string(211) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_issn='17223954' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 50 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-67    

Articles table of contents

Results : 51-67/67

Authors: Federico Maria Sardelli
Citation: Federico Maria Sardelli, Il flauto nell'Italia del primo Settecento, con cenni particolari a Vivaldi e Venezia, Ad Parnassum (Testo stampato) , 2(3), 2004, pp. 104-152

Authors: Peter Niedermüller
Citation: Peter Niedermüller, Soziale und ästhetische Implikationem öffentlichen Konzertlebens in Wein zu beginn des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts, Ad Parnassum (Testo stampato) , I(1), 2003, pp. 109-132

Authors: Ryszard Daniel Golianek
Citation: Ryszard Daniel Golianek, Three previously unknown musical pieces by Juliusz Zarebski, Ad Parnassum (Testo stampato) , II(1), 2003, pp. 111-120

Authors: Keith Chapin
Citation: Keith Chapin, Classicist Terms of Sublimity : Christian Friedrich Michaelis, Fugue, and Fantasy, Ad Parnassum (Testo stampato) , 4(8), 2006, pp. 115-139

Authors: Benedict Taylor
Citation: Benedict Taylor, Beyond Good and Programmatic : Mendelssohn's "Reformation" Symphony, Ad Parnassum (Testo stampato) , 7(14), 2009, pp. 115-127

Authors: Abigail Chantler
Citation: Abigail Chantler, The Classical period : a musicologicl misnomer, Ad Parnassum (Testo stampato) , II(1), 2003, pp. 121-142

Authors: Nancy November
Citation: Nancy November, Off-String Bowing in Beethoven : re-examining the Evidence, Ad Parnassum (Testo stampato) , 7(14), 2009, pp. 129-153

Authors: Dillon R. Parmer Nicole Grimes
Citation: Dillon R. Parmer et Nicole Grimes, "Come, Rise to Higher Spheres!" : tradition Trascended in Brahms's Violin Sonata No. 1 in G Major, Op. 78, Ad Parnassum (Testo stampato) , 7(13), 2009, pp. 129-152

Authors: Bella Brover-Lubovsky
Citation: Bella Brover-lubovsky, When the dominant doesn't dominate : tonal structure in Vivaldi's concertos, Ad Parnassum (Testo stampato) , 2(4), 2004, pp. 131-151

Authors: Derek Carew
Citation: Derek Carew, Hummel's Op. 81 : a paradigm for Brahms' Op. 2?, Ad Parnassum (Testo stampato) , 3(6), 2005, pp. 133-156

Authors: Paul Cienniwa
Citation: Paul Cienniwa, Unexpected examples of sonata form : Claude-Benigne Balbastre's 1759 Pieces de clavecin, premier livre, Ad Parnassum (Testo stampato) , I(1), 2003, pp. 133-146

Authors: Hugh Macdonald
Citation: Hugh Macdonald, A Wrong Note in Puccini's Crisantemi, Ad Parnassum (Testo stampato) , 6(12), 2008, pp. 145-146

Authors: Federico Celestini
Citation: Federico Celestini, Das blicklose Auge der klassichen Kunst : ein beitrag zur Klassik-Diskussion, Ad Parnassum (Testo stampato) , I(1), 2003, pp. 147-160

Authors: Elio Matassi
Citation: Elio Matassi, The Adaemonic/Daemonic spirit of music : E. T. A Hoffmann's review of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony and the apology of instrumental music in W. H Wackenroder, Ad Parnassum (Testo stampato) , 2(3), 2004, pp. 153-162

Authors: Michael Walter
Citation: Michael Walter, Analyse und Wahrnehmungsperspektive am Beispiel von Mozart's Violinkonzert KV 218, Ad Parnassum (Testo stampato) , 2(4), 2004, pp. 153-179

Authors: Grahm Pont
Citation: Grahm Pont, "Viva il caro sassone" : Handel's Conquest of Italy at the Keyboard, Ad Parnassum (Testo stampato) , 7(14), 2009, pp. 155-204

Authors: Rudolf Rasch
Citation: Rudolf Rasch, Pietro Antonio Locatelli and his Opera omnia, Ad Parnassum (Testo stampato) , 2(3), 2004, pp. 163-171
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-67