string(212) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_issn='00935301' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 175 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: << | 101-125 | 126-150 | 151-175 | 176-200 | >>    

Articles table of contents

Results : 176-200/503

Authors: Durante, Kristina M. Griskevicius, Vladas Redden, Joseph P. White, Andrew Edward
Citation: M. Durante, Kristina et al., Spending on Daughters versus Sons in Economic Recessions, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 42(3), 2015, pp. 435-457

Authors: Fisher, Robert J. Ma, Yu
Citation: J. Fisher, Robert et Ma, Yu, The Price of Being Beautiful: Negative Effects of Attractiveness on Empathy for Children in Need, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 41(2), 2014, pp. 436-451

Authors: Scott, Maura L. Nowlis, Stephen M.
Citation: L. Scott, Maura et M. Nowlis, Stephen, The Effect of Goal Specificity on Consumer Goal Reengagement, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 40(3), 2013, pp. 444-459

Authors: Arens, Zachary G. Hamilton, Rebecca W.
Citation: G. Arens, Zachary et W. Hamilton, Rebecca, Why Focusing on the Similarity of Substitutes Leaves a Lot to Be Desired, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 43(3), 2016, pp. 448-459

Authors: Kwan, Canice M C Dai, Xianchi Wyer, Jr., Robert S
Citation: C. Kwan, Canice M et al., Contextual Influences on Message Persuasion: The Effect of Empty Space, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 44(2), 2017, pp. 448-464

Authors: Gershon, Rachel Cryder, Cynthia
Citation: Gershon, Rachel et Cryder, Cynthia, Goods Donations Increase Charitable Credit for Low-Warmth Donors, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 45(2), 2018, pp. 451-469

Authors: Bone, Sterling A. Christensen, Glenn L. Williams, Jerome D.
Citation: A. Bone, Sterling et al., Rejected, Shackled, and Alone: The Impact of Systemic Restricted Choice on Minority Consumers' Construction of Self, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 41(2), 2014, pp. 451-474

Authors: Scott, Sydney E Rozin, Paul Small, Deborah A
Citation: E. Scott, Sydney et al., Consumers Prefer .Natural. More for Preventatives Than for Curatives, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 47(3), 2020, pp. 454-471

Authors: Faraji-Rad, Ali Samuelsen, Bendik M. Warlop, Luk
Citation: Faraji-rad, Ali et al., On the Persuasiveness of Similar Others: The Role of Mentalizing and the Feeling of Certainty, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 42(3), 2015, pp. 458-471

Authors: Gollnhofer, Johanna F Weijo, Henri A Schouten, John W
Citation: F. Gollnhofer, Johanna et al., Consumer Movements and Value Regimes: Fighting Food Waste in Germany by Building Alternative Object Pathways, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 46(3), 2019, pp. 460-482

Authors: Kettle, Keri L. Trudel, Remi Blanchard, Simon J. Häubl, Gerald
Citation: L. Kettle, Keri et al., Repayment Concentration and Consumer Motivation to Get Out of Debt, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 43(3), 2016, pp. 460-477

Authors: Chatterjee, Promothesh Irmak, Caglar Rose, Randall L.
Citation: Chatterjee, Promothesh et al., The Endowment Effect as Self-Enhancement in Response to Threat, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 40(3), 2013, pp. 460-476

Authors: Fisher, Matthew Newman, George E Dhar, Ravi
Citation: Fisher, Matthew et al., Seeing Stars: How the Binary Bias Distorts the Interpretation of Customer Ratings, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 45(3), 2018, pp. 471-489

Authors: Manohar Vikas, Ram Varman, Rohit Belk, Russell W.
Citation: Manohar Vikas, Ram et al., Status, Caste, and Market in a Changing Indian Village, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 42(3), 2015, pp. 472-498

Authors: Mehta, Ravi Zhu, Rui Meyers-Levy, Joan
Citation: Mehta, Ravi et al., When Does a Higher Construal Level Increase or Decrease Indulgence? Resolving the Myopia versus Hyperopia Puzzle, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 41(2), 2014, pp. 475-488

Authors: Zwebner, Yonat Schrift, Rom Y
Citation: Zwebner, Yonat et Y. Schrift, Rom, On My Own: The Aversion to Being Observed during the Preference-Construction Stage, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 47(4), 2020, pp. 475-499

Authors: Belk, Russell W.
Citation: W. Belk, Russell, Extended Self in a Digital World, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 40(3), 2013, pp. 477-500

Authors: Jung, Kiju Garbarino, Ellen Briley, Donnel A Wynhausen, Jesse
Citation: Jung, Kiju et al., Blue and Red Voices: Effects of Political Ideology on Consumers. Complaining and Disputing Behavior, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 44(3), 2017, pp. 477-499

Authors: Rahinel, Ryan Nelson, Noelle M.
Citation: Rahinel, Ryan et M. Nelson, Noelle, When Brand Logos Describe the Environment: Design Instability and the Utility of Safety-Oriented Products, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 43(3), 2016, pp. 478-496

Authors: Roux, Dominique Belk, Russell
Citation: Roux, Dominique et Belk, Russell, The Body as (Another) Place: Producing Embodied Heterotopias Through Tattooing, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 46(3), 2019, pp. 483-507

Authors: Lowe, Michael L. Haws, Kelly L.
Citation: L. Lowe, Michael et L. Haws, Kelly, (Im)moral Support: The Social Outcomes of Parallel Self-Control Decisions, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 41(2), 2014, pp. 489-505

Authors: Kupor, Daniella Tormala, Zakary
Citation: Kupor, Daniella et Tormala, Zakary, When Moderation Fosters Persuasion: The Persuasive Power of Deviatory Reviews, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 45(3), 2018, pp. 490-510

Authors: Salerno, Anthony Laran, Juliano Janiszewski, Chris
Citation: Salerno, Anthony et al., Pride and Regulatory Behavior: The Influence of Appraisal Information and Self-Regulatory Goals, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 42(3), 2015, pp. 499-514

Authors: Crockett, David Pendarvis, Nicholas
Citation: Crockett, David et Pendarvis, Nicholas, A Research Agenda on Political Ideology in Consumer Research: A Commentary on Jung et al..s .Blue and Red Voices., Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 44(3), 2017, pp. 500-5002

Authors: Kalra, Ajay Liu,Xiao Zhang,Wei
Citation: Kalra, Ajay et al., The Zero Bias in Target Retirement Fund Choice, Journal of consumer research JCR;Consumer research , 47(4), 2020, pp. 500-522
Results: << | 101-125 | 126-150 | 151-175 | 176-200 | >>