string(238) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='2009' AND fasc_issn='00905364' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 75 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | >>    

Articles table of contents

Results : 76-100/145

Authors: Müller, Ursula U.
Citation: U. Müller, Ursula, Estimating linear functionals in nonlinear regression with responses missing at random, Annals of statistics , 37(5A), 2009, pp. 2245-2277

Authors: Johannes, Jan
Citation: Johannes, Jan, Deconvolution with unknown error distribution, Annals of statistics , 37(5A), 2009, pp. 2301-2323

Authors: Anderes, Ethan Chatterjee, Sourav
Citation: Anderes, Ethan et Chatterjee, Sourav, Consistent estimates of deformed isotropic Gaussian random fields on the plane, Annals of statistics , 37(5A), 2009, pp. 2324-2350

Authors: Nan, Bin Kalbfleisch, John D. Yu, Menggang
Citation: Nan, Bin et al., Asymptotic theory for the semiparametric accelerated failure time model with missing data, Annals of statistics , 37(5A), 2009, pp. 2351-2376

Authors: Zhang, Wenyang Fan, Jianqing Sun, Yan
Citation: Zhang, Wenyang et al., A semiparametric model for cluster data, Annals of statistics , 37(5A), 2009, pp. 2377-2408

Authors: Song, Rui Kosorok, Michael R. Fine, Jason P.
Citation: Song, Rui et al., On asymptotically optimal tests under loss of identifiability in semiparametric models, Annals of statistics , 37(5A), 2009, pp. 2409-2444

Authors: Grendár, Marian Judge, George
Citation: Grendár, Marian et Judge, George, Asymptotic equivalence of empirical likelihood and Bayesian MAP, Annals of statistics , 37(5A), 2009, pp. 2445-2457

Authors: Yuan, Ao
Citation: Yuan, Ao, Bayesian frequentist hybrid inference, Annals of statistics , 37(5A), 2009, pp. 2458-2501

Authors: Tokdar, Surya T. Martin, Ryan Ghosh, Jayanta K.
Citation: T. Tokdar, Surya et al., Consistency of a recursive estimate of mixing distributions, Annals of statistics , 37(5A), 2009, pp. 2502-2522

Authors: Chen, Jiahua Li, Pengfei
Citation: Chen, Jiahua et Li, Pengfei, Hypothesis test for normal mixture models: The EM approach, Annals of statistics , 37(5A), 2009, pp. 2523-2542

Authors: Hu, Feifang Zhang, Li-Xin He, Xuming
Citation: Hu, Feifang et al., Efficient randomized-adaptive designs, Annals of statistics , 37(5A), 2009, pp. 2543-2560

Authors: Phoa, Frederick K. H. Xu, Hongquan
Citation: H. Phoa, Frederick K. et Xu, Hongquan, Quarter-fraction factorial designs constructed via quaternary codes, Annals of statistics , 37(5A), 2009, pp. 2561-2581

Authors: Zhang, Cun-Hui Zhang, Zhiyi
Citation: Zhang, Cun-hui et Zhang, Zhiyi, Asymptotic normality of a nonparametric estimator of sample coverage, Annals of statistics , 37(5A), 2009, pp. 2582-2595

Authors: Liang, Faming
Citation: Liang, Faming, Improving SAMC using smoothing methods: Theory and applications to Bayesian model selection problems, Annals of statistics , 37(5B), 2009, pp. 2626-2654

Authors: van der Vaart, A. W. van Zanten, J. H.
Citation: W. Van Der Vaart, A. et H. Van Zanten, J., Adaptive Bayesian estimation using a Gaussian random field with inverse Gamma bandwidth, Annals of statistics , 37(5B), 2009, pp. 2655-2675

Authors: Zhengyan, Lin Weidong, Liu
Citation: Zhengyan, Lin et Weidong, Liu, On maxima of periodograms of stationary processes, Annals of statistics , 37(5B), 2009, pp. 2676-2695

Authors: Zhou, Zhou Wu, Wei Biao
Citation: Zhou, Zhou et Wu, Wei Biao, Local linear quantile estimation for nonstationary time series, Annals of statistics , 37(5B), 2009, pp. 2696-2729

Authors: Bardet, Jean-Marc Wintenberger, Olivier
Citation: Bardet, Jean-marc et Wintenberger, Olivier, Asymptotic normality of the quasi-maximum likelihood estimator for multidimensional causal processes, Annals of statistics , 37(5B), 2009, pp. 2730-2759

Authors: Singh, Aarti Scott, Clayton Nowak, Robert
Citation: Singh, Aarti et al., Adaptive Hausdorff estimation of density level sets, Annals of statistics , 37(5B), 2009, pp. 2760-2782

Authors: Spokoiny, Vladimir Vial, Céline
Citation: Spokoiny, Vladimir et Vial, Céline, Parameter tuning in pointwise adaptation using a propagation approach, Annals of statistics , 37(5B), 2009, pp. 2783-2807

Authors: Ali, R. Ayesha Richardson, Thomas S. Spirtes, Peter
Citation: Ali, R. Ayesha et al., Markov equivalence for ancestral graphs, Annals of statistics , 37(5B), 2009, pp. 2808-2837

Authors: Leeb, Hannes
Citation: Leeb, Hannes, Conditional predictive inference post model selection, Annals of statistics , 37(5B), 2009, pp. 2838-2876

Authors: Amini, Arash A. Wainwright, Martin J.
Citation: A. Amini, Arash et J. Wainwright, Martin, High-dimensional analysis of semidefinite relaxations for sparse principal components, Annals of statistics , 37(5B), 2009, pp. 2877-2921

Authors: Rinaldo, Alessandro
Citation: Rinaldo, Alessandro, Properties and refinements of the fused lasso, Annals of statistics , 37(5B), 2009, pp. 2922-2952

Authors: Einmahl, John H. J. Segers, Johan
Citation: J. Einmahl, John H. et Segers, Johan, Maximum empirical likelihood estimation of the spectral measure of an extreme-value distribution, Annals of statistics , 37(5B), 2009, pp. 2953-2989
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | >>