string(212) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_issn='15376605' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 125 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: << | 101-125 | 126-150 | 151-175 | 176-200 | >>    

Articles table of contents

Results : 126-150/322

Authors: McEvoy, Brian P. Lind, Joanne M. Wang, Eric T. Moyzis, Robert K. Wilton, Alan N.
Citation: P. Mcevoy, Brian et al., Whole-Genome Genetic Diversity in a Sample of Australians with Deep Aboriginal Ancestry, American journal of human genetics (Online) AJHG , 87(2), 2010, pp. 297-305

Authors: Nousbeck, Janna Burger, Bettina Fuchs-Telem, Dana Pavlovsky, Mor
Citation: Nousbeck, Janna et al., A Mutation in a Skin-Specific Isoform of SMARCAD1 Causes Autosomal-Dominant Adermatoglyphia, American journal of human genetics (Online) AJHG , 89(2), 2011, pp. 302-307

Authors: Hamdan, Fadi F. Gauthier, Julie Araki, Yoichi Lin, Da-Ting Michaud, Jacques L.
Citation: F. Hamdan, Fadi et al., Excess of De Novo Deleterious Mutations in Genes Associated with Glutamatergic Systems in Nonsyndromic Intellectual Disability, American journal of human genetics (Online) AJHG , 88(3), 2011, pp. 306-316

Authors: Shaheen, Ranad Al-Owain, Mohammed Sakati, Nadia Alzayed, Zayed S. Alkuraya, Fowzan S.
Citation: Shaheen, Ranad et al., FKBP10 and Bruck Syndrome: Phenotypic Heterogeneity or Call for Reclassification?, American journal of human genetics (Online) AJHG , 87(2), 2010, pp. 306-307

Authors: Weedon, Michael N. Hastings, Robert Caswell, Richard Xie, Weijia
Citation: N. Weedon, Michael et al., Exome Sequencing Identifies a DYNC1H1 Mutation in a Large Pedigree with Dominant Axonal Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease, American journal of human genetics (Online) AJHG , 89(2), 2011, pp. 308-312

Authors: Alanay, Yasemin Krakow, Deborah
Citation: Alanay, Yasemin et Krakow, Deborah, Response to Shaheen et al, American journal of human genetics (Online) AJHG , 87(2), 2010, pp. 308-308

Authors: Bungartz, Kathryn D. Williamson, Robin E.
Citation: D. Bungartz, Kathryn et E. Williamson, Robin, This Month in The Journal, American journal of human genetics (Online) AJHG , 87(3), 2010, pp. 311-312

Authors: Garber, Kathryn B.
Citation: B. Garber, Kathryn, This Month in Genetics, American journal of human genetics (Online) AJHG , 87(3), 2010, pp. 313-314

Authors: Abu-Safieh, Leen Abboud, Emad B. Alkuraya, Hisham Shamseldin, Hanan
Citation: Abu-safieh, Leen et al., Mutation of IGFBP7 Causes Upregulation of BRAF/MEK/ERK Pathway and Familial Retinal Arterial Macroaneurysms, American journal of human genetics (Online) AJHG , 89(2), 2011, pp. 313-319

Authors: Fox, Michelle
Citation: Fox, Michelle, A Guide to Genetic Counseling, 2nd Edition, American journal of human genetics (Online) AJHG , 87(3), 2010, pp. 315-315

Authors: Awadalla, Philip Gauthier, Julie Myers, Rachel A. Casals, Ferran Rouleau, Guy A.
Citation: Awadalla, Philip et al., Direct Measure of the De Novo Mutation Rate in Autism and Schizophrenia Cohorts, American journal of human genetics (Online) AJHG , 87(3), 2010, pp. 316-324

Authors: Campbell, Catarina D. Sampas, Nick Tsalenko, Anya Sudmant, Peter H. Eichler, Evan E.
Citation: D. Campbell, Catarina et al., Population-Genetic Properties of Differentiated Human Copy-Number Polymorphisms, American journal of human genetics (Online) AJHG , 88(3), 2011, pp. 317-332

Authors: Doi, Hiroshi Yoshida, Kunihiro Yasuda, Takao Fukuda, Mitsunori Matsumoto, Naomichi
Citation: Doi, Hiroshi et al., Exome Sequencing Reveals a Homozygous SYT14 Mutation in Adult-Onset, Autosomal-Recessive Spinocerebellar Ataxia with Psychomotor Retardation, American journal of human genetics (Online) AJHG , 89(2), 2011, pp. 320-327

