string(209) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ICR' AND fasc_issn='0017257X' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-44    

Articles table of contents

Results : 1-25/44

Authors: Ghita Ionescu
Citation: Ghita Ionescu, Reading Notes, Winter 1993: Her Majesty the Queen - The Deeper Meanings of Mr Major's Secon, Government and opposition, 28(01), 1993, pp. 3

Authors: David Henderson
Citation: David Henderson, International Economic Cooperation Revisited, Government and opposition, 28(01), 1993, pp. 11

Authors: Dennis Austin Peter Lyon
Citation: Dennis Austin et Peter Lyon, The Bharatiya Janata Party of India, Government and opposition, 28(01), 1993, pp. 36

Authors: Pippa Norris
Citation: Pippa Norris, The 1992 US Elections, Government and opposition, 28(01), 1993, pp. 51

Authors: Benjamin R. Barber
Citation: Benjamin R. Barber, Letter from America via Paris, Government and opposition, 28(01), 1993, pp. 69

Authors: François Dreyfus
Citation: François Dreyfus, Letter from France after the Referendum o, Government and opposition, 28(01), 1993, pp. 82

Authors: András Körösényi
Citation: András Körösényi, Stable or Fragile Democracy? Political Cleavages and Party System in Hungary, Government and opposition, 28(01), 1993, pp. 87

Authors: Francesco Sidoti
Citation: Francesco Sidoti, Italy: A Clean-up after the Cold War, Government and opposition, 28(01), 1993, pp. 105

Authors: Samuel H. Beer
Citation: Samuel H. Beer, Karl Deutsch: A Memoir, Government and opposition, 28(01), 1993, pp. 115

Authors: John Madeley
Citation: John Madeley, Death and Taxes: The Waning of Swedish Social Democracy, Government and opposition, 28(01), 1993, pp. 118

Authors: Egon A. Klepsch
Citation: Egon A. Klepsch, The Democratic Dimension of European Integration, Government and opposition, 27(04), 1992, pp. 407

Authors: John Pinder
Citation: John Pinder, The Future of the European Community: A Strategy for Enlargement, Government and opposition, 27(04), 1992, pp. 414

Authors: Hugh Roberts
Citation: Hugh Roberts, The Algerian State and the Challenge of Democracy, Government and opposition, 27(04), 1992, pp. 433

Authors: George Philip
Citation: George Philip, Venezuelan Democracy and the Coup Attempt of February 1992, Government and opposition, 27(04), 1992, pp. 455

Authors: Tom Gallagher
Citation: Tom Gallagher, Rome at Bay: The Challenge of the Northern League to the Italian State, Government and opposition, 27(04), 1992, pp. 470

Authors: Andrew Massey
Citation: Andrew Massey, Managing Change: Politicians and Experts in the Age of Privatization, Government and opposition, 27(04), 1992, pp. 486

Authors: Ghita Ionescu
Citation: Ghita Ionescu, Reading Notes, Autumn 1992, Government and opposition, 27(04), 1992, pp. 502

Authors: Roger Morgan
Citation: Roger Morgan, The Rise and Decline of the Fifth French Republic, Government and opposition, 27(04), 1992, pp. 511

Authors: A.D. Crockett
Citation: A.D. Crockett, The International Monetary Fund in the 1990s, Government and opposition, 27(03), 1992, pp. 267

Authors: Vernon Bogdanor
Citation: Vernon Bogdanor, The 1992 General Election and the British Party System, Government and opposition, 27(03), 1992, pp. 283

Authors: Dan Keohane
Citation: Dan Keohane, The Approach of British Political Parties to a Defence Role for the European Community, Government and opposition, 27(03), 1992, pp. 299

Authors: Ghita Ionescu
Citation: Ghita Ionescu, The Deeper Meanings of Mr Major's Victory, Government and opposition, 27(03), 1992, pp. 311

Authors: Lars Svasand Ulf Lindström
Citation: Lars Svasand et Ulf Lindström, Sliding Towards EC Membership: Norway in Scandinavian Perspective, Government and opposition, 27(03), 1992, pp. 330

Authors: Gabriel A. Almond Scott C. Flanagan Robert J.Mundt
Citation: Gabriel A. Almond et al., Crisis, Choice, and Change' in Retrospect, Government and opposition, 27(03), 1992, pp. 345

Authors: J.B. Kelly
Citation: J.B. Kelly, Arabian Frontiers and Anglo-American Relations, Government and opposition, 27(03), 1992, pp. 368
Results: 1-25 | 26-44