string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='2009' AND fasc_issn='14654644' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-62    

Articles table of contents

Results : 1-25/62

Authors: Louis, Thomas A. Zeger, Scott L.
Citation: A. Louis, Thomas et L. Zeger, Scott, Effective communication of standard errors and confidence intervals, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 10(1), 2009, pp. 1-2

Authors: Farrington, C.Paddy Whitaker, Heather J. Hocine, Mounia N.
Citation: Farrington, C.paddy et al., Case series analysis for censored, perturbed, or curtailed post-event exposures, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 10(1), 2009, pp. 3-16

Authors: Geneletti, Sara Richardson, Sylvia Best, Nicky
Citation: Geneletti, Sara et al., Adjusting for selection bias in retrospective, case.control studies, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 10(1), 2009, pp. 17-31

Authors: Tang, Rong Muller, Hans-Georg
Citation: Tang, Rong et Muller, Hans-georg, Time-synchronized clustering of gene expression trajectories, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 10(1), 2009, pp. 32-45

Authors: Vansteeland, Stijn Mertens, Karl Suetens, Carl Goetghebeur, Els
Citation: Vansteeland, Stijn et al., Marginal structural models for partial exposure regimes, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 10(1), 2009, pp. 46-59

Authors: Ghosh, Debashis Chinnaiyan, Arul M.
Citation: Ghosh, Debashis et M. Chinnaiyan, Arul, Genomic outlier profile analysis: mixture models, null hypotheses, and nonparametric estimation, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 10(1), 2009, pp. 60-69

Authors: Salim, Agus Hultman, Christina Sparen, Par Reilly, Marie
Citation: Salim, Agus et al., Combining data from 2 nested case.control studies of overlapping cohorts to improve efficiency, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 10(1), 2009, pp. 70-79

Authors: Tuke, J. Glonek, G.F.V. Solomon, P.J.
Citation: J. Tuke, et al., Gene profiling for determining pluripotent genes in a time course microarray experiment, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 10(1), 2009, pp. 80-93

Authors: Steinberg, David M. Fine, Jason Chappell, Rick
Citation: M. Steinberg, David et al., Sample size for positive and negative predictive value in diagnostic research using case.control designs, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 10(1), 2009, pp. 94-105

Authors: Bloomquist, Erik W. Dorman, Karin S. Suchard, Marc A.
Citation: W. Bloomquist, Erik et al., StepBrothers: inferring partially shared ancestries among recombinant viral sequences, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 10(1), 2009, pp. 106-120

Authors: Panhard, Xaviere Samson, Adeline
Citation: Panhard, Xaviere et Samson, Adeline, Extension of the SAEM algorithm for nonlinear mixed models with 2 levels of random effects, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 10(1), 2009, pp. 121-135

Authors: Perme, Maja Pohar Henderson, Robin Stare, Janez
Citation: Perme, Maja Pohar et al., An approach to estimation in relative survival regression, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 10(1), 2009, pp. 136-146

Authors: Wade, Angela Kurmanavicius, Juozas
Citation: Wade, Angela et Kurmanavicius, Juozas, Creating unbiased cross-sectional covariate-related reference ranges from serial correlated measurements, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 10(1), 2009, pp. 147-154

Authors: Rodriguez, Abel Dunson, David B. Taylor, Jack
Citation: Rodriguez, Abel et al., Bayesian hierarchically weighted finite mixture models for samples of distributions, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 10(1), 2009, pp. 155-171

Authors: Gu, Wen Pepe, Margaret Sullivan
Citation: Gu, Wen et Pepe, Margaret Sullivan, Estimating the capacity for improvement in risk prediction with a marker, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 10(1), 2009, pp. 172-186

Authors: Jonker, M.A. Bhulai, S. Boomsma, D.I. Ligthart, R.S.L. Posthuma, D. Van Der Vaart, A.W.
Citation: Jonker, M.a et al., Gamma frailty model for linkage analysis with application to interval-censored migraine data, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 10(1), 2009, pp. 187-200

Authors: Rathouz, Paul J. Gao, Liping
Citation: J. Rathouz, Paul et Gao, Liping, Generalized linear models with unspecified reference distribution, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 10(2), 2009, pp. 205-218

Authors: Su, Shu-Chih Caffo, Brian Garrett-Mayer, Elizabeth Bassett, Susan Spear
Citation: Su, Shu-chih et al., Modified test statistics by inter-voxel variance shrinkage with an application to f MRI, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 10(2), 2009, pp. 219-227

Authors: Huang, Ying Pepe, Margaret Sullivan
Citation: Huang, Ying et Pepe, Margaret Sullivan, Biomarker evaluation and comparison using the controls as a reference population, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 10(2), 2009, pp. 228-244

Authors: Fiocco, M. Putter, H. Van Houwelingen, J.C.
Citation: M. Fiocco, et al., A new serially correlated gamma-frailty process for longitudinal count data, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 10(2), 2009, pp. 245-257

Authors: Gryparis, Alexandros Paciorek, Christopher J. Zeka, Ariana Schwartz, Joel Coull, Brent A.
Citation: Gryparis, Alexandros et al., Measurement error caused by spatial misalignment in environmental epidemiology, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 10(2), 2009, pp. 258-274

Authors: Tian, Lu Cai, Tianxi Pfeffer, Marc A. Piankov, Nikita Cremieux, Pierre-Yves Wei, L.J.
Citation: Tian, Lu et al., Exact and efficient inference procedure for meta-analysis and its application to the analysis of independent 2 . 2 tables with all available data but without artificial continuity correction, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 10(2), 2009, pp. 275-281

Authors: Dobbin, Kevin K.
Citation: K. Dobbin, Kevin, A method for constructing a confidence bound for the actual error rate of a prediction rule in high dimensions, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 10(2), 2009, pp. 282-296

Authors: Pahl, Roman Schafer, Helmut Muller, Hans-Helge
Citation: Pahl, Roman et al., Optimal multistage designs.a general framework for efficient genome-wide association studies, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 10(2), 2009, pp. 297-309

Authors: Zhao, Lihui Hu, Joan Lagakos, Stephen W.
Citation: Zhao, Lihui et al., Statistical monitoring of clinical trials with multivariate response and/or multiple arms: a flexible approach, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 10(2), 2009, pp. 310-323
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-62