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Results : 1-25/126

Authors: Tang, Hua Coram, Marc Wang, Pei Zhu, Xiaofeng Risch, Neil
Citation: Tang, Hua et al., Reconstructing Genetic Ancestry Blocks in Admixed Individuals, American journal of human genetics , 79(1), 2006, pp. 1-12

Authors: Gouya, Laurent Martin-Schmitt, Caroline Robreau, Anne-Marie Austerlitz, Frédéric Da Silva, Vasco Brun, Patrick Simonin, Sylvie Lyoumi, Saïd Grandchamp, Bernard Beaumont, Carole Puy, Hervé Deybach, Jean-Charles
Citation: Gouya, Laurent et al., Contribution of a Common Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism to the Genetic Predisposition for Erythropoietic Protoporphyria, American journal of human genetics , 78(1), 2006, pp. 2-14

Authors: Ionita, Iulianita Daruwala, Raoul-Sam Mishra, Bud
Citation: Ionita, Iulianita et al., Mapping Tumor-Suppressor Genes with Multipoint Statistics from Copy-Number.Variation Data, American journal of human genetics , 79(1), 2006, pp. 13-22

Authors: Millstein, Joshua Conti, David V. Gilliland, Frank D. Gauderman, W. James
Citation: Millstein, Joshua et al., A Testing Framework for Identifying Susceptibility Genes in the Presence of Epistasis, American journal of human genetics , 78(1), 2006, pp. 15-27

Authors: Sarquis, Marta S. Agrawal, Shipra Shen, Lei Pilarski, Robert Zhou, Xiao-Ping Eng, Charis
Citation: S. Sarquis, Marta et al., Distinct Expression Profiles for PTEN Transcript and Its Splice Variants in Cowden Syndrome and Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba Syndrome, American journal of human genetics , 79(1), 2006, pp. 23-30

Authors: Sparrow D. B. Chapman, G. Wouters, M.A Whittock, N. V. Ellard, S. Fatkin, D. Turnpenny, P.D. Kusumi, K. Sillence, D. Dunwoodie, S.L.
Citation: B. Sparrow D. et al., Mutation of the LUNATIC FRINGE Gene in Humans Causes Spondylocostal Dysostosis with a Severe Vertebral Phenotype, American journal of human genetics , 78(1), 2006, pp. 28-37

Authors: Spada, Marco Pagliardini, Severo Yasuda, Makiko Tukel, Turgut Thiagarajan, Geetha Sakuraba, Hitoshi Ponzone, Alberto Desnick, Robert J
Citation: Spada, Marco et al., High Incidence of Later-Onset Fabry Disease Revealed by Newborn Screening, American journal of human genetics , 79(1), 2006, pp. 31-40

Authors: Jaeken, Jaak Martens Kevin François, Inge Eyskens, François Lecointre, Claudine Derua, Rita Meulemans, Sandra Slootstra, Jerry W. Waelkens, Etienne De Zegher, Francis Creemers, Jhon W.M. Matthijs, Gert
Citation: Jaeken, Jaak et al., Deletion of PREPL, a Gene Encoding a Putative Serine Oligopeptidase, in Patients with Hypotonia-Cystinuria Syndrome, American journal of human genetics , 78(1), 2006, pp. 38-51

Authors: K. Sen, Shurjo Han, Kyudong Wang, Jianxin Lee, Jungnam Wang, Hui Callinan, Pauline A. Dyer, Matthew Cordaux, Richard Liang, Ping Batzer, Mark A.
Citation: K. Sen, Shurjo et al., Human Genomic Deletions Mediated by Recombination between Alu Elements, American journal of human genetics , 79(1), 2006, pp. 41-53

Authors: Schumacher, Johannes Anthoni, Heidi Dahdouh, Faten König, Inke R. Hillmer, Axel M. Kluck, Nadine Manthey, Malou Plume, Ellen Warnke, Andreas Remschmidt, Helmut Hülsmann, Jutta Cichon, Sven Lindgren, Cecilia M. Propping, Peter Zucchelli, Marco Ziegler, Andreas Peyrard-Janvid, Myriam Schulte-Körne, Gerd Nöthen, Markus M. Kere, Juha
Citation: Schumacher, Johannes et al., Strong Genetic Evidence of DCDC2 as a Susceptibility Gene for Dyslexia, American journal of human genetics , 78(1), 2006, pp. 52-62

Authors: Saxena, Richa De Bakker, Paul I.W. Singer, Karyn Mootha, Vamsi Burtt, Noël Hirschhorn, Joel N. Gaudet, Daniel Isomaa, Bo Daly, Mark J. Groop, Leif Ardlie, Krstin G. Altshuler, David
Citation: Saxena, Richa et al., Comprehensive Association Testing of Common Mitochondrial DNA Variation in Metabolic Disease, American journal of human genetics , 79(1), 2006, pp. 54-61

Authors: Leutenegger, Anne-Louise Labalme, Audrey Génin, Emmanuelle Toutain, Annick Steichen, Elisabeth Clerget-Darpoux, Françoise Edery, Patrick
Citation: Leutenegger, Anne-louise et al., Using Genomic Inbreeding Coefficient Estimates for Homozygosity Mapping of Rare Recessive Traits: Application to Taybi-Linder Syndrome, American journal of human genetics , 79(1), 2006, pp. 62-66

Authors: Cartegni, Luca Hastings, Michelle L. Calarco, John A. De Stanchina, Elisa Krainer, Adrian R.
Citation: Cartegni, Luca et al., Determinants of Exon 7 Splicing in the Spinal Muscular Atrophy Genes, SMN1 and SMN2, American journal of human genetics , 78(1), 2006, pp. 63-77

Authors: Flanagan, James M. Popendikyte, Violeta Pozdniakovaite, Natalija Sobolev, Martha Assadzadeh, Abbas Schumacher, Axel Zangeneh, Masood Lau, Lynette Virtanen, Carl Wang, Sun-Chong Petronis, Arturas
Citation: M. Flanagan, James et al., Intra- and Interindividual Epigenetic Variation in Human Germ Cells, American journal of human genetics , 79(1), 2006, pp. 67-84

Authors: Grupe, Andrew Li, Yonghong Rowland, Charles Nowotny, Petra Hinrichs, Anthony L. Smemo, Scott Kauwe, Jhon S. K. Maxwell, Taylor J. Cherny, Sara Doil, Lisa Tacey, Kristina Van Luchene, Ryan Myers, Amanda Wavrant-De Vrièze, Fabienne Kaleem, Mona Hollingworth, Paul Jehu, Luke Foy, Catherine Archer, Nicola Hamilton, Gillian Goate, Alison
Citation: Grupe, Andrew et al., A Scan of Chromosome 10 Identifies a Novel Locus Showing Strong Association with Late-Onset Alzheimer Disease, American journal of human genetics , 78(1), 2006, pp. 78-88

Authors: Anttila, V. Kallela, M. Oswell, G. Kaunisto, M.A. Nyholt, D.R. Hämäläinen, E. Havanka, H. Ilmavirta, M. Terwillinger, J. Sobel, E. Peltonen, L. Kaprio, J. Färkkilä, M. Wessman, M. Palotie, A.
Citation: V. Anttila, et al., Trait Components Provide Tools to Dissect the Genetic Susceptibility of Migraine, American journal of human genetics , 79(1), 2006, pp. 85-99

Authors: Openo, Kimberly K. Schulz, Jenny M. Vargas, Claudia A. Orton, Corey S. Epstein, Michael P. Schnur, Rhonda E. Scaglia, Fernando Berry, Gerard T. Gottesman, Gary S. Ficicioglu, Can Slonim, Alfred E. Schroer, Richard J. Yu, Chunli Rangel, Vanessa E. Keenan, Jennifer Lamance, Kerri Fridovich-Keil, Judith L.
Citation: K. Openo, Kimberly et al., Epimerase-Deficiency Galactosemia Is Not a Binary Condition, American journal of human genetics , 78(1), 2006, pp. 89-102

Authors: Verzilli, Claudio J. Stallard, Nigel Whittaker, John C.
Citation: J. Verzilli, Claudio et al., Bayesian Graphical Models for Genomewide Association Studies, American journal of human genetics , 79(1), 2006, pp. 100-112

