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Articles table of contents

Results : 76-100/2139

Authors: Berg, J. van den Kesten, H.
Citation: Berg, J. Van Den et H. Kesten,, Inequalities for the Time Constant in First-Passage Percolation, Annals of applied probability , 3(1), 1993, pp. 56-80

Authors: Sturm, Anja Swart, Jan
Citation: Sturm, Anja et Swart, Jan, Voter models with heterozygosity selection, Annals of applied probability , 18(1), 2008, pp. 59-99

Authors: Fill, James Allen
Citation: Fill, James Allen, Eigenvalue Bounds on Convergence to Stationarity for Nonreversible Markov Chains, with an Application to the Exclusion Process, Annals of applied probability , 1(1), 1991, pp. 62-87

Authors: Dai, J. G. Harrison, J. M.
Citation: G. Dai, J. et M. Harrison, J., Reflected Brownian Motion in an Orthant: Numerical Methods for Steady-State Analysis, Annals of applied probability , 2(1), 1992, pp. 65-86

Authors: Li,Yao Young,Lai-Sang
Citation: Li,yao et Young,lai-sang, POLYNOMIAL CONVERGENCE TO EQUILIBRIUM FOR A SYSTEM OF INTERACTING PARTICLES, Annals of applied probability , 27(1), 2017, pp. 65-90

Authors:, Krzysztof Roberts, Gareth O. Rosenthal, Jeffrey S.
Citation:, Krzysztof et al., Adaptive Gibbs samplers and related MCMC methods, Annals of applied probability , 23(1), 2013, pp. 66-98

Authors: Alanyali, Murat Hajek, Bruce
Citation: Alanyali, Murat et Hajek, Bruce, On large deviations in load sharing networks, Annals of applied probability , 8(1), 1998, pp. 67-97

Authors: Walker, Stephen G. Hatjispyros, Spyridon J. Nicoleris, Theodoros
Citation: G. Walker, Stephen et al., A Fleming.Viot process and Bayesian nonparametrics, Annals of applied probability , 17(1), 2007, pp. 67-80

Authors: Braverman, Michael Mikosch, Thomas Samorodnitsky, Gennady
Citation: Braverman, Michael et al., Tail Probabilities of Subadditive Functionals of Lévy Processes, Annals of applied probability , 12(1), 2002, pp. 69-100

Authors: Arora, Sanjeev Kannan, Ravi
Citation: Arora, Sanjeev et Kannan, Ravi, Learning mixtures of separated nonspherical Gaussians, Annals of applied probability , 15((1A)), 2005, pp. 69-92

Authors: Shah, Devavrat Wischik, Damon
Citation: Shah, Devavrat et Wischik, Damon, Switched networks with maximum weight policies: Fluid approximation and multiplicative state space collapse, Annals of applied probability , 22(1), 2012, pp. 70-127

Authors: Dyer, Martin Goldberg, Leslie Ann Jerrum, Mark
Citation: Dyer, Martin et al., Matrix norms and rapid mixing for spin systems, Annals of applied probability , 19(1), 2009, pp. 71-107

Authors: Hug, Daniel Last, Günter Schulte, Matthias
Citation: Hug, Daniel et al., Second-order properties and central limit theorems for geometric functionals of boolean models, Annals of applied probability , 26(1), 2016, pp. 73-135

Authors: Harrison, J. Michael
Citation: Harrison, J. Michael, Brownian models of open processing networks: canonical representation of workload, Annals of applied probability , 10(1), 2000, pp. 75-103

Authors: Gandolfi, Alberto Kesten, Harry
Citation: Gandolfi, Alberto et Kesten, Harry, Greedy Lattice Animals II: Linear Growth, Annals of applied probability , 4(1), 1994, pp. 76-107

Authors: Pacheco, António Prabhu, N. U.
Citation: Pacheco, António et U. Prabhu, N., A Markovian Storage Model, Annals of applied probability , 6(1), 1996, pp. 76-91

Authors: Shah, D. Tsitsiklis, J. N. Zhong, Y.
Citation: D. Shah, et al., Qualitative properties of .-fair policies in bandwidth-sharing networks, Annals of applied probability , 24(1), 2014, pp. 76-113

Authors: Norris, James R.
Citation: R. Norris, James, Smoluchowski's coagulation equation: uniqueness, nonuniqueness and a hydrodynamic limit for the stochastic coalescent, Annals of applied probability , 9(1), 1999, pp. 78-109

Authors: Henderson, W. Pearce, C. E. M. Taylor, P. G. Dijk, N. M. van
Citation: W. Henderson, et al., Insensitivity in Discrete-Time Generalized Semi-Markov Processes Allowing Multiple Events and Probabilistic Service Scheduling, Annals of applied probability , 5(1), 1995, pp. 78-96

Authors: Chen, Yue Bu.i.,Ana Meyn,Sean
Citation: Chen, Yue et al., Ergodic theory for controlled Markov chains with stationary inputs, Annals of applied probability , 28(2), 2018, pp. 79-111

Authors: Banerjee Sayan Mukherjee Debankur
Citation: Banerjee Sayan et Mukherjee Debankur, Join-the-Shortest Queue diffusion limit in Halfin.Whitt regime: Sensitivity on the heavy-traffic parameter, Annals of applied probability , 30(1), 2020, pp. 80-144

Authors: Bai, Z. D. Silverstein, Jack W.
Citation: D. Bai, Z. et W. Silverstein, Jack, On the signal-to-interference ratio of CDMA systems in wireless communications, Annals of applied probability , 17(1), 2007, pp. 81-101

Authors: Alexander, Kenneth S.
Citation: S. Alexander, Kenneth, A Note on Some Rates of Convergence in First-Passage Percolation, Annals of applied probability , 3(1), 1993, pp. 81-90

Authors: Bertoin, Jean Bravo Gerónimo, Uribe
Citation: Bertoin, Jean et Bravo Gerónimo, Uribe, Supercritical percolation on large scale-free random trees, Annals of applied probability , 25(1), 2015, pp. 81-103

Authors: Xu, Gan-Lin Shreve, Steven E.
Citation: Xu, Gan-lin et E. Shreve, Steven, A Duality Method for Optimal Consumption and Investment Under Short- Selling Prohibition. I. General Market Coefficients, Annals of applied probability , 2(1), 1992, pp. 87-112
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | >>