string(211) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_issn='0169796X' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 50 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | >>    

Articles table of contents

Results : 51-75/120

Authors: Musemwa, M.
Citation: M. Musemwa,, From "Sunshine city" to a landscape of disaster : the politics of water, sanitation and disease in Harare, Zimbabwe, 1980-2009, Journal of developing societies , 26(2), 2010, pp. 165-206

Authors: Shariff, A.
Citation: A. Shariff,, Rural income and employment diversity in India during 1994 qnd 2005, Journal of developing societies , 25(2), 2009, pp. 165-208

Authors: Zhang, X.
Citation: X. Zhang,, Financial market governance in developing countries : getting political underpinning right, Journal of developing societies , 22(2), 2006, pp. 169-196

Authors: Benjamin,S.
Citation: Benjamin,s, Feminization of poverty in post-apartheid South Africa : a story told by the women of Bayview, Chatsworth, Journal of developing societies , 23(1-2), 2007, pp. 175-206

Authors: Ndi, A.
Citation: A. Ndi,, Why liberal capitalism has failed to stimulate a democratic culture in Africa : rethinking Amartya Sen's theory about development as freedom, Journal of developing societies , 27(2), 2011, pp. 177-200

Authors: Richards, H.
Citation: H. Richards,, Human development and the transformation of the Academy, Journal of developing societies , 27(2), 2011, pp. 177-200

Authors: Tareke, G.
Citation: G. Tareke,, Red terror in Ethiopia : a historical aberration, Journal of developing societies , 24(2), 2008, pp. 183-206

Authors: Liang, B. Lauderdale, P.
Citation: B. Liang, et P. Lauderdale,, China and globalization : ecnomic and legal changes in the world system, Journal of developing societies , 22(2), 2006, pp. 197-219

Authors: Richards, H.
Citation: H. Richards,, Human development and the transformation of the Academy, Journal of developing societies , 27(2), 2011, pp. 201-216

Authors: Cunha, M.
Citation: M. Cunha,, South African politics, inequalities, and HIV/AIDS : applications for public healt education, Journal of developing societies , 23(1-2), 2007, pp. 207-219

Authors: Masunungure, E.V. Badza, S.
Citation: Masunungure, E.v et S. Badza,, The internationalisation of the Zimbabwe crisis : multiple actors, competing interests, Journal of developing societies , 26(2), 2010, pp. 207-231

Authors: Smith, L.
Citation: L. Smith,, Politics of contemporary language policy in Ethiopia, Journal of developing societies , 24(2), 2008, pp. 207-243

Authors: Gurses, D.
Citation: D. Gurses,, Analysis of child poverty and social policies in Turkey, Journal of developing societies , 25(2), 2009, pp. 209-227

Authors: Anderson, J.
Citation: J. Anderson,, Urban poverty reborn : a gender and generational analysis, Journal of developing societies , 23(1-2), 2007, pp. 221-241

Authors: Ghosh, B.
Citation: B. Ghosh,, NOGs, civil society and social reconstruction in contemporary India, Journal of developing societies , 25(2), 2009, pp. 229-252

Authors: Stratmann, B.
Citation: B. Stratmann,, Megacities : globalization, metropolization and sustainability, Journal of developing societies , 27(3-4), 2011, pp. 229-259

Authors: Nyazema, N.Z.
Citation: Nyazema, N.z, The Zimbabwe crisis and the provision of social services : health and education, Journal of developing societies , 26(2), 2010, pp. 233-261

Authors: Campling, L.
Citation: L. Campling,, Critical political economy of the small island developing states concept : south south cooperation for Island citizens?, Journal of developing societies , 22(3), 2006, pp. 235-285

Authors: Freytes Frey, A.
Citation: A. Freytes Frey,, Women's participation in Argentina's picketing movement : accomplishments and limitations in the redefinition of feminine roles, Journal of developing societies , 23(1-2), 2007, pp. 243-258

Authors: Zegeye, A. Tegegn, M.
Citation: A. Zegeye, et M. Tegegn,, Post war border dispute between Ethiopia and Eritrea : on the brink of another war?, Journal of developing societies , 24(2), 2008, pp. 245-272

Authors: McFerson, H.M.
Citation: Mcferson, H.m, Measuring african governance by attributes or by results, Journal of developing societies , 25(2), 2009, pp. 253-274

Authors: Polakoff, E.
Citation: E. Polakoff,, Globalization and child labor : review of the issue, Journal of developing societies , 23(1-2), 2007, pp. 259-283

Authors: Milgram, B.L.
Citation: Milgram, B.l, Reconfiguring space, mobilizing livelihood : street vending, legality and work in the Philippines, Journal of developing societies , 27(3-4), 2011, pp. 261-293

Authors: Sekhar, C.S.C.
Citation: Sekhar, C.s.c, Fragile states : the role of social, political, and economic factors, Journal of developing societies , 26(3), 2010, pp. 263-293

Authors: Tegegn, M.
Citation: M. Tegegn,, Power politics : Kinijit in the 2005 elections, Journal of developing societies , 24(2), 2006, pp. 273-306
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | >>