string(211) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_issn='00357529' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 50 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | >>    

Articles table of contents

Results : 51-75/540

Authors: GRAEME Richard W
Citation: W. Graeme Richard, The Bisbee mining § historical museum, Bisbee, Arizona, Rocks and minerals , 71(1), 1996, pp. 40-45

Authors: COOK Robert B
Citation: B. Cook Robert, Connoisseur's choice: sperrylite, Talnakh, Noril'sk district, Siberia, Russia, Rocks and minerals , 76(1), 2001, pp. 40-42

Authors: COOK Robert B
Citation: B. Cook Robert, Connoisseur's choice: vanadinite, Mibladen, Morocco, Rocks and minerals , 70(1), 1995, pp. 40-42

Authors: COOK Robert B
Citation: B. Cook Robert, Connoisseur's choice: Petzite, Bald mountain; Sonora, Tuolumne county, California, Rocks and minerals , 79(1), 2004, pp. 40-42

Authors: COOK Robert B
Citation: B. Cook Robert, Connoisseur's choice: Brazilianite, Corrego Frio, Minas Gerais, Brazil, Rocks and minerals , 75(1), 2000, pp. 40-42

Authors: BIRCH William D
Citation: D. Birch William, Broken Hill, New South Wales, Australia: its contribution to mineralogy, Rocks and minerals , 82(1), 2007, pp. 40-48

Authors: COOK Robert B
Citation: B. Cook Robert, Connoisseur's choice: adamite, Ojuela mine, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico, Rocks and minerals , 74(1), 1999, pp. 40-42

Authors: GAIT Robert I
Citation: I. Gait Robert, Who's who im mineral names: people after whom mexican minerals have been named, Rocks and minerals , 74(1), 1999, pp. 44-50

Authors: ATENCIO Daniel
Citation: Atencio Daniel, Minerals for which Brazil is the type locality, Rocks and minerals , 75(1), 2000, pp. 44-46

Authors: COOK Robert B
Citation: B. Cook Robert, Connoisseur's choice: polybasite, husky mine, Elsa, Yukon territory, Canada, Rocks and minerals , 81(1), 2006, pp. 44-48

Authors: ROSE Timothy WISE Michael BROWN Cathleen
Citation: Rose Timothy et al., Renewed mining at the western quarries of Mount Apatite, Maine, Rocks and minerals , 72(1), 1997, pp. 44-48

Authors: WILSON Marc L
Citation: L. Wilson Marc, Minerals of the former Soviet Union in the collections of the Carnegie Museum of natural history, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Rocks and minerals , 76(1), 2001, pp. 44-49

Authors: KLEINE Scott
Citation: Kleine Scott, Specimen gold from the Olinghouse district, Washoe county, Nevada, Rocks and minerals , 79(1), 2004, pp. 44-54

Authors: SCOVIL Jeff
Citation: Scovil Jeff, What's new in african minerals: a pictorial of clasic and recent specimens, Rocks and minerals , 77(1), 2002, pp. 44-46

Authors: COOK, Robert B
Citation: B. Cook, Robert, Connoisseur's choice: Chalcopyrite, french creek iron mine, Chester county, Pennsylvania, Rocks and minerals , 83(1), 2008, pp. 44-50

Authors: POST Jeffrey E WISE Michael A FEATHER II Russell C POHWAT Paul W
Citation: E. Post Jeffrey et al., The Smithsonian Institution's New Hall of geology, gems, and minerals, Rocks and minerals , 73(1), 1998, pp. 44-51

Authors: FRANCIS Carl A
Citation: A. Francis Carl, The Szenics collection of contemporary Chilean minerals: a new addition to the Harvard mineralogical Museum, Rocks and minerals , 78(1), 2003, pp. 46-51

Authors: GUINNESS Alison C
Citation: C. Guinness Alison, Portland Brownstone Connecticut's contribution to the building of America, Rocks and minerals , 71(1), 1996, pp. 46-51

Authors: GEFFNER Paul
Citation: Geffner Paul, The rocket mine: crystal peak area Colorado, Rocks and minerals , 70(1), 1995, pp. 46-50

Authors: OTTENS Berthold, COOK Robert B
Citation: B. Ottens Berthold, Cook Robert, The Yaogangxian tungsten mine, Yizhang county, Chenzhou, Hunan province, China, Rocks and minerals , 80(1), 2005, pp. 46-57

Authors: GAIT Robert I
Citation: I. Gait Robert, Who's who in mineral names: people after whom type minerals from Brazil have been named, Rocks and minerals , 75(1), 2000, pp. 47-48

Citation: Cairncross Bruce et Tarassof Peter, Who's who in mineral names: two south Africans: Hans Merensky (1871-1952); Cecil John Rhodes (1853-1902), Rocks and minerals , 77(1), 2002, pp. 48-53

Authors: SMITH Arthur E
Citation: E. Smith Arthur, Collecting tales from Brazil part 1, Rocks and minerals , 75(1), 2000, pp. 50-53

Authors: SMITH Arthur E
Citation: E. Smith Arthur, Mineral adventures in Russia, Rocks and minerals , 76(1), 2001, pp. 50-57

Citation: Kluessendorf Joanne et G. Mikulic Donald, Mr. Greene and his brachiopods, Rocks and minerals , 72(1), 1997, pp. 50-56
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | >>