Results: 1-9    


*British journal of social work

British Association of Social Workers
British Association of Social Workers

Strada Maggiore 45 40125 Bologna , tel. 0512092884 (prestito-distribuzione) , fax. 051238004
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Holdings: 1988- Issues received
Lacunae: 2004;2014;2019;2020;
Last update holding 2023

Piazza Università 1 39100 Bolzano , tel. 0471 012 300 , fax. 0471 012 309
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Holdings: 1971-1993;2000-2020;
Call number: DA 2364
Last update holding 2023

Via L.B. Alberti, 4 (1° piano) 16132 Genova , tel. 010 3538613 , fax. 010 3538966
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Holdings: 1971-1973;
Notes: Fondi: Sez. DINOGMI - Neurologia - Solo consultazione
Last update holding 2022

Via Saffi, 42 61029 Urbino , tel. 0722/305575
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Holdings: 2002-2018;
Call number: Soc.Riv.3.6b
Last update holding 2023

Largo Francesco Vito, 1 00168 Roma , tel. (06) 30154264 - 30155821 , fax. (06)30155849
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Holdings: 1972-1980;
Call number: W1.B83
Last update holding 2023

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Holdings: 2003;
Call number: Per 371
Last update holding 2021

Biblioteca della Facoltà di Medicina e psicologia Ernesto Valentini. Sede servizio sociale dell'Università "Sapienza"
Materiale momentaneamente non disponibile, causa trasloco.
Holdings: 1971-2004;
Lacunae: 1984;1993;2002-2004;
Call number: US-Per. 454
Notes: Lacune:1984 n.2;1993 n. 5;2002 n.8;2003 n.1, 7;2004 n.2-8;
Last update holding 2019

Via P.A. Mattioli, 10 53100 Siena , tel. 0577 235804/0577 233790 , fax. 0577233857
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Holdings: 1974;1992-2011;
Lacunae: 1974;1997;2002;2009-2010;
Call number: Per. J 52
Notes: Dettaglio lacune: 2-6(1974); 5(1997); 8(2002); 8(2009); 8(2010);
Last update holding 2023

Via Cavour, 84 15121 Alessandria , tel. 0131283914 , fax. 0131283940
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Holdings: 2004-2009;
Call number: P.PER 121
Last update holding 2023
Results: 1-9