string(239) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='2007' AND fasc_issn='00905364' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 100 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: << | 101-110    

Articles table of contents

Results : 101-110/110

Authors: Balabdaoui, Fadoua Wellner, Jon A.
Citation: Balabdaoui, Fadoua et A. Wellner, Jon, Estimation of a k-Monotone Density: Limit Distribution Theory and the Spline Connection, Annals of statistics , 35(6), 2007, pp. 2536-2564

Authors: Zhu, Hongtu Ibrahim, Joseph G. Lee, Sikyum Zhang, Heping
Citation: Zhu, Hongtu et al., Perturbation Selection and Influence Measures in Local Influence Analysis, Annals of statistics , 35(6), 2007, pp. 2565-2588

Authors: Horowitz, Joel L. Mammen, Enno
Citation: L. Horowitz, Joel et Mammen, Enno, Rate-Optimal Estimation for a General Class of Nonparametric Regression Models with Unknown Link Functions, Annals of statistics , 35(6), 2007, pp. 2589-2619

Authors: Hall, Peter Ma, Yanyuan
Citation: Hall, Peter et Ma, Yanyuan, Testing the Suitability of Polynomial Models in Errors-in-Variables Problems, Annals of statistics , 35(6), 2007, pp. 2620-2638

Authors: Xia, Yingcun
Citation: Xia, Yingcun, A Constructive Approach to the Estimation of Dimension Reduction Directions, Annals of statistics , 35(6), 2007, pp. 2654-2690

Authors: Chan, Hock Peng Loh, Wei-Liem
Citation: Chan, Hock Peng et Loh, Wei-liem, Some Theoretical Results on Neural Spike Train Probability Models, Annals of statistics , 35(6), 2007, pp. 2691-2722

Authors: Rudin, Cynthia Schapire, Robert E. Daubechies, Ingrid
Citation: Rudin, Cynthia et al., Analysis of Boosting Algorithms Using the Smooth Margin Function, Annals of statistics , 35(6), 2007, pp. 2723-2768

Authors: Székely, Gábor J. Rizzo, Maria L. Bakirov, Nail K.
Citation: J. Székely, Gábor et al., Measuring and Testing Dependence by Correlation of Distances, Annals of statistics , 35(6), 2007, pp. 2769-2794

Authors: Sun, Yan Zhang, Wenyang Tong, Howell
Citation: Sun, Yan et al., Estimation of the Covariance Matrix of Random Effects in Longitudinal Studies, Annals of statistics , 35(6), 2007, pp. 2795-2814

Authors: Csörg., Miklós Szyszkowicz, Barbara Wang, Lihong
Citation: Csörg., Miklós et al., Correction: Strong Invariance Principles for Sequential Bahadur-Kiefer and Vervaat Error Processes of Long-Range Dependent Sequences, Annals of statistics , 35(6), 2007, pp. 2815-2817
Results: << | 101-110