string(209) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ICR' AND fasc_issn='00142921' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | >>    

Articles table of contents

Results : 1-25/111

Authors: Francesco Giavazzi
Citation: Francesco Giavazzi, Introduction, European economic review, 36(2-3), 1992, pp. 207

Authors: Assar Lindbeck
Citation: Assar Lindbeck, Macroeconomic theory and the labor market, European economic review, 36(2-3), 1992, pp. 209

Authors: Elhanan Helpman
Citation: Elhanan Helpman, Endogenous macroeconomic growth theory, European economic review, 36(2-3), 1992, pp. 237

Authors: Joseph E. Stiglitz
Citation: Joseph E. Stiglitz, Capital markets and economic fluctuations in capitalist economies, European economic review, 36(2-3), 1992, pp. 269

Authors: Mario Draghi
Citation: Mario Draghi, Economists as policymakers: A round-table discussion - Introduction, European economic review, 36(2-3), 1992, pp. 307

Authors: Michael Bruno
Citation: Michael Bruno, From sharp stabilization to growth: On the political economy of Israel's transition, European economic review, 36(2-3), 1992, pp. 310

Authors: Pedro Aspe
Citation: Pedro Aspe, Macroeconomic stabilization and structural change in Mexico, European economic review, 36(2-3), 1992, pp. 320

Authors: Dani Rodrik
Citation: Dani Rodrik, Political economy and development policy, European economic review, 36(2-3), 1992, pp. 329

Authors: Alberto Alesina Guido Tabellini
Citation: Alberto Alesina et Guido Tabellini, Positive and normative theories of public debt and inflation in historical perspective, European economic review, 36(2-3), 1992, pp. 337

Authors: Jean-Jacques Laffont Jean Tirole
Citation: Jean-Jacques Laffont et Jean Tirole, Should governments commit?, European economic review, 36(2-3), 1992, pp. 345

Authors: Pierre-André Chiappori Francois Bourguignon
Citation: Pierre-André Chiappori et Francois Bourguignon, Collective models of household behavior: An introduction, European economic review, 36(2-3), 1992, pp. 355

Authors: Arie Kapteyn Peter Kooreman
Citation: Arie Kapteyn et Peter Kooreman, Household labor supply: What kind of data can tell us how many decision makers there are?, European economic review, 36(2-3), 1992, pp. 365

Authors: Lawrence Haddad Ravi Kanbur
Citation: Lawrence Haddad et Ravi Kanbur, Intrahousehold inequality and the theory of targeting, European economic review, 36(2-3), 1992, pp. 372

Authors: Carlo Carraro Domenico Siniscalco
Citation: Carlo Carraro et Domenico Siniscalco, The international dimension of environmental policy, European economic review, 36(2-3), 1992, pp. 379

Authors: Parkash Chander Henry Tulkens
Citation: Parkash Chander et Henry Tulkens, Theoretical foundations of negotiations and cost sharing in transfrontier pollution problems, European economic review, 36(2-3), 1992, pp. 388

Authors: Michael Hoel
Citation: Michael Hoel, Carbon taxes: An international tax or harmonized domestic taxes?, European economic review, 36(2-3), 1992, pp. 400

Authors: Vittorio Corbo
Citation: Vittorio Corbo, Economic transformation in Latin America: Lessons for Eastern Europe, European economic review, 36(2-3), 1992, pp. 407

Authors: José De Gregorio
Citation: José De Gregorio, The effects of inflation on economic growth: Lessons from Latin America, European economic review, 36(2-3), 1992, pp. 417

Authors: Sweder van Wijnbergen
Citation: Sweder van Wijnbergen, Shortages and price decontrol, European economic review, 36(2-3), 1992, pp. 426

Authors: Alberto Giovannini
Citation: Alberto Giovannini, Currency reform as the last stage of economic and monetary union: Some policy questions, European economic review, 36(2-3), 1992, pp. 433

Authors: Paul De Grauwe
Citation: Paul De Grauwe, German monetary unification, European economic review, 36(2-3), 1992, pp. 445

Authors: Eduard J. Bomhoff
Citation: Eduard J. Bomhoff, Monetary reform in Eastern Europe, European economic review, 36(2-3), 1992, pp. 454

Authors: Isabel H. Correia Joao L. Neves Sergio Rebelo
Citation: Isabel H. Correia et al., Business cycles from 1850 to 1950: New facts about old data, European economic review, 36(2-3), 1992, pp. 459

Authors: Jean Pierre Danthine John B. Donaldson
Citation: Jean Pierre Danthine et John B. Donaldson, Risk sharing in the business cycle, European economic review, 36(2-3), 1992, pp. 468

Authors: Finn E. Kydland
Citation: Finn E. Kydland, On the econometrics of world business cycles, European economic review, 36(2-3), 1992, pp. 476
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | >>