Linked titles to: *Acta oecologica (Montrouge)

Other physical media: *Acta oecologica (Amsterdam. Online)
ISSN: 1873-6238
ISSN-L: 1146609X
Cumulative holding: 1995-

Formed by the union of: *Acta oecologica. Oecologia applicata
ISSN: 0243-7678
ISSN-L: 02437678
Cumulative holding: 1980-1989.

Formed by the union of: *Acta oecologica. Oecologia generalis
Corp./Body Author: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique [Francia];Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique [Francia];Office de la Recherche Scientifique des Territoires d'Outre- Mer [Francia]
ISSN: 0243-766X
ISSN-L: 0243766X
Cumulative holding: 1980-1989.

Formed by the union of: *Acta oecologica. Oecologia plantarum
ISSN: 0243-7651
ISSN-L: 02437651
Cumulative holding: 1980-1989.