string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='2012' AND fasc_issn='14398516' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | >>    

Articles table of contents

Results : 1-25/150

Authors: Cao, Bin Tao
Citation: Cao, Bin Tao, Asymmetric and moving-frame approaches to MHD equations, Acta mathematica Sinica. English series (Print) , 28(1), 2012, pp. 1-36

Authors: Bu, Shang Quan
Citation: Bu, Shang Quan, Well-posedness of equations with fractional derivative via the method of sum, Acta mathematica Sinica. English series (Print) , 28(1), 2012, pp. 37-44

Authors: Yang, Zhong Qiang Zhang, Bao Can
Citation: Yang, Zhong Qiang et Zhang, Bao Can, The hyperspace of the regions below continuous maps with the fell topology, Acta mathematica Sinica. English series (Print) , 28(1), 2012, pp. 57-66

Authors: García-Selfa, Irene Tornero, José M.
Citation: García-selfa, Irene et M. Tornero, José, A complete diophantine characterization of the rational torsion of an elliptic curve, Acta mathematica Sinica. English series (Print) , 28(1), 2012, pp. 83-96

Authors: Huang, Chao Yang, Li Hua
Citation: Huang, Chao et Yang, Li Hua, A new class of multi-wavelet bases: V-system, Acta mathematica Sinica. English series (Print) , 28(1), 2012, pp. 105-120

Authors: Li, Tian Jun Wu, Wei Wei
Citation: Li, Tian Jun et Wu, Wei Wei, Note on a theorem of Bangert, Acta mathematica Sinica. English series (Print) , 28(1), 2012, pp. 121-132

Authors: Ma, Li
Citation: Ma, Li, Lp bounds for singular integrals with rough kernels on product domains, Acta mathematica Sinica. English series (Print) , 28(1), 2012, pp. 133-144

Authors: Wang, Meng
Citation: Wang, Meng, The asymptotic behavior of Chern-Simons Higgs model on a compact Riemann surface with boundary, Acta mathematica Sinica. English series (Print) , 28(1), 2012, pp. 145-170

Authors: Álvarez, T.
Citation: T. Álvarez,, On regular linear relations, Acta mathematica Sinica. English series (Print) , 28(1), 2012, pp. 183-194

Authors: El Kaoutit, L.
Citation: L. El Kaoutit,, On the set of grouplikes of a coring, Acta mathematica Sinica. English series (Print) , 28(1), 2012, pp. 195-204

Authors: Wang, Xian Feng
Citation: Wang, Xian Feng, Proper biharmonic submanifolds in a sphere, Acta mathematica Sinica. English series (Print) , 28(1), 2012, pp. 205-218

Authors: Bongiorno, Benedetto
Citation: Bongiorno, Benedetto, Radon-Nikodym derivatives of finitely additive interval measures taking values in a Banach space with basis, Acta mathematica Sinica. English series (Print) , 28(2), 2012, pp. 219-234

Authors: Xiao, Jiang Wei
Citation: Xiao, Jiang Wei, Bilinear pseudo-differential operators on local hardy spaces, Acta mathematica Sinica. English series (Print) , 28(2), 2012, pp. 255-266

Authors: Broere, Izak Drgas-Burchardt, Ewa
Citation: Broere, Izak et Drgas-burchardt, Ewa, Unique factorization of compositive hereditary graph properties, Acta mathematica Sinica. English series (Print) , 28(2), 2012, pp. 267-280

Authors: Hu, Guo En
Citation: Hu, Guo En, Multilinear Calderón-Zygmund operator on products of Hardy spaces, Acta mathematica Sinica. English series (Print) , 28(2), 2012, pp. 281-294

Authors: Wang, Jian Bo
Citation: Wang, Jian Bo, Diffeomorphism classification of smooth weighted complete intersections, Acta mathematica Sinica. English series (Print) , 28(2), 2012, pp. 299-312

Authors: Lu, Yu Feng
Citation: Lu, Yu Feng, Hyponormal Toeplitz operators on the polydisk, Acta mathematica Sinica. English series (Print) , 28(2), 2012, pp. 333-348

Authors: Wang, Jian
Citation: Wang, Jian, Criteria for super- and weak-Poincaré inequalities of ergodic birth-death processes, Acta mathematica Sinica. English series (Print) , 28(2), 2012, pp. 357-370

Authors: Guo, Yong Jiang
Citation: Guo, Yong Jiang, On the fluid approximation for a multiclass queue under non-preemptive SBP service discipline, Acta mathematica Sinica. English series (Print) , 28(2), 2012, pp. 379-404

Authors: Qi, Xiao Fei
Citation: Qi, Xiao Fei, Jordan triple derivations on J-subspace lattice algebras, Acta mathematica Sinica. English series (Print) , 28(2), 2012, pp. 417-424

Authors: Guo, Xiao Jiang
Citation: Guo, Xiao Jiang, Split quasi-adequate semigroups, Acta mathematica Sinica. English series (Print) , 28(2), 2012, pp. 425-238

Authors: Eroh, Linda Gera, Ralucca
Citation: Eroh, Linda et Gera, Ralucca, Closed 3-stop center and periphery in graphs, Acta mathematica Sinica. English series (Print) , 28(3), 2012, pp. 439-452

Authors: Lema.ska, Magdalena Rodríguez-Velázquez, Juan A.
Citation: Lema.ska, Magdalena et A. Rodríguez-velázquez, Juan, The limit case of a domination property, Acta mathematica Sinica. English series (Print) , 28(3), 2012, pp. 463-468

Authors: Yuan, Jin Budarina, Natalia
Citation: Yuan, Jin et Budarina, Natalia, On the number of polynomials with small discriminants in the Euclidean and p-adic metrics, Acta mathematica Sinica. English series (Print) , 28(3), 2012, pp. 469-476

Authors: Zhu, Hong
Citation: Zhu, Hong, Yetter-Drinfeld modules over the Hopf-Ore extension of the group algebra of dihedral group, Acta mathematica Sinica. English series (Print) , 28(3), 2012, pp. 487-502
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | >>