string(211) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_issn='0169796X' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 75 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | >>    

Articles table of contents

Results : 76-100/120

Authors: Tegegn, M.
Citation: M. Tegegn,, Power politics : Kinijit in the 2005 elections, Journal of developing societies , 24(2), 2008, pp. 273-306

Authors: Noy, D.
Citation: D. Noy,, Material and spiritual conceptions of development : a framework of ideal types, Journal of developing societies , 25(3), 2009, pp. 275-307

Authors: Nagarajan, P.
Citation: P. Nagarajan,, Collapse of eastern island : lessons for sustainability of small islands, Journal of developing societies , 22(3), 2006, pp. 287-301

Authors: Kebede, A.
Citation: A. Kebede,, Social origins of military dictatorship in Ethiopia, Journal of developing societies , 26(3), 2010, pp. 295-327

Authors: Boano, C. Garcia Lamarca, M. Hunter, W.
Citation: C. Boano, et al., Frontlines of contested urbanism : mega-projects and mega-resistences in Dharavi, Journal of developing societies , 27(3-4), 2011, pp. 296-326

Authors: Chen, H. Hay, P.
Citation: H. Chen, et P. Hay,, Defending island ecologies : environmental campaigns in Tasmania and Taiwan, Journal of developing societies , 22(3), 2006, pp. 303-326

Authors: Fernandez Jilberto, A. Hogenboom, B.
Citation: A. Fernandez Jilberto, et B. Hogenboom,, Developing regions facing China in a neoliberalized world, Journal of developing societies , 23(3), 2007, pp. 305-339

Authors: Werlin, H. H.
Citation: H. Werlin, H., Evolution of political power in political development, Journal of developing societies , 24(3), 2008, pp. 307-336

Authors: Singh, N.
Citation: N. Singh,, Re-discovering the new world : the potential for an expanded economic relationship between India and Brazil, Journal of developing societies , 25(3), 2009, pp. 309-337

Authors: McMurray, C.
Citation: C. Mcmurray,, Culture, catholics and condom : population planning in the Pacific, Journal of developing societies , 22(3), 2006, pp. 327-343

Authors: Koenig, D.
Citation: D. Koenig,, Multiple actors and contested terrains : strategies of pro-poor action in contemporary urban restructuring, Journal of developing societies , 27(3-4), 2011, pp. 328-353

Authors: Mukherjee, K.
Citation: K. Mukherjee,, Islamic revivalism and politics in contemporary Pakistan, Journal of developing societies , 26(3), 2010, pp. 329-353

Authors: Reiter, B.
Citation: B. Reiter,, Limits of popular participation in Salvador, Brazil, Journal of developing societies , 24(3), 2008, pp. 337-354

Authors: Werlin, H.W.
Citation: Werlin, H.w, The case of democracy : remaining questions, Journal of developing societies , 25(3), 2009, pp. 339-370

Authors: Konings, P.
Citation: P. Konings,, China and Africa : building a strategic partnership, Journal of developing societies , 23(3), 2007, pp. 341-367

Authors: Culas, R. J.
Citation: J. Culas, R., Debt and deforestation : a review of causes and empirical evidence, Journal of developing societies , 22(4), 2006, pp. 347-358

Authors: Obeng-Odoom, F.
Citation: F. Obeng-odoom,, Informal sector in Ghana under siege, Journal of developing societies , 27(3-4), 2011, pp. 355-392

Authors: Esau, M. V.
Citation: V. Esau, M., Contextualizing social capital, citizen participation and poverty through an examination of the ward commettee System in Bontheuwel in the Western Cape, South Africa, Journal of developing societies , 24(3), 2008, pp. 355-380

Authors: Nauta, W.
Citation: W. Nauta,, Saving depraved africans in a neoliberal age : crirically examining mainstream approaches to HIV/AIDS, Journal of developing societies , 26(3), 2010, pp. 355-385

Authors: Ruwanpura, K.
Citation: K. Ruwanpura,, Child rights : an enabling or desabling right? the nexus between child labor and poverty in Bangladesh, Journal of developing societies , 22(4), 2006, pp. 359-378

Authors: Lindbland, J. T.
Citation: T. Lindbland, J., Indonesia and China today : new challenges with a long history, Journal of developing societies , 23(3), 2007, pp. 369-392

Authors: Lauderdale, P.
Citation: P. Lauderdale,, Collective indigenous rights and global social movements in the face of global development, Journal of developing societies , 25(3), 2009, pp. 371-391

Authors: Schmidt, E.
Citation: E. Schmidt,, Sustainable community for sustainable development : a case study of the Mujeres Reunidas Cooperative in Hidalgo, Mexico, Journal of developing societies , 22(4), 2006, pp. 379-400

Authors: Abu-Ghazalah
Citation: Abu-ghazalah, Sustainable city development plan for Aqaba, Jordan, Journal of developing societies , 24(3), 2008, pp. 381-398

Authors: Dixit, A.
Citation: A. Dixit,, Market-led growth and well-being - Gujarat, 1980-2005, Journal of developing societies , 26(4), 2010, pp. 387-413
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | >>