string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='2005' AND fasc_issn='11218495' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-57    

Articles table of contents

Results : 1-25/57

Authors: Sandra Federici
Citation: Sandra Federici, Glocal youth. Un progetto di media education e intercultura, Africa e Mediterraneo , (51-52), 2005, pp. 2-4

Authors: Itala Vivan
Citation: Itala Vivan, Nota critica a The offering (l'offerta) di Neruddin Farah, Africa e Mediterraneo , (49), 2005, pp. 2-3

Authors: Iolanda Pensa
Citation: Iolanda Pensa, Introduzione: Douala come caso studio, Africa e Mediterraneo , (50), 2005, pp. 5-8

Authors: Michel Clarembeaux
Citation: Michel Clarembeaux, Jeunes et medias en Europe, Africa e Mediterraneo , (51-52), 2005, pp. 6-10

Authors: Lionel Manga
Citation: Lionel Manga, Ars & urbis, Africa e Mediterraneo , (50), 2005, pp. 10-13

Authors: Iolanda Pensa
Citation: Iolanda Pensa, Ritratti di glocal youth, tra propaganda e contemporaneità, Africa e Mediterraneo , (51-52), 2005, pp. 11-17

Authors: Marilyn Douala Bell Didier Schaub
Citation: Marilyn Douala Bell et Didier Schaub, Doual'art et le symposium Ars&Urbis, Africa e Mediterraneo , (50), 2005, pp. 14-14

Authors: Goddy Leye
Citation: Goddy Leye, Bessengue City, Africa e Mediterraneo , (50), 2005, pp. 18-18

Authors: Angel Luis Vera Aranda
Citation: Angel Luis Vera Aranda, Juventud y medios de comunicacion en un mundo globalizado, Africa e Mediterraneo , (51-52), 2005, pp. 18-23

Authors: Herve Yamguen Herve Youmbi
Citation: Herve Yamguen et Herve Youmbi, Le cercle Kapsiki, Africa e Mediterraneo , (50), 2005, pp. 22-24

Authors: Vittorio Ricci
Citation: Vittorio Ricci, Un saggio che avanza nella notte. Ingiunzione e promessa nel pensiero di Jacques Derrida, Africa e Mediterraneo , (49), 2005, pp. 24-27

Authors: Vitor Reia-Baptista
Citation: Vitor Reia-baptista, Os jovens, os media e o acordar da Asia, Africa e Mediterraneo , (51-52), 2005, pp. 24-27

Authors: Daniele Diwouta-Kotto
Citation: Daniele Diwouta-kotto, Suites coloniales, Africa e Mediterraneo , (50), 2005, pp. 26-29

Authors: Bernardette Delcomminette
Citation: Bernardette Delcomminette, Interculturel et approches interculturelles en education, Africa e Mediterraneo , (51-52), 2005, pp. 28-35

Authors: Alda Cappelletti
Citation: Alda Cappelletti, Sayyid Qutb: un viaggio alle radici dell'islamismo radicale, Africa e Mediterraneo , (49), 2005, pp. 28-33

Authors: Mamadou Jean-Charles Tall
Citation: Mamadou Jean-charles Tall, Il faut bien commencer quelque part..., Africa e Mediterraneo , (50), 2005, pp. 30-35

Authors: Roy Ché Peacock Ruth Teer Tomaselli Deidre Donnelly
Citation: Roy Ché Peacock et al., A clubland divided: a brief history of the development of the danceclub in Durban (1980-2000), Africa e Mediterraneo , (49), 2005, pp. 34-40

Authors: José Ignacio Aguaded Gomez Maria Amor Perez Rodriguez
Citation: José Ignacio Aguaded Gomez et Maria Amor Perez Rodriguez, Internet y la Torre de Babel, Africa e Mediterraneo , (51-52), 2005, pp. 36-41

Authors: AbdouMaliq Simone
Citation: Abdoumaliq Simone, Uncertain rights to the city, Africa e Mediterraneo , (50), 2005, pp. 37-41

Authors: Ingrid Schraffl
Citation: Ingrid Schraffl, La morna di Capo Verde e le sue complesse origini tra landù afro-brasiliano e fado portoghese, Africa e Mediterraneo , (49), 2005, pp. 41-43

Authors: Nigel Tapela
Citation: Nigel Tapela, Public art in urban public spaces: exploring civic design. Experiments in poor neighbourhoods of the Cape Town, Africa e Mediterraneo , (50), 2005, pp. 42-43

Authors: Filip De Boeck Alcinda Honwana
Citation: Filip De Boeck et Alcinda Honwana, Children and youth in Africa: agency, identity and place, Africa e Mediterraneo , (51-52), 2005, pp. 42-51

Authors: Davide Saponaro
Citation: Davide Saponaro, Appunti per una storia della caricatura in Marocco, Africa e Mediterraneo , (49), 2005, pp. 44-49

Authors: William Wells
Citation: William Wells, The Townhouse gallery, Africa e Mediterraneo , (50), 2005, pp. 44-45

Authors: Philippe Mouillon
Citation: Philippe Mouillon, Laboratoire sculpture urbaine, Africa e Mediterraneo , (50), 2005, pp. 48-51
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-57