string(209) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ICR' AND fasc_issn='03066150' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-9    

Articles table of contents

Results : 9

Authors: Amiya Kumar Bagchi
Citation: Amiya Kumar Bagchi, Land Tax, Property Rights and Peasant Insecurity in Colonial India, Journal of peasant studies, 20(01), 1992, pp. 1

Authors: Peter Gibbon
Citation: Peter Gibbon, A Failed Agenda? African Agriculture Under Structural Adjustment, with Special Reference to Kenya and Ghana, Journal of peasant studies, 20(01), 1992, pp. 50

Authors: Nirmal Kumar Chandra
Citation: Nirmal Kumar Chandra, Bukharin's Alternative to Stalin: Industrialisation Without Forced Collectivisation, Journal of peasant studies, 20(01), 1992, pp. 97

Citation: Chico Mendes - The Defence of Life, Journal of peasant studies, 20(01), 1992, pp. 160

Authors: John Harriss
Citation: John Harriss, Does the `Depressor' Still Work? Agrarian Structure and Development in India: A Review of Evidence and Argument, Journal of peasant studies, 19(02), 1992, pp. 189

Authors: Tanya Korovkin
Citation: Tanya Korovkin, Peasants, Grapes and Corporations: The Growth of Contract Farming in a Chilean Community, Journal of peasant studies, 19(02), 1992, pp. 228

Authors: Vasant Kaiwar
Citation: Vasant Kaiwar, Property Structures, Demography and the Crisis of the Agrarian Economy of Colonial Bombay Presidency, Journal of peasant studies, 19(02), 1992, pp. 255

Authors: Michiel Baud
Citation: Michiel Baud, Sugar and Unfree Labour: Reflections on Labour Control in the Dominican Republic, 1870-1935, Journal of peasant studies, 19(02), 1992, pp. 301

Authors: John Overton
Citation: John Overton, The Limits to Accumulation: Changing Land Tenure in Fiji, Journal of peasant studies, 19(02), 1992, pp. 326
Results: 1-9