string(238) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='2005' AND fasc_issn='00264628' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 25 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-33    

Articles table of contents

Results : 26-33/33

Authors: PARKER F J
Citation: J. Parker F, The minerals of the Hunting Hill quarry, Rockville, Maryland, Mineralogical record , 36(5), 2005, pp. 435-446

Authors: WILSON W E
Citation: E. Wilson W, The mineralogical record label archive, Mineralogical record , 36(5), 2005, pp. 451-457

Authors: BOWLING, Ryan L:MOORE Rodney LEDFORD Terry
Citation: Bowling, Ryan L:moore Rodney et Ledford Terry, The Jackson's Crossroads amethyst deposit, Wilkes county, Georgia, Mineralogical record , 36(6), 2005, pp. 479-486

Authors: MOORE, Thomas
Citation: Moore, Thomas, Alpine "iron roses", Mineralogical record , 36(6), 2005, pp. 491-503

Authors: MAKKI Muhammed F
Citation: F. Makki Muhammed, Collecting Cavansite in the Wagholi Quarry complex, Pune, Maharashtra, India, Mineralogical record , 36(6), 2005, pp. 507-512

Authors: VOCHTEN Renaud JANSSENS Jozef BLATON Norbert
Citation: Vochten Renaud et al., Reinvestigation of dioptase-plancheite pseudomorphs after calcite from the Tantara copper deposit, Katanga, republique du Congo, Mineralogical record , 36(6), 2005, pp. 521-524

Authors: HAWTHORNE Frank C PINCH William W
Citation: C. Hawthorne Frank et W. Pinch William, Pencil garnet from the Haramosh mountains near Gilgit, Pakistan, Mineralogical record , 36(6), 2005, pp. 525-527

Authors: STEGER Guido
Citation: Steger Guido, Fifty-nine treasure hunts in Minas Gerais, 1969-2005. Memoirs of a mineral collector - part 1, Mineralogical record , 36(6), 2005, pp. 531-549
Results: 1-25 | 26-33