string(209) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ICR' AND fasc_issn='03784266' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-64    

Articles table of contents

Results : 1-25/64

Authors: E. Brewer III G.D. Koppenhaver
Citation: E. Brewer III et G.D. Koppenhaver, The impact of standby letters of credit on bank risk: A note, Journal of banking & finance, 16(06), 1992, pp. 1037

Authors: D.J. Lasser
Citation: D.J. Lasser, The effect of contemporaneous reserve accounting on the market for Federal funds, Journal of banking & finance, 16(06), 1992, pp. 1047

Authors: M.B. Slovin S.A. Johnson J.L. Glascock
Citation: M.B. Slovin et al., Firm size and the information content of bank loan announcements, Journal of banking & finance, 16(06), 1992, pp. 1057

Authors: A.H. Chen S.C. Mazumdar
Citation: A.H. Chen et S.C. Mazumdar, An instantaneous control model of bank reserves and Federal funds management, Journal of banking & finance, 16(06), 1992, pp. 1073

Authors: S. Sundaram N. Rangan W.N. Davidson III
Citation: S. Sundaram et al., The market valuation effects of the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act of 1989, Journal of banking & finance, 16(06), 1992, pp. 1097

Authors: P.S. Calem J.A. Rizzo
Citation: P.S. Calem et J.A. Rizzo, Banks as information specialists: The case of hospital lending, Journal of banking & finance, 16(06), 1992, pp. 1123

Authors: L.G. Goldberg G.A. Hanweck T.F. Sugrue
Citation: L.G. Goldberg et al., Differential impact on bank valuation of interstate banking law changes, Journal of banking & finance, 16(06), 1992, pp. 1143

Authors: J.E. Hilliard A.L. Tucker
Citation: J.E. Hilliard et A.L. Tucker, A note on weekday, intraday, and overnight patterns in the interbank foreign exchange and listed currency options markets, Journal of banking & finance, 16(06), 1992, pp. 1159

Authors: P. Molyneux J. Thornton
Citation: P. Molyneux et J. Thornton, Determinants of European bank profitability: A note, Journal of banking & finance, 16(06), 1992, pp. 1173

Authors: T.P. Bundt T.F. Cosimano J.A. Halloran
Citation: T.P. Bundt et al., DIDMCA and bank market risk: Theory and evidence, Journal of banking & finance, 16(06), 1992, pp. 1179

Authors: J. Madura A.L. Tucker E. Zarruk
Citation: J. Madura et al., Reaction of bank share prices to the Third-World Debt Reduction Plan, Journal of banking & finance, 16(05), 1992, pp. 853

Authors: E.J . Elton M.J. Gruber
Citation: E.J . Elton et M.J. Gruber, Optimal investment strategies with investor liabilities, Journal of banking & finance, 16(05), 1992, pp. 869

Authors: P.A. Spindt R.W. Stolz
Citation: P.A. Spindt et R.W. Stolz, Are US Treasury bills underpriced in the primary market?, Journal of banking & finance, 16(05), 1992, pp. 891

Authors: D. Besanko A.V. Thakor
Citation: D. Besanko et A.V. Thakor, Banking deregulation: Allocational consequences of relaxing entry barriers, Journal of banking & finance, 16(05), 1992, pp. 909

Authors: E. Elyasiani S. Mehdian
Citation: E. Elyasiani et S. Mehdian, Productive efficiency performance of minority and nonminority-owned banks: A nonparametric approach, Journal of banking & finance, 16(05), 1992, pp. 933

Authors: V. Errunza E. Losq P. Padmanabhan
Citation: V. Errunza et al., Tests of integration, mild segmentation and segmentation hypotheses, Journal of banking & finance, 16(05), 1992, pp. 949

Authors: K.L. Gupta
Citation: K.L. Gupta, Interest rates, income taxes and anticipated inflation: Some new evidence, Journal of banking & finance, 16(05), 1992, pp. 973

Authors: J.J. Choi E. Elyasiani K.J. Kopecky
Citation: J.J. Choi et al., The sensitivity of bank stock returns to market, interest and exchange rate risks, Journal of banking & finance, 16(05), 1992, pp. 983

Authors: A. Steinherr J. Girard
Citation: A. Steinherr et J. Girard, Derivation of theoretical Ecu yields, Journal of banking & finance, 16(05), 1992, pp. 1005

Authors: A. Black P. Fraser D. Power
Citation: A. Black et al., UK unit trust performance l980-l989: A passive time-varying approach, Journal of banking & finance, 16(05), 1992, pp. 1015

Authors: R.S. Billingsley R.E. Lamy
Citation: R.S. Billingsley et R.E. Lamy, Regional reciprocal interstate banking: The Supreme Court and the resolution of uncertainty, Journal of banking & finance, 16(04), 1992, pp. 665

Authors: R.J. Kish M. Livingston
Citation: R.J. Kish et M. Livingston, Determinants of the call option on corporate bonds, Journal of banking & finance, 16(04), 1992, pp. 687

Authors: G.O. Bierwag C.J. Corrado G.G. Kaufman
Citation: G.O. Bierwag et al., Durations for portfolios of bonds priced on different term structures, Journal of banking & finance, 16(04), 1992, pp. 705

Authors: J.-C. Duan A.F. Moreau C.W. Sealey
Citation: J.-C. Duan et al., Fixed-rate deposit insurance and risk-shifting behavior at commercialbanks, Journal of banking & finance, 16(04), 1992, pp. 715

Authors: S.E. Hein J. Mercado-Mendez
Citation: S.E. Hein et J. Mercado-Mendez, The credit view, financial announcements and interest rate responses, Journal of banking & finance, 16(04), 1992, pp. 743
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-64