strachan, David P. Dunger, David B. Twells, C.J. Rebecca Clayton, David G. Todd, John A.
Citation: Vella, Adrian et al., Localization of a Type 1 Diabetes Locus in the IL2RA/CD25 Region by Use of Tag Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms, American journal of human genetics , 76(5), 2005, pp. 773-779

Authors: Schaid, Daniel J. McDonnell, Shannon K. Hebbring, Scott J. Cunningham, Julie M. Thibodeau, Stephen N.
Citation: J. Schaid, Daniel et al., Nonparametric Tests of Association of Multiple Genes with Human Disease, American journal of human genetics , 76(5), 2005, pp. 780-793

Authors: Fearnhead, Paul Smith, Nick G.C.
Citation: Fearnhead, Paul et Smith, Nick G.c, A Novel Method with Improved Power To Detect Recombination Hotspots from Polymorphism Data Reveals Multiple Hotspots in Human Genes, American journal of human genetics , 77(5), 2005, pp. 781-794

Authors: Kelsell, P. David Norgett, E. Elizabeth Unsworth, Harriet Teh, Muy-Teck Cullup, Thomas Mein, Charles A. Dopping-Hepenstal, J. Patricia Dale, A. Beverly Tadini, Gianluca Fleckman, Philip Stephens, G. Karen Sybert, P. Virginia Mallory, B. Susan North, Bernard V. Witt, David R. Sprecher, Elii Taylor, Aileen E.M. Ilchyshyn, Andrew Kennedy, Cameron T. Goodyear, Helen Moss, Celia Paige, David Harper, John I. Young, Brian D. Leigh, Irene M. Eady, Robin A.J. O'Toole, Edel A.
Citation: Kelsell, P. David et al., Mutations in ABCA12 Underlie the Severe Congenital Skin Disease Harlequin Ichthyosis, American journal of human genetics , 76(5), 2005, pp. 794-803

Authors: Thiel, Christian T. Horn, Denise Zabel, Bernhard Ekici, Arif B. Salinas, Kelly Gebhart, Erich Rüschendorf, Franz Spranger, Jürgen Müller, Dietmar Zweier, Christiane Schmitt, Mark E. Reis, André Rauch, Anita
Citation: T. Thiel, Christian et al., Severely Incapacitating Mutations in Patients with Extreme Short Stature Identify RNA-Processing Endoribonuclease RMRP as an Essential Cell Growth Regulator, American journal of human genetics , 77(5), 2005, pp. 795-806

Authors: Linglart, Agnès Gensure, Robert C. Olney, Robert C. Jüppner, Harald Bastepe, Murat
Citation: Linglart, Agnès et al., A Novel STX16 Deletion in Autosomal Dominant Pseudohypoparathyroidism Type Ib Redefines the Boundaries of a cis-Acting Imprinting Control Element of GNAS, American journal of human genetics , 76(5), 2005, pp. 804-814

Authors: Fang, Yue van Meurs, Joyce B.J. d'Alesio, Arnold Jhamai, Mila Zhao, Hongyan Rivadeneira, Fernando Hofman, Albert van Leeuwen, Johannes P.T. Jehan, Frédéric Pols, Huibert A.P. Uitterlinden, André G.
Citation: Fang, Yue et al., Promoter and 3.-Untranslated-Region Haplotypes in the Vitamin D Receptor Gene Predispose to Osteoporotic Fracture: The Rotterdam Study, American journal of human genetics , 77(5), 2005, pp. 807-823

Authors: Hamet, P. Merlo, E. .eda, O. Broeckel, U. Tremblay, J. Kaldunski, M: Gaudet, D. Bouchard, G. Deslauriers, B. Gagnon, F. Antoniol, G. Pausovà, Z. Labuda, M. Jomphe, M. Gossard, F. Tremblay, G. Kirova, R. Tonnellato, P. Orlov, S.N. Pintos, J. Platko, J. Hudson, T.J. Rioux, J.D. Kotchen, T.A. Cowley, A.W., Jr.
Citation: P. Hamet, et al., Quantitative Founder-Effect Analysis of French Canadian Families Identifies Specific Loci Contributing to Metabolic Phenotypes of Hypertension, American journal of human genetics , 76(5), 2005, pp. 815-832

Authors: Jackson, Michael S. Oliver, Karen Loveland, Jane Humphray, Sean Dunham, Ian Rocchi, Mario Viggiano, Luigi Park, Jonathan P. Hurles, Matthew E. Santibanez-Koref, Mauro
Citation: S. Jackson, Michael et al., Evidence for Widespread Reticulate Evolution within Human Duplicons, American journal of human genetics , 77(5), 2005, pp. 824-840

Authors: Woods, Kathryn S. Cundall, MAria Turton, James Rizotti, Karine Mehta, Ameeta Palmer, Rodger Wong, Jaqueline Chong, W.K. Al-Zyoud, Mahmoud El-Ali, Maryam Otonkoski, Timo Martinez-Barbera, Juan-Pedro Thomas, Paul Q. RObinson, Iain C. Lovell-Badge, Robin Woodward, Karen J. Dattani, Mehul T.
Citation: S. Woods, Kathryn et al., Over- and Underdosage of SOX3 Is Associated with Infundibular Hypoplasia and Hypopituitarism, American journal of human genetics , 76(5), 2005, pp. 833-849

