string(209) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ICR' AND fasc_issn='01452134' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-67    

Articles table of contents

Results : 1-25/67

Authors: Ann E. Tobey Gail S. Goodman
Citation: Ann E. Tobey et Gail S. Goodman, Children's eyewitness memory: Effects of participation and forensic context, Child abuse & neglect, 16(06), 1992, pp. 779

Authors: Edith Montgomery Anne Jacobsen Berit Lukman Yvonne Krogh
Citation: Edith Montgomery et al., Children of torture victims: Reactions and coping, Child abuse & neglect, 16(06), 1992, pp. 797

Authors: Patricia G. Tjaden Nancy Thoennes
Citation: Patricia G. Tjaden et Nancy Thoennes, Predictors of legal intervention in child maltreatment cases, Child abuse & neglect, 16(06), 1992, pp. 807

Authors: Heikki Sariola Antti Uutela
Citation: Heikki Sariola et Antti Uutela, The prevalence and context of family violence against children in Finland, Child abuse & neglect, 16(06), 1992, pp. 823

Authors: Linda Provus McElroy
Citation: Linda Provus McElroy, Early indicators of pathological dissociation in sexually abused children, Child abuse & neglect, 16(06), 1992, pp. 833

Authors: David L. Ingram Susanne T. White Pauline R. Lyna Kimberly F. Crews J. E. Schmid V. Denise Everett G. G. Koch
Citation: David L. Ingram et al., Gardnerella vaginalis infection and sexual contact in female children, Child abuse & neglect, 16(06), 1992, pp. 847

Authors: Lynda S. Doll Brad N. Bartholow Janet S. Harrison Gail Bolan John M. Douglas Linda E. Saltzman Patricia M. Moss Wanda Delgado
Citation: Lynda S. Doll et al., Self-reported childhood and adolescent sexual abuse Dan Joy among adult homosexual and bisexual men, Child abuse & neglect, 16(06), 1992, pp. 855

Authors: Sandy K. Wurtele Laura C. Kast Anastasia M. Melzer
Citation: Sandy K. Wurtele et al., Sexual abuse prevention education for young children: A comparison ofteachers and parents as instructors, Child abuse & neglect, 16(06), 1992, pp. 865

Authors: Mark I. Singer David Hussey Kimberly J. Strom
Citation: Mark I. Singer et al., Grooming the victim: An analysis of a perpetrator's seduction letter, Child abuse & neglect, 16(06), 1992, pp. 877

Authors: Uma A. Segal
Citation: Uma A. Segal, Child abuse in India: An empirical report on perceptions, Child abuse & neglect, 16(06), 1992, pp. 887

Authors: Gary B. Melton
Citation: Gary B. Melton, It's time for neighborhood research and action, Child abuse & neglect, 16(06), 1992, pp. 909

Authors: Dominique Girodet
Citation: Dominique Girodet, In memoriam: Pierre Straus, Child abuse & neglect, 16(05), 1992, pp. 625

Authors: Eugene E. Sabotta Robert L. Davis
Citation: Eugene E. Sabotta et Robert L. Davis, Fatality after report to a child abuse registry in Washington State, 1973-1986, Child abuse & neglect, 16(05), 1992, pp. 627

Authors: Howard J. Doueck Denise E. Bronson Murray Levine
Citation: Howard J. Doueck et al., Fatality after report to a child abuse registry in Washington State, 1973-1986 protection: Issues for consideration, Child abuse & neglect, 16(05), 1992, pp. 637

Authors: John A. Caliso Joel S. Milner
Citation: John A. Caliso et Joel S. Milner, Childhood history of abuse and child abuse screening, Child abuse & neglect, 16(05), 1992, pp. 647

Authors: Helen R. Winefield Patrick W. Bradley
Citation: Helen R. Winefield et Patrick W. Bradley, Substantiation of reported child abuse or neglect: Predictors and implications, Child abuse & neglect, 16(05), 1992, pp. 661

Authors: Carolyn R. Francis Honore M. Hughes Letitia Hitz
Citation: Carolyn R. Francis et al., Physically abusive parents and the 1 6-PF: A preliminary psychological typology, Child abuse & neglect, 16(05), 1992, pp. 673

Authors: Nolan Rindfleisch Michael Nunno
Citation: Nolan Rindfleisch et Michael Nunno, Progress and issues in the implementation of the 1984 out-of-home care protection amendment, Child abuse & neglect, 16(05), 1992, pp. 693

Authors: Cynthia D. Connelly Murray A. Straus
Citation: Cynthia D. Connelly et Murray A. Straus, Mother's age and risk for physical abuse, Child abuse & neglect, 16(05), 1992, pp. 709

Authors: George M. Realmuto Sibyl Wescoe
Citation: George M. Realmuto et Sibyl Wescoe, Agreement among professionals about a child's sexual abuse status: Interviews with sexually anatomically correct dolls as indicators of abuse, Child abuse & neglect, 16(05), 1992, pp. 719

Authors: Kathleen A. Kendall-Tackett
Citation: Kathleen A. Kendall-Tackett, Professionals' standards of anatomical dolls and factors that influence these standards, Child abuse & neglect, 16(05), 1992, pp. 727

Authors: Leslie Margolin
Citation: Leslie Margolin, Sexual abuse by grandparents, Child abuse & neglect, 16(05), 1992, pp. 735

Authors: Patricia B. Moran John Eckenrode
Citation: Patricia B. Moran et John Eckenrode, Protective personality characteristics among adolescent victims of maltreatment, Child abuse & neglect, 16(05), 1992, pp. 743

Authors: Roberta A. Hibbard Georgia L. Hartman
Citation: Roberta A. Hibbard et Georgia L. Hartman, Behavioral problems in alleged sexual abuse victims, Child abuse & neglect, 16(05), 1992, pp. 755

Authors: Trena L. Pelham Allan R. DeJong
Citation: Trena L. Pelham et Allan R. DeJong, Nationwide practices for screening and reporting prenatal cocaine abuse: A survey of teaching programs, Child abuse & neglect, 16(05), 1992, pp. 763
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-67