string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='2007' AND fasc_issn='17224969' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-18    

Articles table of contents

Results : 18

Authors: Gevorg Ter-Vardanian
Citation: Gevorg Ter-vardanian, Father Boghos Meherian's Autobiography, Venice, Saint Lazarus monastery, 1811, Bazmavep Hayagtakan banasirakan grakan handes Pazmaveb , 165, 2007, pp. 8-130

Authors: Hrachya Asmaryan
Citation: Hrachya Asmaryan, "Hamkars" movement in Tbilisi in 1865, Bazmavep Hayagtakan banasirakan grakan handes Pazmaveb , 165, 2007, pp. 131-148

Authors: Grigor Broutian
Citation: Grigor Broutian, The Oldest Armenian Calendar Concept According to the Analyze of the Ornaments of a Vessel from 28-27th c. BC, Bazmavep Hayagtakan banasirakan grakan handes Pazmaveb , 165, 2007, pp. 149-163

Authors: Grigor Grigoryan
Citation: Grigor Grigoryan, The problem of attribution of the four-sides stele from Garnahovit (Pagan or Christian?), Bazmavep Hayagtakan banasirakan grakan handes Pazmaveb , 165, 2007, pp. 164-188

Authors: Hovhannes Zatikyan
Citation: Hovhannes Zatikyan, Historiography of the Armenian Question, Bazmavep Hayagtakan banasirakan grakan handes Pazmaveb , 165, 2007, pp. 189-228

Authors: Vahe Tachjian
Citation: Vahe Tachjian, Gender and Nationalism: The Reintegration Process of Female Survivors of the Armenian Genocide, Bazmavep Hayagtakan banasirakan grakan handes Pazmaveb , 165, 2007, pp. 229-259

Authors: Zaven Kniazian
Citation: Zaven Kniazian, The traditional Armenian portable hand-held gochnags, Bazmavep Hayagtakan banasirakan grakan handes Pazmaveb , 165, 2007, pp. 260-276

Authors: Raphael Matevossian
Citation: Raphael Matevossian, Armenian Coats-of-Arms, The Ardashesyans, The Arshagounis, Developed Feudalism (Con., "Bazmavep" 162 [2004], p. 63-92), Bazmavep Hayagtakan banasirakan grakan handes Pazmaveb , 165, 2007, pp. 277-322

Authors: Vartan Matiossian
Citation: Vartan Matiossian, Letters of Hrand Nazariantz to Yenovk Armen, Bazmavep Hayagtakan banasirakan grakan handes Pazmaveb , 165, 2007, pp. 323-380

Authors: Gagik Martoyan
Citation: Gagik Martoyan, The Place of the Armenian God Tork' (Turk') in the Astral Sky and Related Conceptions about Calendar Issues, Bazmavep Hayagtakan banasirakan grakan handes Pazmaveb , 165, 2007, pp. 381-397

Authors: Giuseppe Munarini
Citation: Giuseppe Munarini, Le Ore di Terza, Sesta e Nona nel rito armeno, Bazmavep Hayagtakan banasirakan grakan handes Pazmaveb , 165, 2007, pp. 398-438

Authors: Shoghik Voskanyan
Citation: Shoghik Voskanyan, Mateos Mamuryan and his epoch (1830-1901), Bazmavep Hayagtakan banasirakan grakan handes Pazmaveb , 165, 2007, pp. 439-467

Authors: Varuzhan Poghosyan
Citation: Varuzhan Poghosyan, La discussion de la question Arménienne dans la chambre des députés aux années 1890, Bazmavep Hayagtakan banasirakan grakan handes Pazmaveb , 165, 2007, pp. 468-483

Authors: Alexandre Siranossian
Citation: Alexandre Siranossian, L'épopée lyrique des rois Tigrane, Tiridate et de la reine Zenobie dans l'opéra italien au XVII et XVIII° siecle, Etude historique, Bazmavep Hayagtakan banasirakan grakan handes Pazmaveb , 165, 2007, pp. 484-492

Authors: Arpi Vardumyan
Citation: Arpi Vardumyan, Music-therapy in Medieval Armenia, Bazmavep Hayagtakan banasirakan grakan handes Pazmaveb , 165, 2007, pp. 493-509

Authors: Arpi Vardumyan
Citation: Arpi Vardumyan, The late mediaeval Church music of the Venetian school according to Rev. Father Ghevond Tayean's recorded Sharaknots (Con. "Bazmavep" 164 [2006], p. 534-551, see note 22), Bazmavep Hayagtakan banasirakan grakan handes Pazmaveb , 165, 2007, pp. 510-516

Authors: Anoush Ter-Minasyan
Citation: Anoush Ter-minasyan, The partecipation of Armenian sculptors in International Biennale symposium on a bronze sculpture in Ravenna, Bazmavep Hayagtakan banasirakan grakan handes Pazmaveb , 165, 2007, pp. 517-537

Authors: Garegin Kotanjian
Citation: Garegin Kotanjian, Italy and Ayvazovsky's Art, Bazmavep Hayagtakan banasirakan grakan handes Pazmaveb , 165, 2007, pp. 538-555
Results: 1-18