string(212) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_issn='00177377' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 200 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: << | 201-225 | 226-250 | 251-275 | 276-300 | >>    

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Results : 201-225/363

Authors: Vardan Matteosean
Journal: Handes amsorya
Citation: Vardan Matteosean, Sepagir albiwrneru arman erkire, Handes amsorya , 108(1-12), 1994, pp. 255-268

Authors: M. Kristin Arat
Journal: Handes amsorya
Citation: M. Kristin Arat, Die Reliquie des Hl. Stephanus von Armenien in der Kathedrale von St. Stephan in Wien, Handes amsorya , 98(1-12), 1984, pp. 257-280

Authors: Edda Vardanyan
Journal: Handes amsorya
Citation: Edda Vardanyan, Un psautier Arménien illustré du XVe siècle, Handes amsorya , 115(1-12), 2001, pp. 257-280

Authors: Anasean, Y. S.
Journal: Handes amsorya
Citation: S. Anasean, Y., "Armat Hawatoy"-i albirneric (4), Kelestinos Hromayeci ew Barsuma Antiokaci, Handes amsorya , 97(7-12), 1983, pp. 258-304

Authors: Aleksan Yakobean
Journal: Handes amsorya
Citation: Aleksan Yakobean, Aluanic isxanneri zamanakagrutiwne, Handes amsorya , 118(1-12), 2004, pp. 267-292

Authors: Donara Karapetean
Journal: Handes amsorya
Citation: Donara Karapetean, G. E. Lessingi stelcagorcutiwnnere tarber zolovurdneri lezunerov ew dranc ananc arzeke, Handes amsorya , 108(1-12), 1994, pp. 269-272

Authors: Aleksan Yakobean
Journal: Handes amsorya
Citation: Aleksan Yakobean, Hakarii vernahovti norayayt vimagrere, Handes amsorya , 112(1-12), 1998, pp. 269-324

Authors: Nikolos Tahmizean
Journal: Handes amsorya
Citation: Nikolos Tahmizean, Bard xazaworumneri arajin karge, Handes amsorya , 110(1-12), 1996, pp. 270-283

Authors: Paroyr Muradean
Journal: Handes amsorya
Citation: Paroyr Muradean, Ur telorosel Anii vimagri "Axelkalak"-e?, Handes amsorya , 119(1-12), 2005, pp. 271-280

Authors: Andranik Karapetian
Journal: Handes amsorya
Citation: Andranik Karapetian, Wiederholung von Satzendungen im Kunstwort, Handes amsorya , 120(1-12), 2006, pp. 275-316

Authors: Abel Oghlukian
Journal: Handes amsorya
Citation: Abel Oghlukian, Eucharistie und Wandlungsverständnis im Glaubensgut der armenischen Kirche, Handes amsorya , 111(1-12), 1997, pp. 277-408

Authors: Anasean, Y. S.
Journal: Handes amsorya
Citation: S. Anasean, Y., Bnagrayin mi cstum Ezekieli grki targmanutean mej, Handes amsorya , 101(1-12), 1987, pp. 279-284

Authors: Hayk Ter-Lewondean
Journal: Handes amsorya
Citation: Hayk Ter-lewondean, Artasesean arkayatohmi tagere ew anonc cagume, Handes amsorya , 100(1-12), 1986, pp. 281-290

Authors: Lewon Sargsean
Journal: Handes amsorya
Citation: Lewon Sargsean, Nuiratuakan yoduacnere kanonakan orosumnerum, Handes amsorya , 119(1-12), 2005, pp. 281-294

Authors: Hayk Ter Lewondean
Journal: Handes amsorya
Citation: Hayk Ter Lewondean, Erewani matenadarani metaleay jeragrakazmeru cucak, A mas, Handes amsorya , 98(1-12), 1984, pp. 281-320

Authors: Tiran Marutean
Journal: Handes amsorya
Citation: Tiran Marutean, Lekiti bolorak tacare, Handes amsorya , 115(1-12), 2001, pp. 281-354

Authors: Rima Mirumean
Journal: Handes amsorya
Citation: Rima Mirumean, Hasarakakan arajentaci eutean embrnume XIX dari hay patmapilisopayutean mej, Handes amsorya , 116(1-12), 2002, pp. 283-336

Authors: Misak Cewahircean
Journal: Handes amsorya
Citation: Misak Cewahircean, Katolike xace Kilikean hayoc heraldikayum, Handes amsorya , 117(1-12), 2003, pp. 283-300

Authors: Vardan Matteosean
Journal: Handes amsorya
Citation: Vardan Matteosean, Sumerakan albiwrneru aratta erkire ew haykakan lernasxarhe, Handes amsorya , 109(1-12), 1995, pp. 284-303

Authors: Nikolos Tahmizean
Journal: Handes amsorya
Citation: Nikolos Tahmizean, Ludvik Bazil (1931-1990) keanki ew gorci hamarot bnutagir (cnndean 65-ameaki artiw), Handes amsorya , 110(1-12), 1996, pp. 284-295

Authors: Charles Renoux
Journal: Handes amsorya
Citation: Charles Renoux, Le Sceau de la Foi: Une Lacune en Partie Comblée, Handes amsorya , 101(1-12), 1987, pp. 285-294

Authors: Paroyr Muradean
Journal: Handes amsorya
Citation: Paroyr Muradean, Vrac ekelecin (patmamsakutayin hamarot aknark), Handes amsorya , 114(1-12), 2000, pp. 289-304

Authors: Haik Ter-Ghevondian
Journal: Handes amsorya
Citation: Haik Ter-ghevondian, The Royal Crowns of the Artaxiad Dynasty of Armenia, Handes amsorya , 100(1-12), 1986, pp. 291-294

Authors: Artases Sahnazarean
Journal: Handes amsorya
Citation: Artases Sahnazarean, Tasir-Jorageti Kiwrikean tagaworutean cgnazamn u ankume, Handes amsorya , 118(1-12), 2004, pp. 293-316

Authors: Martiros Minasean
Journal: Handes amsorya
Citation: Martiros Minasean, "Ezniki bnagri verakangman harce" yoduacin artiw, Handes amsorya , 100(1-12), 1986, pp. 295-324
Results: << | 201-225 | 226-250 | 251-275 | 276-300 | >>