string(238) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='2010' AND fasc_issn='14654644' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 25 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-65    

Articles table of contents

Results : 26-50/65

Authors: Elliott, Michael R. Raghunathan, Trivellore E. Li, Yun
Citation: R. Elliott, Michael et al., Bayesian inference for causal mediation effects using principal stratification with dichotomous mediators and outcomes, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 11(2), 2010, pp. 353-372

Authors: Fay, Michael P.
Citation: P. Fay, Michael, Confidence intervals that match Fisher's exact or Blaker's exact tests, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 11(2), 2010, pp. 373-374

Authors: Keiding, Niels
Citation: Keiding, Niels, Reproducible research and the substantive context, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 11(3), 2010, pp. 376-378

Authors: Breslow, Norman E.
Citation: E. Breslow, Norman, Commentary, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 11(3), 2010, pp. 379-380

Authors: Cox, D.R. Donnelly, Christl
Citation: Cox, D.r et Donnelly, Christl, Commentary, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 11(3), 2010, pp. 381-382

Authors: DeAngelis, Catherine D. Fontanarosa, Phil B.
Citation: D. Deangelis, Catherine et B. Fontanarosa, Phil, The importance of independent academic statistical analysis, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 11(3), 2010, pp. 383-384

Authors: Donoho, David L.
Citation: L. Donoho, David, An invitation to reproducible computational research, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 11(3), 2010, pp. 385-388

Authors: Goodman, Steven N.
Citation: N. Goodman, Steven, Commentary, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 11(3), 2010, pp. 389-390

Authors: Groves, Trish
Citation: Groves, Trish, The wider concept of data sharing: view from the BMJ, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 11(3), 2010, pp. 391-392

Authors: Peng, Roger D.
Citation: D. Peng, Roger, Discussion of Keiding, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 11(3), 2010, pp. 393-394

Authors: Keiding, Niels
Citation: Keiding, Niels, Reproducible research and the substantive context: response to comments, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 11(3), 2010, pp. 395-396

Authors: Fong, Youyi Rue, Havard Wakefield, Jon
Citation: Fong, Youyi et al., Bayesian inference for generalized linear mixed models, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 11(3), 2010, pp. 397-412

Authors: Baker, Stuart G. Darke, Amy K. Pinsky, Paul Parnes, Howard L. Kramer, Barnett S.
Citation: G. Baker, Stuart et al., Transparency and reproducibility in data analysis: the Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 11(3), 2010, pp. 413-418

Authors: Bornkamp, Bjorn Ickstadt, Katja Dunson, David
Citation: Bornkamp, Bjorn et al., Stochastically ordered multiple regression, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 11(3), 2010, pp. 419-431

Authors: Malloy, Elizabeth J. Morris, Jeffrey S. Adar, Sara D. Suh, Helen Gold, Diane R. Coull, Brent A.
Citation: J. Malloy, Elizabeth et al., Wavelet-based functional linear mixed models: an application to measurement error.corrected distributed lag models, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 11(3), 2010, pp. 432-452

Authors: Aalen, Odd O. Gunnes, Nina
Citation: O. Aalen, Odd et Gunnes, Nina, A dynamic approach for reconstructing missing longitudinal data using the linear increments model, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 11(3), 2010, pp. 453-472

Authors: Guo, Mengye Heitjan, Daniel F.
Citation: Guo, Mengye et F. Heitjan, Daniel, Multiplicity-calibrated Bayesian hypothesis tests, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 11(3), 2010, pp. 473-483

Authors: Molitor, John Papathomas, Michail Jerrett, Michael Richardson, Sylvia
Citation: Molitor, John et al., Bayesian profile regression with an application to the National survey of children's health, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 11(3), 2010, pp. 484-498

Authors: Wu, Hao Caffo, Brian Jaffee, Harris A. Irizarry, Rafael A. Feinberg, Andrew P.
Citation: Wu, Hao et al., Redefining CpG islands using hidden Markov models, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 11(3), 2010, pp. 499-514

Authors: Benelli, Matteo Marseglia, Giuseppina Nannetti, Genni Paravidino, Roberta Zara, Federico Bricarelli, Franca Dagna Torricelli, Francesca Magi, Alberto
Citation: Benelli, Matteo et al., A very fast and accurate method for calling aberrations in array-CGH data, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 11(3), 2010, pp. 515-518

Authors: Zhang, Hong Olschwang, Sylviane Yu, Kai
Citation: Zhang, Hong et al., Statistical inference on the penetrances of rare genetic mutations based on a design, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 11(3), 2010, pp. 519-532

Authors: Blades, Natalie J. Grimshaw, Scott D. Pendleton, Carly R.
Citation: J. Blades, Natalie et al., A simulation-based approach for evaluating microarray analyses, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 11(3), 2010, pp. 533-536

Authors: O'Quigley, John Hughes, Michael D. Fenton, Terry Pei, Lixia
Citation: O'Quigley, John et al., Dynamic calibration of pharmacokinetic parameters in dose-finding studies, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 11(3), 2010, pp. 537-545

Authors: Van Rompaye, Bart Goetghebeur, Els Jaffar, Shabbar
Citation: Van Rompaye, Bart et al., Design and testing for clinical trials faced with misclassified causes of death, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 11(3), 2010, pp. 546-558

Authors: Kim, Sungduk Sundaram, Rajeshwari Buck Louis, Germaine M.
Citation: Kim, Sungduk et al., Joint modeling of intercourse behavior and human fecundability using structural equation models, Biostatistics (Oxford. Print) , 11(3), 2010, pp. 559-571
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-65