string(212) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_issn='00935301' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 100 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: << | 101-125 | 126-150 | 151-175 | 176-200 | >>    

Articles table of contents

Results : 101-125/503

Authors: Gao, Huachao Winterich, Karen Page Zhang, Yinlong
Citation: Gao, Huachao et al., All That Glitters Is Not Gold: How Others. Status Influences the Effect of Power Distance Belief on Status Consumption, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 43(2), 2016, pp. 265-281

Authors: Ratner, Rebecca K. Hamilton, Rebecca W.
Citation: K. Ratner, Rebecca et W. Hamilton, Rebecca, Inhibited from Bowling Alone, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 42(2), 2015, pp. 266-283

Authors: Sweldens, Steven Tuk, Mirjam A Hütter, Mandy
Citation: Sweldens, Steven et al., How to Study Consciousness in Consumer Research, A Commentary on Williams and Poehlman, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 44(2), 2017, pp. 266-275

Authors: van Laer, Tom Edson Escalas, Jennifer Ludwig, Stephan van den Hende, Ellis A
Citation: Van Laer, Tom et al., What Happens in Vegas Stays on TripAdvisor? A Theory and Technique to Understand Narrativity in Consumer Reviews, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 46(2), 2019, pp. 267-285

Authors: Gu, Yangjie Botti, Simona Faro, David
Citation: Gu, Yangjie et al., Turning the Page: The Impact of Choice Closure on Satisfaction, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 40(2), 2013, pp. 268-283

Citation: , Blame It on the Self-Driving Car: How Autonomous Vehicles Can Alter Consumer Morality,, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 47(2), 2020, pp. 272-291

Authors: Winterich, Karen Page Zhang, Yinlong
Citation: Winterich, Karen Page et Zhang, Yinlong, Accepting Inequality Deters Responsibility: How Power Distance Decreases Charitable Behavior, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 41(2), 2014, pp. 274-293

Authors: Buechel, Eva C Townsend, Claudia
Citation: C. Buechel, Eva et Townsend, Claudia, Buying Beauty for the Long Run: (Mis)predicting Liking of Product Aesthetics, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 45(2), 2018, pp. 275-297

Authors: Poehlman, T Andrew Williams, Lawrence E
Citation: Poehlman, T Andrew et E. Williams, Lawrence, The Case for Considering Consciousness Second: Response to Baumeister et al.; Plassmann and Mormann; and Sweldens, Tuk, and Hütter, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 44(2), 2017, pp. 276-282

Authors: Kim, Sara Chen, Rocky Peng Zhang, Ke
Citation: Kim, Sara et al., Anthropomorphized Helpers Undermine Autonomy and Enjoyment in Computer Games, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 43(2), 2016, pp. 282-302

Authors: Verrochi Coleman, Nicole Williams, Patti Morales, Andrea C White, Andrew Edward
Citation: Verrochi Coleman, Nicole et al., Retracted: Attention, Attitudes, and Action: When and Why Incidental Fear Increases Consumer Choice, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 44(2), 2017, pp. 283-312

Authors: Kim, Hyeongmin Christian Kramer, Thomas
Citation: Kim, Hyeongmin Christian et Kramer, Thomas, Do Materialists Prefer the .Brand-as-Servant.? The Interactive Effect of Anthropomorphized Brand Roles and Materialism on Consumer Responses, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 42(2), 2015, pp. 284-299

Authors: Irmak, Caglar Wakslak, Cheryl J. Trope, Yaacov
Citation: Irmak, Caglar et al., Past research has shown the robustness of egocentric anchoring or false consensus effects (e.g., Naylor, Lamberton, and Norton; Ross, Greene, and House) primarily in situations where consumers adopt a cooperative or neutral stance toward one another. However, competition among consumers is a ubiquitous part of Western culture. Across five experiments in competitive contexts (either a dictator game or an online auction), interpersonal ambiguity leads to an inference of dissimilarity, rather than , Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 40(2), 2013, pp. 284-297

Authors: Morewedge, Carey K Zhu, Meng Buechel, Eva C
Citation: K. Morewedge, Carey et al., Hedonic Contrast Effects Are Larger When Comparisons Are Social,, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 46(2), 2019, pp. 286-306

Authors: Novak, Thomas P
Citation: P. Novak, Thomas, A Generalized Framework for Moral Dilemmas Involving Autonomous Vehicles: A Commentary on Gill, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 47(2), 2020, pp. 292-300

Authors: Bhattacharjee, Amit Berger, Jonah Menon, Geeta
Citation: Bhattacharjee, Amit et al., When Identity Marketing Backfires: Consumer Agency in Identity Expression, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 41(2), 2014, pp. 294-309

Authors: Jeongin Park, Jane Sela, Aner
Citation: Jeongin Park, Jane et Sela, Aner, Not My Type: Why Affective Decision Makers Are Reluctant to Make Financial Decisions, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 45(2), 2018, pp. 298-319

Authors: Moisio, Risto Arnould, Eric J. Gentry, James W.
Citation: Moisio, Risto et al., Productive Consumption in the Class-Mediated Construction of Domestic Masculinity: Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Home Improvement in Men's Identity Work, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 40(2), 2013, pp. 298-316

Authors: Daniella M. Kupor, Zakary L. Tormala,
Citation: Daniella M. Kupor, et Zakary L. Tormala,, Persuasion, Interrupted: The Effect of Momentary Interruptions on Message Processing and Persuasion, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 42(2), 2015, pp. 300-315

Authors: Yan, Dengfeng
Citation: Yan, Dengfeng, Numbers Are Gendered: The Role of Numerical Precision, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 43(2), 2016, pp. 303-316

Authors: Laran, Juliano Janiszewski, Chris Salerno, Anthony
Citation: Laran, Juliano et al., Nonconscious Nudges: Encouraging Sustained Goal Pursuit, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 46(2), 2019, pp. 307-329

Authors: Isaac, Mathew S. Brough, Aaron R.
Citation: S. Isaac, Mathew et R. Brough, Aaron, Judging a Part by the Size of Its Whole: The Category Size Bias in Probability Judgments, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 41(2), 2014, pp. 310-325

Authors: Campbell, Margaret C Inman, J Jeffrey Kirmani, Amna Price, Linda L
Citation: C. Campbell, Margaret et al., In Times of Trouble: A Framework for Understanding Consumers. Responses to Threats, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 47(3), 2020, pp. 311-326

Authors: May, Frank
Citation: May, Frank, The Effect of Future Event Markers on Intertemporal Choice Is Moderated by the Reliance on Emotions versus Reason to Make Decisions, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 44(2), 2017, pp. 313-331

Authors: Kwon, Jaehwan Nayakankuppam, Dhananjay
Citation: Kwon, Jaehwan et Nayakankuppam, Dhananjay, Strength without Elaboration: The Role of Implicit Self-Theories in Forming and Accessing Attitudes, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 42(2), 2015, pp. 316-339
Results: << | 101-125 | 126-150 | 151-175 | 176-200 | >>