Authors: Khajavi, Mehrdad Inoue, Ken Wiszniewski, Wojciech Ohyama, Tomoko Snipes, Jackson G. Lupski, James R.
Citation: Khajavi, Mehrdad et al., Curcumin Treatment Abrogates Endoplasmic Reticulum Retention and Aggregation-Induced Apoptosis Associated with Neuropathy-Causing Myelin Protein Zero.Truncating Mutants, American journal of human genetics , 77(5), 2005, pp. 841-850

Authors: Benayed, Rym Gharani, Neda Rossman, Ian Mancuso, Vincent Lazar, Gloria Kamdar, Silky Bruse, Shannon E. Tischfield, Samuel Smith, Brett J. Zimmerman, Raymond A. DiCicco-Bloom, Emanuel Brzustowicz, Linda M. Millonig, James H.
Citation: Benayed, Rym et al., Support for the Homeobox Transcription Factor Gene ENGRAILED 2 as an Autism Spectrum Disorder Susceptibility Locus, American journal of human genetics , 77(5), 2005, pp. 851-868

Authors: Barreiro, Luis B. Patin, Etienne Neyrolles, Olivier Cann, Howard M. Gicquel, Brigitte Quintana-Murci, Lluìs
Citation: B. Barreiro, Luis et al., The Heritage of Pathogen Pressures and Ancient Demography in the Human Innate-Immunity CD209/CD209L Region, American journal of human genetics , 77(5), 2005, pp. 869-886

Authors: Cassidy, Andrew J. van Steensel, Maurice A.M. Steijlen, Peter M. van Geel, Michel van der Velden, Jaap Morley, Susan M. Terrinoni, Alessandro Melino, Gerry Candi, Eleonora McLean, Irwin W.H.
Citation: J. Cassidy, Andrew et al., A Homozygous Missense Mutation in TGM5 Abolishes Epidermal Transglutaminase 5 Activity and Causes Acral Peeling Skin Syndrome, American journal of human genetics , 77(6), 2005, pp. 909-917

Authors: Fallin, M. Daniele Lasseter, Virginia K. Avramopoulos, Dimitrios Nicodemus, Kristin K. Wolyniec, Paula S. McGrath, John A. Steel, Gary Nestadt, Gerald Liang, Kung-Yee Huganir, Richard L. Valle, David Pulver, Ann E.
Citation: Fallin, M. Daniele et al., Bipolar I Disorder and Schizophrenia: A 440.Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism Screen of 64 Candidate Genes among Ashkenazi Jewish Case-Parent Trios, American journal of human genetics , 77(6), 2005, pp. 918-936

Authors: Souto, Juan Carlos Blanco-Vaca, Francisco Soria, José Manuel Buil, Alfonso Almasyy, Laura Ordoñez-Llanos, Jordi Martìn-Campos, Jesús Mª Lathrop, Mark Stone, William Blangero, John Fontcuberta, Jordi
Citation: Souto, Juan Carlos et al., A Genomewide Exploration Suggests a New Candidate Gene at Chromosome 11q23 as the Major Determinant of Plasma Homocysteine Levels: Results from the GAIT Project, American journal of human genetics , 76(6), 2005, pp. 925-933

Authors: Lii, Mingyao Boehnke, Michael Abecasis, Gonçalo
Citation: Lii, Mingyao et al., Joint Modeling of Linkage and Association: Identifying SNPs Responsible for a Linkage Signal, American journal of human genetics , 76(6), 2005, pp. 934-949

Authors: The Japanese Schizophrenia SIb-Pair Linkage Group (JSSLG) Arinami, Tadao Ohtsuki, Tsuyuka Ishiguro, Hiroki Ujike, Hiroshi Tanaka, Yujii Morita, Yukitaka Mineta, Mari Takeichi, Masashi Yamada, Shigeto Imamura, Akira Ohara, Koichi Shibuya, Haruo Ohara, Kenshiro Suzuki, Yasuo Muratake, Tatsuyuki Kaneko, Naoshi Someya, Toshiyuki Inada, Toshiya Yoshikawa, Takeo Toyota, Tomoko Yamada, Kazuo Kojima, Takuya Takahashi, Sakae Osamu, Ohmori Shinkai, Takahiro Nakamura, Michiko Fukuzako, Hiroshi Hashiguchi, Tomo Niwa, Shin-ich Ueno, Takuya Tachikawa, Hirokazu Hori, Takafumi Asada, Takashi Nanko, Shinichiro Kunugi, Hiroshi Hashimoto, Ryota Ozaki, Norio Iwata, Nakao Harano, Mutsuo Arai, Heii Ohnuma, Tohru Kusumi, Ichiro Koyama, Tsukasa Yoneda, Hiroshi Fukumaki, Yasuyuki Shibata, Hiroki Kaneko, Sunao Higuchi, Hisashi Yasui-Furukori, Norio Numachi, Yohtaro Itokawa, Masanari Okazaki, Yuji
Citation: The Japanese Schizophrenia Sib-pair Linkage Group (jsslg) et al., Genomewide High-Density SNP Linkage Analysis of 236 Japanese Families Supports the Existence of Schizophrenia Susceptibility Loci on Chromosomes 1p, 14q, and 20p, American journal of human genetics , 77(6), 2005, pp. 937-944
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | >>