string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='2007' AND fasc_issn='0169796X' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-22    

Articles table of contents

Results : 22

Authors: Polakoff, E.
Citation: E. Polakoff,, Introduction to 'Women and globalization', Journal of developing societies , 23(1-2), 2007, pp. 3-14

Authors: Lindio-McGovern, L.
Citation: L. Lindio-mcgovern,, Neo-liberal globalization in the Philippines : its impact on filipino women and their forms of resistance, Journal of developing societies , 23(1-2), 2007, pp. 15-35

Authors: Shaw, J.
Citation: J. Shaw,, There is no work in my village : the employment decisions of female workers in Sri Lanka's export processing zones, Journal of developing societies , 23(1-2), 2007, pp. 37-58

Authors: Frederickson, M. E.
Citation: E. Frederickson, M., A place to speak our minds : locating women's activism where north meets south, Journal of developing societies , 23(1-2), 2007, pp. 59-70

Authors: Sanmiguel-Valderrama, O.
Citation: O. Sanmiguel-valderrama,, Feminization and racialization of labour in the colombian fresh-cut flower industry, Journal of developing societies , 23(1-2), 2007, pp. 71-88

Authors: Tessier, S.
Citation: S. Tessier,, Rethinking the food chain : farmworkers and the Taco bell Boycott, Journal of developing societies , 23(1-2), 2007, pp. 89-97

Authors: Maurer, S.
Citation: S. Maurer,, Choques of reproduction and transnationality in the Yakima valley, Journal of developing societies , 23(1-2), 2007, pp. 99-112

Authors: Questa, E.
Citation: E. Questa,, We're better off outside our country : diasporic ecuadorian women in Spain since the mid-1990s, Journal of developing societies , 23(1-2), 2007, pp. 113-143

Authors: Henrici, J.
Citation: J. Henrici,, Free trade, alternative trade and women in Peru : a first look, Journal of developing societies , 23(1-2), 2007, pp. 145-157

Authors: McLaren, M.
Citation: M. Mclaren,, Women's rights in a global contest, Journal of developing societies , 23(1-2), 2007, pp. 159-173

Authors: Benjamin,S.
Citation: Benjamin,s, Feminization of poverty in post-apartheid South Africa : a story told by the women of Bayview, Chatsworth, Journal of developing societies , 23(1-2), 2007, pp. 175-206

Authors: Cunha, M.
Citation: M. Cunha,, South African politics, inequalities, and HIV/AIDS : applications for public healt education, Journal of developing societies , 23(1-2), 2007, pp. 207-219

Authors: Anderson, J.
Citation: J. Anderson,, Urban poverty reborn : a gender and generational analysis, Journal of developing societies , 23(1-2), 2007, pp. 221-241

Authors: Freytes Frey, A.
Citation: A. Freytes Frey,, Women's participation in Argentina's picketing movement : accomplishments and limitations in the redefinition of feminine roles, Journal of developing societies , 23(1-2), 2007, pp. 243-258

Authors: Polakoff, E.
Citation: E. Polakoff,, Globalization and child labor : review of the issue, Journal of developing societies , 23(1-2), 2007, pp. 259-283

Authors: Fernandez Jilberto, A. Hogenboom, B.
Citation: A. Fernandez Jilberto, et B. Hogenboom,, Developing regions facing China in a neoliberalized world, Journal of developing societies , 23(3), 2007, pp. 305-339

Authors: Konings, P.
Citation: P. Konings,, China and Africa : building a strategic partnership, Journal of developing societies , 23(3), 2007, pp. 341-367

Authors: Lindbland, J. T.
Citation: T. Lindbland, J., Indonesia and China today : new challenges with a long history, Journal of developing societies , 23(3), 2007, pp. 369-392

Authors: Fernandez Jiberto, A. Hogenboom, B.
Citation: A. Fernandez Jiberto, et B. Hogenboom,, Middle East, Russia and Latin America facing the rise of China : editorial preface, Journal of developing societies , 23(4), 2007, pp. 395-396

Authors: Abdel-Khalek, G. Korayem, K.
Citation: G. Abdel-khalek, et K. Korayem,, Impact of China on the Middle East, Journal of developing societies , 23(4), 2007, pp. 397-434

Authors: Mommen, A.
Citation: A. Mommen,, China's hunger for oil : the russian connection, Journal of developing societies , 23(4), 2007, pp. 435-466

Authors: Fernandez Jilberto, A. Hogenboom, B.
Citation: A. Fernandez Jilberto, et B. Hogenboom,, Latin America and China under global neoliberalism, Journal of developing societies , 23(4), 2007, pp. 467-501
Results: 1-22