string(238) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='2017' AND fasc_issn='00935301' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 25 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-66    

Articles table of contents

Results : 26-50/66

Authors: Crockett, David Pendarvis, Nicholas
Citation: Crockett, David et Pendarvis, Nicholas, A Research Agenda on Political Ideology in Consumer Research: A Commentary on Jung et al..s .Blue and Red Voices., Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 44(3), 2017, pp. 500-5002

Authors: Jost, John T Langer, Melanie Singh, Vishal
Citation: T. Jost, John et al., The Politics of Buying, Boycotting, Complaining, and Disputing: An Extension of the Research Program by Jung, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 44(3), 2017, pp. 503-510

Authors: Figueiredo, Bernardo Scaraboto, Daiane
Citation: Figueiredo, Bernardo et Scaraboto, Daiane, The Systemic Creation of Value Through Circulation in Collaborative Consumer Networks, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 43(4), 2017, pp. 509-533

Authors: Jung, Kiju Garbarino, Ellen Briley, Donnel A Wynhausen, Jesse
Citation: Jung, Kiju et al., Political Ideology and Consumer Research beyond Complaining Behavior: A Response to the Commentaries, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 44(3), 2017, pp. 511-518

Authors: Juhl, Hans Jørn Fenger, Morten H. J. Thøgersen, John
Citation: Juhl, Hans Jørn et al., Will the Consistent Organic Food Consumer Step Forward? An Empirical Analysis, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 44(3), 2017, pp. 519-535

Authors: Mehta, Ravi Dahl, Darren W. Zhu, Rui (Juliet)
Citation: Mehta, Ravi et al., Social-Recognition versus Financial Incentives? Exploring the Effects of Creativity-Contingent External Rewards on Creative Performance, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 44(3), 2017, pp. 536-553

Authors: Crockett, David
Citation: Crockett, David, Paths to Respectability: Consumption and Stigma Management in the Contemporary Black Middle Class, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 44(3), 2017, pp. 554-581

Authors: Bardhi, Fleura Eckhardt, Giana M
Citation: Bardhi, Fleura et M. Eckhardt, Giana, Liquid Consumption, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 44(3), 2017, pp. 582-597

Authors: Bastos, Wilson Brucks, Merrie
Citation: Bastos, Wilson et Brucks, Merrie, How and Why Conversational Value Leads to Happiness for Experiential and Material Purchases, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 44(3), 2017, pp. 598-612

Authors: Chen, Zoey
Citation: Chen, Zoey, Social Acceptance and Word of Mouth: How the Motive to Belong Leads to Divergent WOM with Strangers and Friends, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 44(3), 2017, pp. 613-613

Authors: Nelson, Noelle M. Redden, Joseph P.
Citation: M. Nelson, Noelle et P. Redden, Joseph, Remembering Satiation: The Role of Working Memory in Satiation, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 44(3), 2017, pp. 633-650

Authors: Wu, Freeman Samper, Adriana Morales, Andrea C. Fitzsimons, Gavan J.
Citation: Wu, Freeman et al., It.s Too Pretty to Use! When and How Enhanced Product Aesthetics Discourage Usage and Lower Consumption Enjoyment, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 44(3), 2017, pp. 651-672

Authors: Kozinets, Robert Patterson, Anthony Ashman, Rachel
Citation: Kozinets, Robert et al., Networks of Desire: How Technology Increases Our Passion to Consume, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 43(5), 2017, pp. 659-682

Authors: Reimann, Martin Nuñez, Sandra Castaño, Raquel
Citation: Reimann, Martin et al., Brand-Aid, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 44(3), 2017, pp. 673-691

Authors: Kristofferson, Kirk McFerran, Brent Morales, Andrea C Dahl,Darren W
Citation: Kristofferson, Kirk et al., The Dark Side of Scarcity Promotions: How Exposure to Limited-Quantity Promotions Can Induce Aggression, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 43(5), 2017, pp. 683-706

Authors: Lee, Hyojin Fujita, Kentaro Deng, Xiaoyan Unnava, H Rao
Citation: Lee, Hyojin et al., The Role of Temporal Distance on the Color of Future-Directed Imagery: A Construal-Level Perspective, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 43(5), 2017, pp. 707-725

Authors: Sela, Aner Berger, Jonah Kim, Joshua
Citation: Sela, Aner et al., How Self-Control Shapes the Meaning of Choice, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 44(4), 2017, pp. 724-737

Authors: Maciel, Andre F Wallendorf, Melanie
Citation: F. Maciel, Andre et Wallendorf, Melanie, Taste Engineering: An Extended Consumer Model of Cultural Competence Constitution, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 43(5), 2017, pp. 726-746

Authors: Hildebrand, Diogo DeMotta, Yoshiko Sen, Sankar Valenzuela, Ana
Citation: Hildebrand, Diogo et al., Consumer Responses to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Contribution Type, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 44(4), 2017, pp. 738-758

Authors: Yang, Yang Gu, Yangjie Galak, Jeff
Citation: Yang, Yang et al., When It Could Have Been Worse, It Gets Better: How Favorable Uncertainty Resolution Slows Hedonic Adaptation, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 43(5), 2017, pp. 747-768

Authors: Rozenkrants, Bella Wheeler, S Christian Shiv, Baba
Citation: Rozenkrants, Bella et al., Self-Expression Cues in Product Rating Distributions: When People Prefer Polarizing Products, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 44(4), 2017, pp. 759-777

Authors: Khan, Uzma Kupor, Daniella M
Citation: Khan, Uzma et M. Kupor, Daniella, Risk (Mis)Perception: When Greater Risk Reduces Risk Valuation, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 43(5), 2017, pp. 769-786

Authors: Dong, Ping Zhong, Chen-Bo
Citation: Dong, Ping et Zhong, Chen-bo, Retracted: Witnessing Moral Violations Increases Conformity in Consumption, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 44(4), 2017, pp. 778-793

Authors: Townsend, Claudia
Citation: Townsend, Claudia, The Price of Beauty: Differential Effects of Design Elements with and without Cost Implications in Nonprofit Donor Solicitations, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 44(4), 2017, pp. 794-815

Authors: Marinova, Detelina Kozlenkova, Irina V Cuttler, Leona Silvers, J B
Citation: Marinova, Detelina et al., To Prescribe or Not to Prescribe? Consumer Access to Life-Enhancing Products, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 43(5), 2017, pp. 806-823
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-66