Authors: Wan, Xiang Yang, Can Yang, Qiang Xue, Hong Yu, Weichuan
Citation: Wan, Xiang et al., BOOST: A Fast Approach to Detecting Gene-Gene Interactions in Genome-wide Case-Control Studies, American journal of human genetics (Online) AJHG , 87(3), 2010, pp. 325-340

Authors: Shaheen, Ranad Faqeih, Eissa Sunker, Asma Morsy, Heba Alkuraya, Fowzan S.
Citation: Shaheen, Ranad et al., Recessive Mutations in DOCK6, Encoding the Guanidine Nucleotide Exchange Factor DOCK6, Lead to Abnormal Actin Cytoskeleton Organization and Adams-Oliver Syndrome, American journal of human genetics (Online) AJHG , 89(2), 2011, pp. 328-333

Authors: Stuiver, Marchel Lainez, Sergio Will, Constanze Terryn, Sara Müller, Dominik
Citation: Stuiver, Marchel et al., CNNM2, Encoding a Basolateral Protein Required for Renal Mg2+ Handling, Is Mutated in Dominant Hypomagnesemia, American journal of human genetics (Online) AJHG , 88(3), 2011, pp. 333-343

Authors: Larsson, Mats Duffy, David L. Zhu, Gu Liu, Jimmy Z.
Citation: Larsson, Mats et al., GWAS Findings for Human Iris Patterns: Associations with Variants in Genes that Influence Normal Neuronal Pattern Development, American journal of human genetics (Online) AJHG , 89(2), 2011, pp. 334-343

Authors: Ballantyne, Kaye N. Goedbloed, Miriam Fang, Rixun Schaap, Onno Kayser, Manfred
Citation: N. Ballantyne, Kaye et al., Mutability of Y-Chromosomal Microsatellites: Rates, Characteristics, Molecular Bases, and Forensic Implications, American journal of human genetics (Online) AJHG , 87(3), 2010, pp. 341-353

Authors: Koscinski, Isabelle ElInati, Elias Fossard, Camille Redin, Claire Viville, Stéphane
Citation: Koscinski, Isabelle et al., DPY19L2 Deletion as a Major Cause of Globozoospermia, American journal of human genetics (Online) AJHG , 88(3), 2011, pp. 344-350

Authors: Williamson, Robin E.
Citation: E. Williamson, Robin, This Month in The Journal, American journal of human genetics (Online) AJHG , 89(3), 2011, pp. 349-350

Authors: Harbuz, Radu Zouari, Raoudha Pierre, Virginie Khelifa, Mariem Ben Ray, Pierre F.
Citation: Harbuz, Radu et al., A Recurrent Deletion of DPY19L2 Causes Infertility in Man by Blocking Sperm Head Elongation and Acrosome Formation, American journal of human genetics (Online) AJHG , 88(3), 2011, pp. 351-361

Authors: Garber, Kathryn B.
Citation: B. Garber, Kathryn, This Month in Genetics, American journal of human genetics (Online) AJHG , 89(3), 2011, pp. 351-353

Authors: Lin, Dan-Yu Tang, Zheng-Zheng
Citation: Lin, Dan-yu et Tang, Zheng-zheng, A General Framework for Detecting Disease Associations with Rare Variants in Sequencing Studies, American journal of human genetics (Online) AJHG , 89(3), 2011, pp. 354-367

Authors: O'Driscoll, Mary C. Daly, Sarah B. Urquhart, Jill E. Black, Graeme C.M. Crow, Yanick J.
Citation: C. O'Driscoll, Mary et al., Recessive Mutations in the Gene Encoding the Tight Junction Protein Occludin Cause Band-like Calcification with Simplified Gyration and Polymicrogyria, American journal of human genetics (Online) AJHG , 87(3), 2010, pp. 354-364

Authors: Becker, Jutta Semler, Oliver Gilissen, Christian Li, Yun Netzer, Christian
Citation: Becker, Jutta et al., Exome Sequencing Identifies Truncating Mutations in Human SERPINF1 in Autosomal-Recessive Osteogenesis Imperfecta, American journal of human genetics (Online) AJHG , 88(3), 2011, pp. 362-371
Results: << | 101-125 | 126-150 | 151-175 | 176-200 | >>