string(209) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ICR' AND fasc_issn='00346535' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-97    

Articles table of contents

Results : 1-25/97

Authors: Kerry D. Patterson Bahram Pesaran
Citation: Kerry D. Patterson et Bahram Pesaran, The Intertemporal Elasticity of Substitution in Consumption in the United States and the United Kingdom, Review of economics and statistics, LXXI(04), 1992, pp. 573

Authors: Daniel T. Slesnick
Citation: Daniel T. Slesnick, Aggregate Consumption and Saving in the Postwar United States Survey Expectations in the Times Series Consumption Function, Review of economics and statistics, LXXI(04), 1992, pp. 585

Authors: Roy Batchelor Pami Dua
Citation: Roy Batchelor et Pami Dua, Survey Expectations in the Times Series Consumption Function, Review of economics and statistics, LXXI(04), 1992, pp. 598

Authors: Albert Jaeger
Citation: Albert Jaeger, Does Consumption Take a Random Walk? Some Evidence from MacroeconomicForecasting Data, Review of economics and statistics, LXXI(04), 1992, pp. 607

Authors: Robert Moffitt Barbara Wolfe
Citation: Robert Moffitt et Barbara Wolfe, The Effect of the Medicaid Program on Welfare Participation and LaborSupply, Review of economics and statistics, LXXI(04), 1992, pp. 615

Authors: Gary M. Fournier Jean M. Mitchell
Citation: Gary M. Fournier et Jean M. Mitchell, Hospital Costs and Competitionfor Services: A Multiproduct Analysis, Review of economics and statistics, LXXI(04), 1992, pp. 627

Authors: Mark C. Berger Dan A. Black
Citation: Mark C. Berger et Dan A. Black, Child Care Subsidies, Quality of Care, and the Labor Supply of Low Income, Single Mothers, Review of economics and statistics, LXXI(04), 1992, pp. 635

Authors: Stephen D. Oliner Glenn D. Rudebusch
Citation: Stephen D. Oliner et Glenn D. Rudebusch, Sources of the Financing Hierarchy for Business Investment, Review of economics and statistics, LXXI(04), 1992, pp. 643

Authors: William E. Jackson III
Citation: William E. Jackson III, Is the Market Well Defined in Bank Merger and Acquisition Analysis?, Review of economics and statistics, LXXI(04), 1992, pp. 655

Authors: Charles F. Mason Owen R. Phillips Clifford Nowell
Citation: Charles F. Mason et al., Duopoly Behavior in Asymmetric Markets: An Experimental Evaluation, Review of economics and statistics, LXXI(04), 1992, pp. 662

Authors: Michael Salinger
Citation: Michael Salinger, Value Event Studies, Review of economics and statistics, LXXI(04), 1992, pp. 671

Authors: Dalia Marin
Citation: Dalia Marin, Is the Export-Led Growth Hypothesis Valid for Industrialized Countries?, Review of economics and statistics, LXXI(04), 1992, pp. 678

Authors: Michael J. Ferrantino
Citation: Michael J. Ferrantino, Technology Expenditures, Factor Intensity, and Efficiency in Indian Manufacturing, Review of economics and statistics, LXXI(04), 1992, pp. 689

Authors: Shantayanan Devarajan Chalongphob Sussangkarn
Citation: Shantayanan Devarajan et Chalongphob Sussangkarn, Effective Rates of Protection When Domestic and Foreign Goods Are Imperfect Substitutes: The Case of Thailand, Review of economics and statistics, LXXI(04), 1992, pp. 701

Authors: Paul Swaim Michael Podgursky
Citation: Paul Swaim et Michael Podgursky, The Distributional Shape of Unemployment Duration: A Reconsideration, Review of economics and statistics, LXXI(04), 1992, pp. 712

Authors: John T. Addison Pedro Portugal
Citation: John T. Addison et Pedro Portugal, The Distributional Shape of Unemployment Duration: A Reply, Review of economics and statistics, LXXI(04), 1992, pp. 717

Authors: Byron G. Spencer
Citation: Byron G. Spencer, Labor Supply and Investment in Child Quality: A Study of Jewish and Non-Jewish Women: A Comment, Review of economics and statistics, LXXI(04), 1992, pp. 721

Authors: Barry R. Chiswick
Citation: Barry R. Chiswick, Labor Supply and Investment in Child Quality: A Study of Jewish and Non-Jewish Women: A Reply, Review of economics and statistics, LXXI(04), 1992, pp. 726

Authors: Dean Corbae Kian-Guan Lim Sam Ouliaris
Citation: Dean Corbae et al., On Cointegration and Tests of Forward Market Unbiasedness, Review of economics and statistics, LXXI(04), 1992, pp. 728

Authors: Daniel S. Hamermesh
Citation: Daniel S. Hamermesh, A General Model of Dynamic Labor Demand, Review of economics and statistics, LXXI(04), 1992, pp. 733

Authors: Mark A. Thoma
Citation: Mark A. Thoma, The Effects of Inside and Outside Money on Industrial Production Across Spectral Frequency Bands, Review of economics and statistics, LXXI(04), 1992, pp. 737

Authors: Catherine J. Morrison
Citation: Catherine J. Morrison, Unraveling the Productivity Growth Slowdown in the United States, Canada, and Japan: The Effects of Subequilibrium, Scale Economies and Markups, Review of economics and statistics, LXXI(03), 1992, pp. 381

Authors: Thomas P. Frazier Matthew S. Goldberg Thomas R. Gulledge Jr
Citation: Thomas P. Frazier et al., Department of Defense Profit Policy and Capital Investment n the Military Aircraft Industry, Review of economics and statistics, LXXI(03), 1992, pp. 394

Authors: Laura Greene Knapp Terry G. Seaks
Citation: Laura Greene Knapp et Terry G. Seaks, An Analysis of the Probability of Default on Federally Guaranteed Student Loans, Review of economics and statistics, LXXI(03), 1992, pp. 404

Authors: Roger D. Congleton
Citation: Roger D. Congleton, Political Institutions and Pollution Control, Review of economics and statistics, LXXI(03), 1992, pp. 412
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-97