string(212) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_issn='10505164' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 175 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: << | 101-125 | 126-150 | 151-175 | 176-200 | >>    

Articles table of contents

Results : 176-200/2139

Authors: Cox, J. Theodore Perkins, Edwin A.
Citation: Cox, J. Theodore et A. Perkins, Edwin, A complete convergence theorem for voter model perturbations, Annals of applied probability , 24(1), 2014, pp. 150-197

Authors: Chi, Zhiyi
Citation: Chi, Zhiyi, Large deviations for template matching between point processes, Annals of applied probability , 15((1A)), 2005, pp. 153-174

Authors: Anantharam, V.
Citation: V. Anantharam,, Uniqueness of Stationary Ergodic Fixed Point for A./M/KNode, Annals of applied probability , 3(1), 1993, pp. 154-172

Authors: Avram, Florin Palmowski, Zbigniew Pistorius, Martijn R.
Citation: Avram, Florin et al., On the optimal dividend problem for a spectrally negative Lévy process, Annals of applied probability , 17(1), 2007, pp. 156-180

Authors: Bertoin, Jean
Citation: Bertoin, Jean, Exponential decay and ergodicity of completely asymmetric Lévy processes in a finite interval, Annals of applied probability , 7(1), 1997, pp. 156-169

Authors: Stein, Michael L.
Citation: L. Stein, Michael, Predicting Integrals of Stochastic Processes, Annals of applied probability , 5(1), 1995, pp. 158-170

Authors: Baryshnikov, Yu. Penrose, Mathew D. Yukich, J. E.
Citation: Baryshnikov, Yu et al., Gaussian limits for generalized spacings, Annals of applied probability , 19(1), 2009, pp. 158-185

Authors: Hwang, Hsien-Kuei
Citation: Hwang, Hsien-kuei, Large deviations of combinatorial distributions. II. Local limit theorems, Annals of applied probability , 8(1), 1998, pp. 163-181

Authors: Perrut, Anne
Citation: Perrut, Anne, Hydrodynamic limits for a two-species reaction-diffusion process, Annals of applied probability , 10(1), 2000, pp. 163-191

Authors: Lefebvre, Mario
Citation: Lefebvre, Mario, Forcing a Stochastic Process to Stay in or to Leave a Given Region, Annals of applied probability , 1(1), 1991, pp. 167-172

Authors: Grey, D. R.
Citation: R. Grey, D., Regular Variation in the Tail Behaviour of Solutions of Random Difference Equations, Annals of applied probability , 4(1), 1994, pp. 169-183

Authors: Rothmann, Mark D. Russo, Ralph P.
Citation: D. Rothmann, Mark et P. Russo, Ralph, A law of large numbers on randomly deleted sets, Annals of applied probability , 7(1), 1997, pp. 170-182

Authors: Thomas Knispel
Citation: Thomas Knispel, Asymptotics of robust utility maximization, Annals of applied probability , 22(1), 2012, pp. 171-212

Authors: Schweizer, Martin
Citation: Schweizer, Martin, Mean-Variance Hedging for General Claims, Annals of applied probability , 2(1), 1992, pp. 171-179

Authors: Pitt, Loren D. Robeva, Raina Wang, Dao Yi
Citation: D. Pitt, Loren et al., An Error Analysis for the Numerical Calculation of Certain Random Integrals: Part 1, Annals of applied probability , 5(1), 1995, pp. 171-197

Authors: Kaj, Ingemar Salminen, Paavo
Citation: Kaj, Ingemar et Salminen, Paavo, On a First Passage Problem for Branching Brownian Motions, Annals of applied probability , 3(1), 1993, pp. 173-185

Authors: Whittle, P.
Citation: P. Whittle,, Neural Nets and Implicit Inference, Annals of applied probability , 1(2), 1991, pp. 173-188

Authors: Nagai, Hideo Peng, Shige
Citation: Nagai, Hideo et Peng, Shige, Risk-Sinsitive Dynamic Portfolio Optimization with Partial Information on Infinite Time Horizon, Annals of applied probability , 12(1), 2002, pp. 173-195

Authors: Metri Sima Scheutzow Michael Stannat Wilhelm Zangeneh Bian Z.
Citation: Metri Sima et al., Propagation of chaos for stochastic spatially structured neuronal networks with delay driven by jump diffusions, Annals of applied probability , 30(1), 2020, pp. 175-207

Authors: Cavazos-Cadena, Rolando Hernández-Hernández, Daniel
Citation: Cavazos-cadena, Rolando et Hernández-hernández, Daniel, A characterization of the optimal risk-sensitive average cost in finite controlled Markov chains, Annals of applied probability , 15((1A)), 2005, pp. 175-212

Authors: Yukich, J. E.
Citation: E. Yukich, J., Surface order scaling in stochastic geometry, Annals of applied probability , 25(1), 2015, pp. 177-210

Authors: Debussche, Arnaud Gautier, Eric
Citation: Debussche, Arnaud et Gautier, Eric, Small noise asymptotic of the timing jitter in soliton transmission, Annals of applied probability , 18(1), 2008, pp. 178-208

Authors: Hefter Mario Müller-Gronbach Thomas Herzwurm André
Citation: Hefter Mario et al., Lower error bounds for strong approximation of scalar SDEs with non-Lipschitzian coefficients, Annals of applied probability , 29(1), 2019, pp. 178-216

Authors: Arguin, Louis-Pierre Belius, David Harper,Adam J.
Citation: Arguin, Louis-pierre et al., Maxima of a randomized riemann zeta function, and branching random walks, Annals of applied probability , 27(1), 2017, pp. 178-215

Authors: Glynn, Peter W. Whitt, Ward
Citation: W. Glynn, Peter et Whitt, Ward, The Asymptotic Validity of Sequential Stopping Rules for Stochastic Simulations, Annals of applied probability , 2(1), 1992, pp. 180-198
Results: << | 101-125 | 126-150 | 151-175 | 176-200 | >>