string(212) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_issn='09610405' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 200 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: << | 201-225 | 226-250 | 251-275 | 276-300 | >>    

Articles table of contents

Results : 201-225/363

Authors: Vittorio Biondi Marco Frey
Citation: Vittorio Biondi et Marco Frey, Participation in the EU eco-management and audit scheme: an analysis of small and medium sized enterprises in Italy, European environment , 5(5), 1995, pp. 128-133

Authors: Frans Oosterhuis Xander Olsthoorn Paula Antunes Rui Ferreira dos Santos Peter Kaderjak Josef Sejak
Citation: Frans Oosterhuis et al., Reducing voc emissions from solvents in Europe: the potential role of economic instruments, European environment , 8(4), 1998, pp. 129-136

Authors: J.Peter Clinch John D.Healy
Citation: J.peter Clinch et John D.healy, The benefits of residential energy conservation in Ireland in the light of the Luxembourg agreement and the Gothenburg protocol, European environment , 10(3), 2000, pp. 131-139

Authors: Ton van Snellenberg Rob van de Peppel
Citation: Ton Van Snellenberg et Rob Van De Peppel, Perspectives on compliance: non compliance with environmental licences in the Netherlands, European environment , 12(3), 2002, pp. 131-148

Authors: Fredrik von Malmborg
Citation: Fredrik Von Malmborg, Conditions for regional public-private partnerships for sustainable development : swedish perspectives, European environment , 13(3), 2003, pp. 133-149

Authors: David Eastwood Martin Eaton Fabian Monds Tom Stark
Citation: David Eastwood et al., Northern Ireland's green economy: an examination of environmentally based employment opportunities, European environment , 5(5), 1995, pp. 134-144

Authors: Elizabeth Wilson Jake Piper
Citation: Elizabeth Wilson et Jake Piper, Spatial planning for biodiversity in Europe's changing climate, European environment , 18(3), 2008, pp. 135-151

Authors: Melinda Acutt Caroline Elliott
Citation: Melinda Acutt et Caroline Elliott, Regulatory conflict? : environmental and economic regulation of electricity generation, European environment , 9(4), 1999, pp. 135-141

Authors: Clare Brooke Emma James Rhian Jones Riki Therivel
Citation: Clare Brooke et al., Implementing the strategic environmental assessment (SEA) directive in the South West of England, European environment , 14(3), 2004, pp. 138-152

Authors: David Fleming
Citation: David Fleming, Tradable quotas: using information technology to cap national carbon emissions, European environment , 7(5), 1997, pp. 139-148

Authors: Lorenzo Pellegrini Reyer Gerlagh
Citation: Lorenzo Pellegrini et Reyer Gerlagh, Corruption and environmental policies: what are the implications for the enlarged EU?, European environment , 16(3), 2006, pp. 139-154

Authors: Graham Bennett Saskia Ligthart
Citation: Graham Bennett et Saskia Ligthart, The implementation of international nature conservation agreements in Europe: the case of the Netherlands., European environment , 11(3), 2001, pp. 140-150

Authors: Lawrence Kitchen
Citation: Lawrence Kitchen, German packaging waste management : a successful voluntary agreement with less successful environmental effects, European environment , 10(3), 2000, pp. 140-151

Authors: Lawrence Kitchen
Citation: Lawrence Kitchen, Empowered or constrained? : the policy process and environmental politics in the Blackdown Hills., European environment , 10(3), 2000, pp. 140-151

Authors: Derek Taylor
Citation: Derek Taylor, Integrating economic and environmental policy: experience in UK local and regional government., European environment , 8(5), 1998, pp. 141-151

Authors: Jutta Geldermann Marc Ruch Otto Rentz Margaret O'Mahony
Citation: Jutta Geldermann et al., Waste management in the Republic of Ireland, European environment , 6(5), 1996, pp. 141-149

Authors: Jonathan R. Barton
Citation: Jonathan R. Barton, Sectoral restructuring and environmental management in the EU iron and steel sector, European environment , 9(4), 1999, pp. 142-153

Authors: Fredrik von Malmborg Peter A.Strachan
Citation: Fredrik Von Malmborg et Peter A.strachan, Climate policy, ecological modernization and the UK emission trading scheme, European environment , 15(3), 2005, pp. 143-160

Authors: Janet Cole
Citation: Janet Cole, European Union air protection legislation: is the Czech Republic ready?, European environment , 5(5), 1995, pp. 145-149

Authors: Helmut Karl Helmut Kramer-Eis
Citation: Helmut Karl et Helmut Kramer-eis, Contaminated sites environmental and regional problems in Germany, European environment , 7(5), 1997, pp. 149-155

Authors: Marcus Wagner Walter Wehrmeyer
Citation: Marcus Wagner et Walter Wehrmeyer, The relationship of environmental and economic performance at the firm level: a review of empirical studies in Europe e methodological comments, European environment , 12(3), 2002, pp. 149-159

Authors: Ralph Brieskorn Frank Petersen
Citation: Ralph Brieskorn et Frank Petersen, Municipal environmental policy planning in Poland: a self-regulative approach to solving environmental problems, European environment , 6(5), 1996, pp. 150-155

Authors: Brendan Flynn Laura Kroger
Citation: Brendan Flynn et Laura Kroger, Can policy learning really improve implementation? : evidence from Irish responses to the water framework directive., European environment , 13(3), 2003, pp. 150-163

Authors: Robert Tinch
Citation: Robert Tinch, Transport and environment: policy directions for Europe., European environment , 11(3), 2001, pp. 151-162

Authors: Axel Michaelowa
Citation: Axel Michaelowa, Impact of interest groups on EU climate policy., European environment , 8(5), 1998, pp. 152-160
Results: << | 201-225 | 226-250 | 251-275 | 276-300 | >>