string(212) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_issn='00274631' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 225 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: << | 201-225 | 226-250 | 251-275 | 276-300 | >>    

Articles table of contents

Results : 226-250/1742

Authors: Giulio Silva
Citation: Giulio Silva, The beginnings of the art of ''Bel canto'' : Remarks on the critical history of singing, Musical quarterly , VIII(1), 1922, pp. 53-68

Authors: M. Robert Rogers
Citation: M. Robert Rogers, Jazz influence on French music, Musical quarterly , XXI(1), 1935, pp. 53-68

Authors: Jaroslaw De Zielinski
Citation: Jaroslaw De Zielinski, Russian hunting music, Musical quarterly , III(1), 1917, pp. 53-59

Authors: Charles W. Hughes
Citation: Charles W. Hughes, John Christopher Pepusch, Musical quarterly , XXXI(1), 1945, pp. 54-70

Authors: Zdzislaw Jachimecki
Citation: Zdzislaw Jachimecki, Stanislaus Moniuszko : a polish composer of the XIXth century, Musical quarterly , XIV(1), 1928, pp. 54-62

Authors: Jacob Kwalwasser
Citation: Jacob Kwalwasser, Jewish Folk-songs, Musical quarterly , XI(1), 1925, pp. 55-62

Authors: Colin McAlpin
Citation: Colin Mcalpin, Concerning form in music, Musical quarterly , XV(1), 1929, pp. 55-71

Authors: Walter Engelsmann
Citation: Walter Engelsmann, Beethoven and the creative law in symphonic art, Musical quarterly , XXIII(1), 1937, pp. 56-63

Authors: Harry Colin Thorpe
Citation: Harry Colin Thorpe, Breathing and common-sense, Musical quarterly , IX(1), 1923, pp. 56-64

Authors: Antun Dobronic
Citation: Antun Dobronic, A study Juoslav Music, Musical quarterly , XII(1), 1926, pp. 56-71

Authors: Ruth Steiner
Citation: Ruth Steiner, Some monophonic latin songs composed around 1200, Musical quarterly , LII(1), 1966, pp. 56-70

Authors: Edward R. Lerner
Citation: Edward R. Lerner, The "German" works of Alexander Agricola, Musical quarterly , XLVI(1), 1960, pp. 56-66

Authors: B. M. Steigman
Citation: B. M. Steigman, "Nicht Mehr Tristan", Musical quarterly , VII(1), 1921, pp. 57-67

Authors: W. H. Hadow
Citation: W. H. Hadow, Some aspects of modern music, Musical quarterly , I(1), 1915, pp. 57-68

Authors: Claudio Sartori
Citation: Claudio Sartori, Organs, organ-builders, and organists in Milan, 1450-1476: new and unpublished documents, Musical quarterly , XLIII(1), 1957, pp. 57-67

Authors: Francis Rogers
Citation: Francis Rogers, Sophie Arnould (1740-1803), Musical quarterly , VI(1), 1920, pp. 57-61

Authors: H. Wiley Hitchcock
Citation: H. Wiley Hitchcock, The instrumental music of Marc-Antoine Charpentier, Musical quarterly , XLVII(1), 1961, pp. 58-72

Authors: Gerald Abraham
Citation: Gerald Abraham, Pskovityanka : the original version of Rimsky-Korsakov's first opera, Musical quarterly , LIV(1), 1968, pp. 58-73

Authors: Marian Hannah Winter
Citation: Marian Hannah Winter, American theatrical dancing from 1750 to 1800, Musical quarterly , XXIV(1), 1938, pp. 58-73

Authors: Ernest Sanders
Citation: Ernest Sanders, Form and content in the finale of Beethoven's Ninth symphony, Musical quarterly , L(1), 1964, pp. 59-76

Authors: Eva Mary Grew
Citation: Eva Mary Grew, Strindberg and music, Musical quarterly , XIX(1), 1933, pp. 59-73

Authors: Hilda Andrews
Citation: Hilda Andrews, Elizabethan Keyboard music : my ladye Nevells Booke, 1591, Musical quarterly , XVI(1), 1930, pp. 59-71

Authors: S. H. Braithwaite
Citation: S. H. Braithwaite, Modern music, Musical quarterly , XIII(1), 1927, pp. 59-71

Authors: Daniel Heartz
Citation: Daniel Heartz, A spanish "masque of cupid", Musical quarterly , XLVIX(1), 1963, pp. 59-74

Authors: A. Redgrave Cripps
Citation: A. Redgrave Cripps, The study of theory in music teaching. Is it sound?, Musical quarterly , III(1), 1917, pp. 60-68
Results: << | 201-225 | 226-250 | 251-275 | 276-300 | >>