Authors: Hinrichs, Anthony L. Wang, Jen C. Bufe, Bernd Kwon, Jennifer M. Budde, Jhon Allen, Rebecca Bertelsen, Sarah Evans, Whitney Dick, Danielle Rice, Jhon Foroud, Tatiana Nurnberger, John Tischfield, Jay A. Kuperman, Samuel Crowe, Raymond Hesselbrock, Victor Schuckit, Marc Almasy, Laura Porjesz, Bernice Edenberg, Howard J. Goate, Alison M.
Citation: L. Hinrichs, Anthony et al., Functional Variant in a Bitter-Taste Receptor (hTAS2R16) Influences Risk of Alcohol Dependence, American journal of human genetics , 78(1), 2006, pp. 103-111

Authors: Ferdinandusse, Sacha Ylianttila, Mari S. Gloerich, Jolein Koski, M. Kristian Oostheim, Wendy Waterham, Hans R. Hiltunen, J. Kalervo Wanders, Ronald J.A. Glumoff, Tuomo
Citation: Ferdinandusse, Sacha et al., Mutational Spectrum of d-Bifunctional Protein Deficiency and Structure-Based Genotype-Phenotype Analysis, American journal of human genetics , 78(1), 2006, pp. 112-124

Authors: Lacombe, Arnaud Lee, Hane Zahed, Laila Choucair, Mahmoud Muller, Jean-Marc Nelson, Stanley F. Salameh, Wael Vilain, Eric
Citation: Lacombe, Arnaud et al., Disruption of POF1B Binding to Nonmuscle Actin Filaments Is Associated with Premature Ovarian Failure, American journal of human genetics , 79(1), 2006, pp. 113-119

Authors: Modi, William S. Lautenberger, James An, Ping Scott, Kevin Goedert, James J. Kirk, Gregory D. Buchbinder, Susan Phair, Jhon Donfield, Sharyne O.Brien, Stephen J. Winkler, Cheryl
Citation: S. Modi, William et al., Genetic Variation in the CCL18-CCL3-CCL4 Chemokine Gene Cluster Influences HIV Type 1 Transmission and AIDS Disease Progression, American journal of human genetics , 79(1), 2006, pp. 120-128

Authors: Bergwitz, Clemens Roslin, Nicole M. Tieder, Martin Loredo-Osti, J.C Bastepe, Murat Abu-Zahra, Halilas Frappier, Danielle Burkett, Kelly Carpenter, Thomas O. Anderson, Donald Garabédian, Michèle Sermet, Isabelle Fujiwara, T.Mary Morgan, Kenneth Tenenhouse, Harriet S. Jüppner, Harald
Citation: Bergwitz, Clemens et al., SLC34A3 Mutations in Patients with Hereditary Hypophosphatemic Rickets with Hypercalciuria Predict a Key Role for the Sodium-Phosphate Cotransporter NaPi-IIc in Maintaining Phosphate Homeostasis, American journal of human genetics , 78(2), 2006, pp. 179-192

Authors: Lorenz-Depiereux, Bettina Benet-Pages, Anna Eckstein, Gertrud Tenenbaum-Rakover, Yardena Wagenstaller, Janine Tiosano, Dov Gershoni-Baruch, Ruth Alberts, Norbert Lichtner, Peter Schnabel, Dirk Hochberg, Ze'ev Strom, Tim M.
Citation: Lorenz-depiereux, Bettina et al., Hereditary Hypophosphatemic Rickets with Hypercalciuria Is Caused by Mutations in the Sodium-Phosphate Cotransporter Gene SLC34A3, American journal of human genetics , 78(2), 2006, pp. 193-201

Authors: Der Perng, Ming Su, Mu Wen, Shu Fang Li, Rong Gibbon, Terry Prescott, Alan R. Brenner, Michael Quinlan, Roy A.
Citation: Der Perng, Ming et al., The Alexander Disease.Causing Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein Mutant, R416W, Accumulates into Rosenthal Fibers by a Pathway That Involves Filament Aggregation and the Association of .B-Crystallin and HSP27, American journal of human genetics , 79(2), 2006, pp. 197-213
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | >>