string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='2014' AND fasc_issn='07474938' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-37    

Articles table of contents

Results : 1-25/37

Authors: Zellner, Arnold Ando, Tomohiro Ba.türk, Nalan Hoogerheide, Lennart van Dijk, Herman K
Citation: Zellner, Arnold et al., Bayesian Analysis of Instrumental Variable Models: Acceptance-Rejection within Direct Monte Carlo, Econometric reviews , 33(1-4), 2014, pp. 3-35

Authors: Heckman, James J Lopes, Hedibert F Piatek, Rémi
Citation: J. Heckman, James et al., Treatment Effects: A Bayesian Perspective, Econometric reviews , 33(1-4), 2014, pp. 36-67

Authors: Ando, Tomohiro Tsay, Ruey S
Citation: Ando, Tomohiro et S. Tsay, Ruey, A Predictive Approach for Selection of Diffusion Index Models, Econometric reviews , 33(1-4), 2014, pp. 68-99

Authors: Lopes, Hedibert F Polson, Nicholas G
Citation: F. Lopes, Hedibert et G. Polson, Nicholas, Bayesian Instrumental Variables: Priors and Likelihoods, Econometric reviews , 33(1-4), 2014, pp. 100-121

Authors: Lenkoski, Alex Eicher, Theo S Raftery, Adrian E
Citation: Lenkoski, Alex et al., Two-Stage Bayesian Model Averaging in Endogenous Variable Models, Econometric reviews , 33(1-4), 2014, pp. 122-151

Authors: Chib, Siddhartha Ramamurthy, Srikanth
Citation: Chib, Siddhartha et Ramamurthy, Srikanth, DSGE Models with Student-t Errors, Econometric reviews , 33(1-4), 2014, pp. 152-171

Authors: Kline, Brendan Tobias, Justin L
Citation: Kline, Brendan et L. Tobias, Justin, Explaining Trends in Body Mass Index Using Demographic Counterfactuals, Econometric reviews , 33(1-4), 2014, pp. 172-196

Authors: Berger, James Bayarri, M J Pericchi, L R
Citation: Berger, James et al., The Effective Sample Size, Econometric reviews , 33(1-4), 2014, pp. 197-217

Authors: Meng, Xiao-Li Xie, Xianchao
Citation: Meng, Xiao-li et Xie, Xianchao, I Got More Data, My Model is More Refined, but My Estimator is Getting Worse! Am I Just Dumb?, Econometric reviews , 33(1-4), 2014, pp. 218-250

Authors: George, Edward I Maruyama, Yuzo
Citation: I. George, Edward et Maruyama, Yuzo, Posterior Odds with a Generalized Hyper-g-Prior, Econometric reviews , 33(1-4), 2014, pp. 251-269

Authors: Geweke, John Amisano, Gianni
Citation: Geweke, John et Amisano, Gianni, Analysis of Variance for Bayesian Inference, Econometric reviews , 33(1-4), 2014, pp. 270-288

Authors: Ruggeri, Fabrizio
Citation: Ruggeri, Fabrizio, On Some Optimal Bayesian Nonparametric Rules for Estimating Distribution Functions, Econometric reviews , 33(1-4), 2014, pp. 289-304

Authors: Yang, Minxian
Citation: Yang, Minxian, Normality of Posterior Distribution Under Misspecification and Nonsmoothness, and Bayes Factor for Davies' Problem, Econometric reviews , 33(1-4), 2014, pp. 305-336

Authors: Clarke, Bertrand Clarke, Jennifer Yu, Chi Wai
Citation: Clarke, Bertrand et al., Statistical Problem Classes and Their Links to Information Theory, Econometric reviews , 33(1-4), 2014, pp. 337-371

Authors: Kadane, Joseph B Jin, Jiashun
Citation: B. Kadane, Joseph et Jin, Jiashun, Uniform Distributions on the Integers: A connection to the Bernouilli Random Walk, Econometric reviews , 33(1-4), 2014, pp. 372-378

Authors: Singpurwalla, Nozer D
Citation: D. Singpurwalla, Nozer, Adaptive Percolation Using Subjective Likelihoods, Econometric reviews , 33(1-4), 2014, pp. 379-394

Authors: Ebrahimi, Nader Jalali, Nima Y Soofi, Ehsan S Soyer, Refik
Citation: Ebrahimi, Nader et al., Importance of Components for a System, Econometric reviews , 33(1-4), 2014, pp. 395-420

Authors: Soofi, Ehsan S
Citation: S. Soofi, Ehsan, Memorial Statements by Anderson, Judge, Press, Aigner, Allenby, and Palm, Econometric reviews , 33(1-4), 2014, pp. 424-427

Authors: Orme, Chris D Yamagata, Takashi
Citation: D. Orme, Chris et Yamagata, Takashi, A Heteroskedasticity-Robust F-Test Statistic for Individual Effects, Econometric reviews , 33(5-6), 2014, pp. 431-471

Authors: Hausman, Jerry Woutersen, Tiemen
Citation: Hausman, Jerry et Woutersen, Tiemen, Estimating the Derivative Function and Counterfactuals in Duration Models with Heterogeneity, Econometric reviews , 33(5-6), 2014, pp. 472-496

Authors: Amsler, Christine Prokhorov, Artem Schmidt, Peter
Citation: Amsler, Christine et al., Using Copulas to Model Time Dependence in Stochastic Frontier Models, Econometric reviews , 33(5-6), 2014, pp. 497-522

Authors: Linton, Oliver Gozalo, Pedro
Citation: Linton, Oliver et Gozalo, Pedro, Testing Conditional Independence Restrictions, Econometric reviews , 33(5-6), 2014, pp. 523-552

Authors: Castle, Jennifer L Doornik, Jurgen A Hendry, David F Nymoen, Ragnar
Citation: L. Castle, Jennifer et al., Misspecification Testing: Non-Invariance of Expectations Models of Inflation, Econometric reviews , 33(5-6), 2014, pp. 553-574

Authors: Jin, Sainan Su, Liangjun Ullah, Aman
Citation: Jin, Sainan et al., Robustify Financial Time Series Forecasting with Bagging, Econometric reviews , 33(5-6), 2014, pp. 575-605

Authors: Cavaliere, Giuseppe Rahbek, Anders Robert Taylor, A M
Citation: Cavaliere, Giuseppe et al., Bootstrap Determination of the Co-Integration Rank in Heteroskedastic VAR Models, Econometric reviews , 33(5-6), 2014, pp. 606-650
Results: 1-25 | 26-37