string(209) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ICR' AND fasc_issn='00335533' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-56    

Articles table of contents

Results : 1-25/56

Authors: Gary S. Becker Kevin M. Murphy
Citation: Gary S. Becker et Kevin M. Murphy, The Division of Labor, Coordination Costs, and Knowledge, The Quarterly journal of economics, (431), 1992, pp. 1137

Authors: .Andrew M. Warner
Citation: .Andrew M. Warner, Did the Debt Crisis Cause the Investment Crisis?, The Quarterly journal of economics, (431), 1992, pp. 1161

Authors: Arline T. Geronimus Sanders Korenman
Citation: Arline T. Geronimus et Sanders Korenman, The Socioeconomic Consequences of Teen Childbearing Reconsidered, The Quarterly journal of economics, (431), 1992, pp. 1187

Authors: .Laurence J. Kotlikoff Jagadeesh Gokhale
Citation: .Laurence J. Kotlikoff et Jagadeesh Gokhale, Estimating a Firm's Age-Productivity Profile Using the Present Value of Workers' Earnings., The Quarterly journal of economics, (431), 1992, pp. 1215

Authors: Gilles Saint-Paul
Citation: Gilles Saint-Paul, Fiscal Policy in an Endogenous Growth Model, The Quarterly journal of economics, (431), 1992, pp. 1243

Authors: James Peery Cover
Citation: James Peery Cover, Asymmetric Effects of Positive and Negative Money Supply Shocks, The Quarterly journal of economics, (431), 1992, pp. 1261

Authors: .Robert J. Waldmann
Citation: .Robert J. Waldmann, Income Distribution and Infant Mortality, The Quarterly journal of economics, (431), 1992, pp. 1283

Authors: H. Nejat Seyhun
Citation: H. Nejat Seyhun, Why Does Aggregate Insider Trading Predict Future StockReturns?, The Quarterly journal of economics, (431), 1992, pp. 1303

Authors: Gikas A. Hardouvelis Stavros Peristiani
Citation: Gikas A. Hardouvelis et Stavros Peristiani, Margin Requirements, Speculative Trading, and StockPrice Fluctuations: The Case of Japan., The Quarterly journal of economics, (431), 1992, pp. 1333

Authors: Christopher A. Pissarides
Citation: Christopher A. Pissarides, Loss of Skill During Unemployment and the Persistence of Employment Shocks, The Quarterly journal of economics, (431), 1992, pp. 1371

Authors: John Bound Timothy Waidmann
Citation: John Bound et Timothy Waidmann, DisabilityTransfers, Self-Reported Health, and the Labor Force Attachment of Older Men: Evidence from the Historical Record, The Quarterly journal of economics, (431), 1992, pp. 1393

Authors: McKinley Blackburn David Neumark
Citation: McKinley Blackburn et David Neumark, Unobserved Ability, Efficiency Wages, and Interindustry Wage Differentials, The Quarterly journal of economics, (431), 1992, pp. 1421

Authors: David M. Garman Daniel J. Richards
Citation: David M. Garman et Daniel J. Richards, Wage-Price Flexibility, Market Power, and the Cyclical Behavior of Real Wages, 1959-1980, The Quarterly journal of economics, (431), 1992, pp. 1437

Authors: Christopher J. Waller David D. VanHoose
Citation: Christopher J. Waller et David D. VanHoose, Discretionary Monetary Policy and Socially Efficient Wage Indexation, The Quarterly journal of economics, (431), 1992, pp. 1451

Authors: Marc Dudey
Citation: Marc Dudey, Dynamic Edgeworth-Bertrand Competition, The Quarterly journal of economics, (431), 1992, pp. 1461

Authors: Abhijit V. Banerjee
Citation: Abhijit V. Banerjee, A Simple Model of Herd Behavior, The Quarterly journal of economics, (430), 1992, pp. 797

Authors: Steven J. Davis John Haltiwanger
Citation: Steven J. Davis et John Haltiwanger, Gross Job Destruction, and Employment Reallocation, The Quarterly journal of economics, (430), 1992, pp. 819

Authors: Vesna Prasnikar Alvin E. Roth
Citation: Vesna Prasnikar et Alvin E. Roth, Considerations of Fairness and Strategy: Experimental Data from Sequential Games, The Quarterly journal of economics, (430), 1992, pp. 865

Authors: Kevin M. Murphy Andrei Shleifer Robert W. Vishny
Citation: Kevin M. Murphy et al., TheTransition to a Market Economy: Pitfalls of Partial Reform, The Quarterly journal of economics, (430), 1992, pp. 889

Authors: Maxim Boycko
Citation: Maxim Boycko, When Higher Incomes Reduce Welfare: Queues, Labor Supply, and Macro Equilibrium in Socialist Economies, The Quarterly journal of economics, (430), 1992, pp. 907

Authors: Roland Benabou Guy Laroque
Citation: Roland Benabou et Guy Laroque, Using Privileged Information to Manipulate Markets: Insiders, Gurus, and Credibility, The Quarterly journal of economics, (430), 1992, pp. 921

Authors: David N. Laband John P. Sophocleus
Citation: David N. Laband et John P. Sophocleus, An Estimate of Resource Expenditures on Transfer Activity in the United States, The Quarterly journal of economics, (430), 1992, pp. 959

Authors: Louis N. Christofides Andrew J. Oswald
Citation: Louis N. Christofides et Andrew J. Oswald, Real Wage Determination and Rent-Sharing in Collective Bargaining Agreements, The Quarterly journal of economics, (430), 1992, pp. 985

Authors: Edmund S. Phelps
Citation: Edmund S. Phelps, Consumer Demand and Equilibrium Unemployment in a Working Model of the Customer-Market Incentive-Wage Economy, The Quarterly journal of economics, (430), 1992, pp. 1003

Authors: Mitchell A. Petersen
Citation: Mitchell A. Petersen, Pension Reversions and Worker-Stockholder Wealth Transfers, The Quarterly journal of economics, (430), 1992, pp. 1033
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-56