string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='2019' AND fasc_issn='00257818' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-51    

Articles table of contents

Results : 1-25/51

Authors: Bonzini, M. Grillo, P. Consonni, D.
Citation: M. Bonzini, et al., Cancer risk in oil refinery workers: a pooled mortality study in Italy, Medicina del lavoro (Testo stampato) Medicine, Health and Working Life, 110(1), 2019, pp. 3-10

Authors: Antonia Francesca Franchini
Citation: Antonia Francesca Franchini, Medicine in Milan between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, Medicina del lavoro (Testo stampato) Medicine, Health and Working Life, 110, 2019, pp. 7-12

Authors: Giorgi, G. Ariza Montes, A. Rapisarda, V.
Citation: G. Giorgi, et al., Work-related stress in the banking sector: a study on an Italian aged population of over 2,000 workers, Medicina del lavoro (Testo stampato) Medicine, Health and Working Life, 110(1), 2019, pp. 11-21

Authors: Alessandro Porro
Citation: Alessandro Porro, The first Industrial Hygiene Congresses in Milan, Medicina del lavoro (Testo stampato) Medicine, Health and Working Life, 110, 2019, pp. 13-23

Authors: d'Ettore, G. Pellicani, V. Vullo, A.
Citation: G. D'Ettore, et al., Gender assessment of job stress in healthcare workers. Implications for practice, Medicina del lavoro (Testo stampato) Medicine, Health and Working Life, 110(1), 2019, pp. 22-28

Authors: Silvia Fustinoni Michele Augusto Riva
Citation: Silvia Fustinoni et Michele Augusto Riva, The first steps of industrial hygiene and occupational toxicology at the Clinica del Lavoro di Milano under the guidance of Luigi Devoto, Medicina del lavoro (Testo stampato) Medicine, Health and Working Life, 110, 2019, pp. 24-35

Authors: Larese Filon, F. Paniz, E. Prodi, A.
Citation: F. Larese Filon, et al., The gender gap in Italian academic medicine from 2005 to 2015: still a glass ceiling, Medicina del lavoro (Testo stampato) Medicine, Health and Working Life, 110(1), 2019, pp. 29-36

Authors: Michele Augusto Riva Michael Belingheri Silvia Fustinoni
Citation: Michele Augusto Riva et al., The birth of modern industrial hygiene and occupational toxicology. A historical reconstruction through the analysis of the contributions of three protagonists, Medicina del lavoro (Testo stampato) Medicine, Health and Working Life, 110, 2019, pp. 36-48

Authors: del Mar Seguí-Crespo, M. Cantó Sancho, N. Ronda, E.
Citation: M. Del Mar Seguí-crespo, et al., Traduzione e adattamento culturale del Questionario per lo studio della Sindrome da Visione al Computer (CVS-Q©) in italiano, Medicina del lavoro (Testo stampato) Medicine, Health and Working Life, 110(1), 2019, pp. 37-45

Authors: Chellini, E. Lippi, G. Festa, G.
Citation: E. Chellini, et al., Identificazione dei lavoratori ex-esposti ad amianto in toscana da inserire nel programma di sorveglianza sanitaria, Medicina del lavoro (Testo stampato) Medicine, Health and Working Life, 110(1), 2019, pp. 46-55

Authors: Domanico Maria Cavallo Andrea Cattaneo Andrea Spinazzè
Citation: Domanico Maria Cavallo et al., A History of Industrial Hygiene: the Clinica del Lavoro in Milan and the Italian Association of Industrial Hygienists, Medicina del lavoro (Testo stampato) Medicine, Health and Working Life, 110, 2019, pp. 49-56

Authors: Mechergui, N. Youssef, I. Ben Charrada, N.
Citation: N. Mechergui, et al., Epileptic seizures and occupational exposure to solvents: a cases series, Medicina del lavoro (Testo stampato) Medicine, Health and Working Life, 110(1), 2019, pp. 56-62

Authors: Vito Foà
Citation: Vito Foà, The laboratory of Industrial Hygiene of the Clinica del Lavoro of Milan: a direct testimony, Medicina del lavoro (Testo stampato) Medicine, Health and Working Life, 110, 2019, pp. 57-60

Authors: Lorenzo Alessio
Citation: Lorenzo Alessio, Milan, 1967-'68 a young internist meets with Industrial Toxicology, Medicina del lavoro (Testo stampato) Medicine, Health and Working Life, 110, 2019, pp. 61-68

Authors: Porro, A. Falconi, B. Lorusso, L.
Citation: A. Porro, et al., Medicina del Lavoro e psicologia del lavoro: un incontro nella Milano del secondo dopoguerra, Medicina del lavoro (Testo stampato) Medicine, Health and Working Life, 110(1), 2019, pp. 63-74

Authors: Angelo Maria Cirla
Citation: Angelo Maria Cirla, Team work experiences in experimental toxicology research and in work setting survey promoted by E.C. Vigliani, Medicina del lavoro (Testo stampato) Medicine, Health and Working Life, 110, 2019, pp. 69-75

Authors: Carlo Sala
Citation: Carlo Sala, Experimental evaluation of air pollutant samplers designed in Clinica del Lavoro, Medicina del lavoro (Testo stampato) Medicine, Health and Working Life, 110, 2019, pp. 76-86

Authors: Massimo Corradi Giuseppina Folesani Benedetta Robuschi
Citation: Massimo Corradi et al., Non-invasive techniques to asses restrictive lung disease in workers exposed to free crystalline silica, Medicina del lavoro (Testo stampato) Medicine, Health and Working Life, 110(2), 2019, pp. 83-92

Authors: Michela Augusto Riva Silvia Fustinoni
Citation: Michela Augusto Riva et Silvia Fustinoni, One hundred years of industrial hygyene and toxicology at the Clinica del Lavoro of Milan. A chronology, Medicina del lavoro (Testo stampato) Medicine, Health and Working Life, 110, 2019, pp. 87-90

Authors: Sara Negri Enrico Oddone Francesco Morandi
Citation: Sara Negri et al., Validation of cleaning procedures used in an Italian Hospital Pharmacy for antineoplastic drug decontamination:m a new tool for industrial hygiene, Medicina del lavoro (Testo stampato) Medicine, Health and Working Life, 110(2), 2019, pp. 93-101

Authors: Guglielmo Dini Nicola Luigi Bragazzi Alfredo Montecucco
Citation: Guglielmo Dini et al., Big Data in occupational medicine: the convergence of -omics sciences, participatory research and e-health, Medicina del lavoro (Testo stampato) Medicine, Health and Working Life, 110(2), 2019, pp. 102-114

Authors: Maria Russo Claudio Lucifora Francesco Pucciarelli
Citation: Maria Russo et al., Work hazards and workers' mental health: an investigation based on the fifth European Working Conditions Survey, Medicina del lavoro (Testo stampato) Medicine, Health and Working Life, 110(2), 2019, pp. 115-129

Authors: Mattia Marte Ernesto Cappellano Cristina Sestili
Citation: Mattia Marte et al., Workplace violence towards healthcare workers; an observational study in the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Rome, Medicina del lavoro (Testo stampato) Medicine, Health and Working Life, 110(2), 2019, pp. 130-141

Authors: Laura Dal Corso Francesca Carluccio Malì Scarcella
Citation: Laura Dal Corso et al., How to improve performance and prevent burnout in safety representatives, Medicina del lavoro (Testo stampato) Medicine, Health and Working Life, 110(2), 2019, pp. 142-154

Authors: Michael Belingheri Rita Facchetti Francesco Scordo
Citation: Michael Belingheri et al., Risk behaviors among Italian healthcare students: a cross-sectional study for health promotion of future healthcare workers, Medicina del lavoro (Testo stampato) Medicine, Health and Working Life, 110(2), 2019, pp. 155-162
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-51